Maw of Havoc

Place was still shaking, and they managed to get out of there in time, "You did well in there" Edgar was looking at Alicia while he got out of the cellar.

But before he could look forward a sack was pulled around his head and the next thing he knew was that he woke up in a prison, with one of his hands cuffed to a wall.

The first thing he did was to hit his pocket to find the artifact but it wasn't there, they must have taken it from him, this was his first thought.

It was a small circular bricked room with metal bars on an arched gateway, it had no lock or opening, nothing just plain bars.

This place had enough space for 8 people, there were skeleton parts peeking out from the bricks, a skull was squeezed in the middle of two bricks, and some were hanging by one handcuffed to the wall.

Some of them were hanging by necks with a metal cuff around their necks, while the others were hanging upside down with only one leg cuffed to the wall.

That explains how painful their deaths must have been, Edgar was watching it all with his blurred vision realizing he was beaten while he wasn't in his senses, and the worst part was the fact he wasn't healing.

When his vision cleared a bit he saw a deformed figure of a woman, with half of her body like the monster he had just met in the pit of hell and the other half like a normal woman, she was wearing some kind of torn old rags that seemed to be from 1000 bc or something way older than that.

Half of her face was burnt and she was hanging by her wrist, Edgar was also cuffed to the wall by his wrist but he was closer enough to the ground so he was sitting meanwhile the woman's feet were 2 inches higher than the ground, she wasn't in her senses but she was moaning with pain.

When Edgar looked around he saw Lisa tied to his right and Ben to his left, but they were so far away that Edgar couldn't possibly think of getting to them.

Ben was hanging by his foot cuffed to the wall but his hands were on the ground so Edgar reached out to Ben with his toe and touched his hand which startled him and he woke up.

Lisa was hanging by her wrist so he couldn't touch her so instead Edgar called out to her "Lisa!" but she wouldn't wake up.

"Do you have the feather?" Edgar asked Ben and Ben nodded with disappointment.

"Where is Alicia?" Edgar asked.

"I don't know she was right behind us!" Ben stared at the skeletons.

Then they saw a shadow traveling from in front of the bars of the prison, it was very fast just like the ones they had been seeing everywhere outside the castle.

"Hey! What did you do to the girl?" The shadow stopped moving, it was a cape, a long cape, and inside that cape was nothing else but darkness, it slowly started approaching the bars but a strange sound startled it and it disappeared from in front of their eyes.

Then after a few seconds, it appeared again, traveling from in front of the cell, and then it approached again, this time it had a scythe in its hand.

Its hands were so dark you couldn't see anything but just dark fog around it, making it look blurry "I said what did you do to the girl?" Ben repeated.

"Can't you see it for yourself?" It didn't speak it just communicated through the mind and it was so painful that both Edgar and Ben squinted holding their heads.

"I'm not asking about her!" Ben yelled in pain.

Edgar stopped him from saying anything else "Is there another girl?" The voice again pierced through their brain, making their veins visible around their necks and the area around their eyes.

"Piss off!" Ben yelled.

Ben's words only turned it outrageous, at first it did something that made Lisa squirm and moan with pain in her sleep.

"Let her be or I swear I will chop off your butt… if you have any!" Ben yelled but it somehow made the shadow laugh but it didn't make any difference.

She rubbed her neck and pressed her nails against her neck so hard that they pierced through her flesh.

She grabbed her skin and started pulling it off and it came out along with her flesh, she was pulling it with strange agony as if she was feeling restless and the only way to get rid of this pain was to pull her skin off!

"Please, Stop it!" Edgar pleaded, it was laughing in a creepy tone, and Lisa was crying without waking up.

"You think I don't have it in me? Free me from here and let's have a hand-to-hand combat!" Ben didn't know he was beating a dead horse, everything around that thing was turning dark but the sound of a horn made him leave fast.

Edgar glanced at Lisa, her lips were shaking as if she was in pain but couldn't express it, meanwhile, her eyes were shading tears.

Lisa could hear everything, but she was not in her control, she was put to sleep, a sleep from which she couldn't wake up on her own.

"Lisa!" Edgar called out to her multiple times, but she wasn't waking up.

He broke down into tears, he had no idea how weak he was when it came to her, he felt useless being tied beside her and not being able to comfort her or protect her.

After crying a little while he inhaled and yelled "Lisa!".

"Don't you see she can't wake up?" A voice fell on his ears and caught his attention.

He turned his head toward the bars, there was a man standing in front of the bars, his lips were so dark as if all they had been tasting was blood and flesh.

His eyes big and red full of terror, his uneven teeth managing to play their role along with his sharp fangs, his high cheekbones and jaws sharp and his cheeks sunken.

"You can call me Matt!" He introduced himself.

"Why don't… we don't call you at all?" Ben smirked, knowing he couldn't see him.

Matt laughed "Let me give her a nightmare so she won't get bored at least!" He pinched out his fingers.

"No!!!" Edgar yelled.

Matt laughed and walked away, time spent and they fainted because of the heat of that place but woke up with Lisa's moaning.

"I am so pissed at Bianca right now!" Ben mumbled his head was spinning, he'd been hanging by just one leg all this time.

"I don't know what they've done to her!" Edgar mumbled, his throat was all dried up.

Suddenly it felt as if the cell was shrinking to Edgar while what Ben experienced was completely different.

He was seeing faces, faces of people who seemed familiar but he couldn't remember, they were screaming with pain, and the vision was bloody.

Edgar started hearing Lisa scream while in reality she was quiet maybe her suffering was making her scream inside and those screams were somehow reaching Edgar's ears.

This made him so restless that he started rubbing the ground with his heels, that's when suffocation took over, he started hitting the wall behind with his head.

"Ed, stop! This place is messing with us." Ben yelled and he somehow stopped him.

But his head was bleeding and behind his head the walls also broke and now they realized why there were skulls stuck in middle of the bricks.

"I can't take her screams out of my ears!" He grunted with pain.

"I know, I know! I'm hearing someone scream too, I know it's not Lisa but someone I knew, I don't remember who it was, maybe someone lost in a memory!" Ben thought for a moment when he had this vision too.

"Just don't give in to it! Fight, for her!" He begged.

Lisa couldn't hear them anymore, she was lost in a nightmare, a never ending dark forest, trees with no leaves, ground with no grass, no moon, no sun, no star glimmering in the sky.

"Edgar!" She screamed with pain as she found herself in the middle of a place that she never saw before, she couldn't see her hand in front of her face, only her own feet and a trail getting visible by every step she takes forward, so she had no choice but to follow the trail.

She kept looking down and kept walking until two more feet appeared around her feet, right foot on the right side of her foot, but so close it was touching her skin, and were walking along with her and same goes with the left foot.

Long dirty nails, pale skin, hair on the ankles were half an inch longer, Lisa turned around but the feet moved with her feet.