
Chapter 42: "The Red Ring Tournament"

Aiden and Elara had been eagerly awaiting their first official fight in the Red Ring. It was an unusual tournament format where they would face off against various teams of two fighters. If they managed to win all their matches, they would be rewarded with a substantial cash prize.

One day, they received a letter in the mail, informing them that they had been selected for the upcoming tournament. The anticipation was palpable as they realized they were about to face some formidable opponents.

The day of the tournament arrived, and Aiden and Elara made their way to the underground fight club, hidden beneath a seemingly ordinary bar in the city. As they entered the dimly lit club, they were met with the sight of numerous duos, each one looking more imposing than the last. Everyone was sizing up the competition, making the atmosphere in the club tense and electric.

Aiden and Elara soon learned that their first opponents would be a duo named Julius and Mantle. Curious about their competition, they approached a battered-looking fighter who had been there for a while. He shared some insights, revealing that Julius had an unusual ability—he couldn't feel pain. On the other hand, Mantle possessed the unique power to immobilize people and objects.

Aiden and Elara exchanged nervous glances but were relieved to hear that both Julius and Mantle were rookies. This newfound knowledge bolstered their confidence.

With only ten minutes left before their fight, Aiden and Elara decided to engage in a rigorous workout and psych themselves up. They knew they had to be in peak condition and mentally prepared to face their formidable opponents. The atmosphere in the club grew more charged with anticipation as they readied themselves for the battle that lay ahead in the Red Ring Tournament.As the match began, Aiden and Elara stepped into the ring, facing their opponents, Julius and Mantle. The duo appeared strong and athletic, their physical prowess evident as they sized up Aiden and Elara.

With the signal to start, Aiden and Elara quickly activated their Neo Lights, channeling the energy to their feet, hoping to gain an advantage. Aiden charged towards Julius, determined to eliminate him quickly. However, Julius was faster than they anticipated, closing the distance between them in an instant.

Julius planted his feet firmly, becoming a formidable wall of defense. His fists blurred with speed as he launched a relentless volley of punches aimed at Aiden. Each punch came with incredible swiftness and precision, making it challenging for Aiden to dodge or counter. It was clear that Julius's unique ability to feel no pain allowed him to push his physical limits without hesitation.

Aiden's Neo Lights-infused speed and Elara's agile reflexes would be put to the test in this fast-paced and intense battle. The crowd in the Red Ring was electrified, witnessing the clash between these unique abilities and powers. As Julius continued his barrage of punches, Aiden and Elara knew they needed to find a way to overcome this relentless assault and secure their victory in this challenging tournament.