
Chapter 41: "Red Ring Rumble"

Aiden and Elara had decided to explore the shadier side of Lumina. They were on a mission to find an underground fight club. They wanted the most money and the lest fame out of it. Luckily there were a lot, but not all good.

As they scoured the city, they eventually stumbled upon an inconspicuous alleyway with a flyer taped to a lamppost. The flyer read, "Red Ring Fight Club: Hidden, Illegal, and Absolutely Thrilling!" Aiden and Elara exchanged glances, and their curiosity got the better of them. They tore off the flyer and followed the directions.

Upon reaching the designated location, they were met by a burly bouncer named Pablo. Pablo had an imposing presence but seemed to have a peculiar sense of profoundness.

Pablo: "So, you wanna join the Red Ring, huh? First, let's see if you've got what it takes."

He eyed them up and down and then began his screening with a grin.

Pablo: "Question one: If you were a vegetable, what kind of vegetable would you be, and why?"

Aiden and Elara exchanged puzzled glances but decided to play along.

Aiden: "I'd be a carrot because they're known for their determination, just like me!"

Elara: "I'd be a cucumber because I can stay cool under pressure!"

Pablo nodded as if their answers made perfect sense.

Pablo: "Good, good. Now, question two: If you were to fight a hundred duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck, which would you choose?"

Aiden and Elara couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the question.

Aiden: "I'd go for the one horse-sized duck; at least I'd have a fair chance to use my powers!"

Elara: "I'd choose the hundred duck-sized horses, just to see if I could heal them all afterward!"

Pablo nodded, satisfied with their responses.

Pablo: "Alright, you two pass the test! Now, let's see what you can do in the ring."

After the quirky interview, Aiden and Elara were given access to the fight club's training area. They realized that their hand-to-hand combat skills were lacking compared to their incredible powers. But they were confident that their Neo Lights abilities would give them an edge.

As they practiced, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The Red Ring was a mysterious and clandestine world, and they were about to dive headfirst into its thrilling challenges, where fortune awaited those who could conquer its secret battles.