This vision opens my eyes,
I stare through the peephole, as frozen shards camouflage the door's eyes
I see myself below, blowing air that forms into ice,
From there, I meditate and see this woman,
--- The uncanny resemblance ---
My older self has prearranged a visit where she greets me,
I am powerful like the gulls in the back streets.
This woman chooses her solitude,
She treads that path,
The past pain never leaves
I have shaped who she becomes fruitfully.
She sprays my showtime angel perfume,
I smell it as I slumber through her zoom!
She sprays this luxurious smell,
A redolence so strong, I sniff it myself!
The mirror that showed me my decaying skin
Shows me that it is time for me to ascend.
I am the Ice Queen, beautiful and proud,
Be careful, you never know when I will destroy your battle ground,
Your garden will kill its lively rounds ---
Nothing will enter your homely lounge.