Devil’s Gate

Lisa held Edgar's wrist, as he was about to take his first step, a symbol of two wings appeared on his wrist, and in between those two wings was an outline of a circle and it was glowing red.

He stopped and glanced at his wrist and then looked at Lisa, there was fear in her eyes "Edgar… I… Please don't go in there!" She pleaded.

"I will be fine!" Edgar smiled, he knew she was worried about him "Besides, I am not alone" He convinced her easily and when Edgar turned around he found Ben and Alicia whispering to each other.

Edgar wanted to know the reason because Ben seemed troubled. "What is going on here?"

"Nothing! Can I steal you for a minute?" Ben pulled him by his arm and took him to a corner, meanwhile, Alicia engaged Lisa with herself, she had a spray bottle in her hands.

"I went to a man I know, I made him spy on Brenda, and just a minute ago I received a text from him, he says she has shaken hands with Lunarian, Edgar she has been lying about everything!" He whispered.

"No! How can she do this?" Edgar was traumatized "She hated him!" 

"There must have been a reason and they are working on getting as much information as possible." Ben patted him on his shoulder "This is why I left because I think, Brenda is telling us less than she knows about that hourglass!" 

When they were done talking Alicia rushed at them and sprayed on them.

"What was that for?" Ben glanced at her with confusion.

"This is the scent of archfiend!" Alicia hid the spray bottle back in her jacket.

"Scent? Correction 'Stink!' We call it stink!" Ben covered his nose.

"You want to live? Or what?" Alicia smirked, and they finally started climbing the stairs.

They were only halfway up when strange noises started echoing around them.

Sometimes they sensed a hiss near their ear, other times it felt as if a howl of wind was moving around them, but just sound because there wasn't a hint of wind.

They climbed up into the dark fog and Lisa felt a shadow following her, but as she looked back there was no one.

They climbed stairs until they crossed the thick fog and found themselves standing on the ground with dark sand but because of the red sky, it looked maroon.

There was a burnt smell and a lot of smoke, but they could breathe at least, In the distance they saw dark mountains, there were even hills around them but they were not so big, but big enough for a person with average height to hide.

There were shadows sneaking rapidly, from one hill to another, they were so fast it was hard for them to see whether it was a human or what.

Red sky without a single cloud and no sign of sun was creating the place more haunting, but what was terrifying them the most were the ruins and a black castle with flames burning inside and the chuckles coming out of it.

"Maw of Havoc! I read about it in the books, this is the most sinister place to ever exist in the supernatural world, It is terrifying how there's not a single spark of humanity on these grounds" Alicia gulped a lump stuck in her throat.

"If Alicia is terrified about this place believe me there is nothing more terrifying than this!" Ben added.

"What can you tell us about this place?" Edgar wanted to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

"There are 3 types of witches and 3 types of vampires, Eastwood witches, who hate vampires, Vampires who hate witches, 2nd types are the ones friendly with each other, witches help vampires and vampires helps witches, we are the second type, but the 3rd types are the worst ones, they play with their victims.

They are what they are not because they have no option, but because they enjoy being what they are, they misuse their abilities and do things that are unforgivable or forgettable.

They not only torture human beings, they torture their victims, whether they are human, vampire, or a witch, they do the most hideous sins inside this castle and just pray that we don't cross our path with them!" Alicia was truly afraid of them.

"We just have to be sneaky enough!" Lisa whispered.

"Oh sneaky enough you say? Did you forget the part where there are vampires who have super hearing? And the powerful witches? We can never be sneaky enough Liz! We just need to be quiet and get what we are here for and get out of here before 24 hours!" Alicia responded.

"What happens after 24 hours?" Lisa asked.

"We start smelling like ourselves!" Alicia responded.

"So what? We can spray some more!" Ben said.

"Actually, about that… you didn't mention anything about Devil's Gate... so... I... didn't prepare! This was the last of the spray!" Alicia grinned.

"What?" Everyone else was shocked.

"You have two options, either do what you were here to do or fight me and curse me and waste an hour of the spray!" She grinned again.

She had a point so everyone decided to move forward, after getting closer to the castle Edgar realized the symbol on his wrist was glowing red but this time brighter.

"Danger!" He whispered and pushed himself against the wall and dragged everyone else along with him.

There was a bald man, dragging two women with him, Edgar's hand was sitting on a brick that had a loose rock, it slipped down and caught the bald man's attention.

He turned around and sniffed, they all sneaked back until they reached the corner of the castle. They hid behind the wall and the bald man approached with light steps but a voice of vomit caught his attention.

"Ugh! These humans!" He gritted his teeth and walked back to the women.

They waited for a couple of seconds then Ben noticed something, "There is light coming out from behind that pillar!" He pointed toward a place in the distance.

He was facing the ground covered with white ashes, behind the castle, it was plain and the ashes were still falling from the sky, this was weird but they noticed the sky was all black now maybe this was how it was supposed to look like at night.

After crossing that ground they saw a blurred figure of a house, it was so blurred they couldn't see what it actually was.

But there were low flame torches on the walls and beside them was a wide pillar, they approached it and they realized it was the horn-shaped statue Bianca told them about.

It was a small square-shaped rock and on the top of it was a bronze statue of a horn "It looks more like an award!" Lisa whispered and they stepped behind it, there was a small trap door.

It wasn't locked but Edgar's wrist was telling them, that it didn't need locking.