
Chapter 45: Unorthodox Tactics

Aiden and Elara swiftly bent down to tie their shoes back on after Nole's unexpected shoelace maneuver. They knew they couldn't afford to be distracted, especially with an opponent like Nole, whose speed was a constant threat.

As they laced up their shoes, Elara felt a spark of inspiration. She turned to Aiden, a determined glint in her eye. "I have an idea," she whispered. "Let's try something unconventional."

Aiden raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Elara's proposal. "What do you have in mind?"

Elara reached for her broom, which had been lying nearby. She gripped it firmly and stepped forward. "Watch this," she said as she activated her Neo light power, causing the tassels on her broom to glow with a faint green light.

With newfound confidence, Elara swung the broom with incredible speed and precision, creating a whirlwind of movement. The tassels cracked through the air, rapidly hitting the ground, walls, and everything around them. It was a constant barrage of attacks, unpredictable and difficult to avoid.

Nole, with his remarkable speed, attempted to dodge the onslaught, but Elara's whip-like strikes were relentless. He managed to evade most of the attacks, but a few of the strikes landed, leaving welts and marks on his skin. It was a rare experience for Nole, who had grown accustomed to avoiding pain with his incredible agility.

Meanwhile, Elon, standing nearby, extended his healing chain, connecting it to Nole. He gritted his teeth as he endured the whip strikes, channeling the pain through the chain to heal himself. It was an unusual tactic, but one that demonstrated the synergy between their abilities.

Aiden, observing the chaos, realized he needed to contribute to their unconventional strategy. He loaded his punches, infusing them with both fire and Neo light. His fists became blazing weapons of destruction as he struck out randomly in all directions, mirroring Elara's unpredictable barrage.

The ring became a chaotic battleground, with attacks flying in every direction. It was nearly impossible to anticipate the next move, creating a sense of disarray among the fighters.

Nole, his confidence shaken by the relentless barrage and the unexpected pain he was experiencing, began to falter. He moved more erratically, stumbling over his own feet as he desperately tried to avoid the relentless assault.

Aiden took advantage of Nole's vulnerability. With a powerful punch infused with Neo light and fire, he struck Nole squarely in the chest. The impact sent shockwaves through Nole's body, and he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

Elara, with her tassels still in motion, seized the opportunity. She wrapped her Neo light-imbued tassels around Nole's body and slowly dragged him toward her. As he inched closer, he remained unconscious, unable to resist.

Nole's defeat sent ripples of shock through the audience. Aiden and Elara's unorthodox tactics had caught their opponents off guard, ultimately leading to victory.

With Nole incapacitated and Elon seeing the futility of continuing the fight without his partner, he raised his hands in surrender. The referee declared Aiden and Elara the winners of the match, marking their advancement in the tournament.

As they exited the ring, they exchanged glances, knowing that their inventive teamwork had once again led them to victory. The tournament was far from over, but with each challenge they faced, Aiden and Elara continued to grow stronger, both in their abilities and their bond.