The Hell’s Pit

Just one pull, this is what that door needed, and it opened as if it was waiting to be opened, a melting heat welcomed them through the narrow stairway, the puffs of smoke and flames around coming out from small cracks in the walls.

Like the famous saying, there was a light at the end of the tunnel for sure, but was this light taking them to the right path? Who knows, they had to follow it anyway, because there was not much of a choice.

The whispers and hissing were getting louder, Edgar could hear Lisa's heartbeat, he held her hand tightly, and in that terrifying situation, a smile appeared on her face and her eyes stuck at his hand.

Finally, the narrow path was over, and they found themselves standing in front of a statue of a 4 headed gargoyle, a fire-breathing statue, it kept turning round but not constantly, it rotated for 5 seconds and then stopped for 5 seconds every time before rotating again and it kept throwing flames without a pause.

Edgar's eyes fell on his wrist it was glowing but this time it was throwing out a silver glow.

"I may have to do it on my own." Edgar had a gut feeling.

Before Lisa could convince him, he stopped her "Lisa, my heart is telling me to do this on my own, please let me do it, if you will stop me I will, but then we might all get in danger!" He said and Lisa didn't say anything.

"Be safe!" She whispered.

It was just a slim bridge and in the middle of it was a statue, around that bridge was a pit so deep there was no hint of light down there, and then there was a doorway in front of him, behind that statue.

He knew there was only one way to cross it, so he ran to the statue and flipped on his hands, landing straight on the top of the statue, it wasn't even so Edgar struggled to maintain his balance and realized the path they saw from the distance was broken.

But the distance wasn't so big, so he walked to the edge of the statue and jumped landing on the edge of the destroyed path but only by his toes, the other half of his feet were out of the edge.

He quickly stepped ahead and managed to regain his balance, Edgar noticed his wrist was glowing red, and there was a pool of boiling water in front of him, the steam clouds could be seen clearly coming out of it, and there were bubbles in it too.

He looked around and there was nothing in that room except for the walls and walls over heights, a single chandelier was hanging above the pool of water.

"I can't keep standing here!" Ben was worried about him, he ran toward the statue to jump the way Edgar did but as soon as he got close a strong wave of shock blew him away and he fell back to where he was standing before.

He realized there was just a wall made of some kind of spell, a wall that couldn't be seen but could give a thousand volts of shock.

"Are you okay?" Alicia asked as both Lisa and her helped him get back up on his feet.

"Are you guys okay?" Edgar rushed back to the doorway as soon as he heard the sound.

"We are fine just do what you were doing!" Ben yelled and breathed deeply.

"Did you find anything?" Lisa asked.

"There's just pool of boiling water!" Edgar responded, not knowing someone was watching him, but as soon as he sensed a presence, he turned around to see a head without a single hair rising from the bubbling hot water, then slowly a skinny, naked body came out of the water.

It was mostly like a human but its loose belly seemed to be made like skin only, and right after its belly were it's legs, it's arms were skinny, it had no neck but shoulders and its head wasn't much higher from its ears, it had a hump, almost as high as its head.

It was muttering something in a crunchy whisper tone and it was muttering it very fast, Edgar realized it was saying what Edgar said "There's just a pool of boiling water." It kept repeating the same sentence over and over again.

"What the hell is that Ed?" Ben yelled, he couldn't see it clear but he knew it wasn't a human.

"What the hell is that Ed!" It started repeating it.

Edgar backed off as it completely got out of the water, it knelt down and held one of the bricks by the wall, it crawled up the wall so fast that it disappeared from in front of his eyes.

Edgar looked up and down he couldn't find it until he heard Ben yelling "Behind you!"

Edgar turned around but that thing had already jumped at him, he collapsed down at the edge of the pool with his head above the pool, he could feel the heat.

As it was about to bite him Edgar smashed a good punch on its face only to have his hand hurt, he somehow managed to escape it and saw a brick fallen out of its place, Edgar jumped to pick it up and found his feet grabbed by that thing again.

It flipped Edgar and started pulling him toward itself, but before it could get him, Edgar clobbered it on its head with the brick and it fell numb.

Edgar pushed himself out from under its heavy body, he stood up and hadn't even taken a deep breath when he saw its skin was crawling.

There appeared 5 bumps on each of its shoulder blades and it moved as if there were bubbles in boiling water, and from those bumps came out 5 fingers from each side tearing their way out of its skin and flesh.

Then when its hump started to get bigger it felt as if something is tearing it apart from the inside and this is what was really happening, a head came out from inside the hump, tearing its way out.

It was squealing but not like an eagle, and what came out was the same thing that Edgar just killed.

"What the hell?" Edgar yelled.

"What the hell! What the hell, what the hell!" It whispered hoarsely as fast as before.

Edgar stepped back closer to the doorway and realized his wrist was glowing silver.

He turned his head back and looked at the gargoyle, there was something glowing in its mouth, it could be seen even through the flames.

When Edgar turned around he saw that creature clawing on the ground, with its hands and feet one by one, it was exhaling from its nose as if it was angry.

It all happened so fast that before Edgar knew it ran to him and jumped at him, it slipped along with him to the edge of the doorway, to the place from where the bridge was broken.

Alicia swished her hand as if she were throwing a frisbee and a plate of light came spinning out from her hand and managed to get through the barrier and took the creature with it away from Edgar throwing that thing in the pool.

Edgar quickly stood up and stepped back, he ran toward the statue and jumped at it, the same way he did before, the creature was also ready to jump at him clawing on the ground just like it did before.

Edgar jumped toward his friends and landed on one of his hands and knees.

Edgar turned around and walked to the statue "What are you doing?" Ben yelled.

"Edgar no!" Lisa yelled knowing he was going to hurt himself.

The creature had already started to run, this was the only time it would run slower when it was about to attack, Edgar was burning as he walked into the fire and punched his hand in the mouth of the gargoyle.

As soon as the creature jumped Edgar pulled his hand out with the artifact in it, the statue stopped throwing out the fire and the big rocks fell all over the creature causing it to fall down into the deep pit.

The barrier also dropped down Edgar fell back squirming, with pain, his hand was burned up to his forearm and his sleeve also caught on fire.

Everyone rushed to him, Ben patted his sleeve to put out the fire and Lisa held his hand, it was healing but very slow.

He forced open his palm and saw a small feather glowing silver.

"All that for a bloody feather?" Ben took the feather away from his hand and stared at it as if it was a living being he might have strangled it.

Edgar laughed and that was a relief for Lisa, still, her cheeks were all soaked up in tears.

Little did they know the voice of all the destruction already reached the people in the Maw of Havoc, where the new horrors awaited them.