The kindness I hold is a token of lovely gold
Gratitude you rarely find through the winter poles.
The gem stays hidden where you cannot find the lot,
Its precious beauty has been through a lot.
I change my perception and see the world clearer
People do not define my character.
Judgment is motivated by what people lack
And their gossip always stabs their backs.
I may not have many friends or a romantic lover,
But you mortals need me more than your mother.
Your parent rarely nurtures your integrity,
You accuse others through your intensity.
I lack the emotions that the ego intensely wishes to feed,
Peace is the only urge that I need,
The experience stays hidden; you cannot find its beauty,
It reveals itself when one is ready.
Old habits have been shed,
But I am still missing an important aspect,
Now, I begin my newest path
Where I do not consider myself last.
This new chapter shall begin shortly,
I feel a change coming quickly,
I channel my past lives forms,
And I open the portal of no return.