"..gel." as someone gently shakes Angel awake.
"Angel wake up." The voice said again.
"Mmm." Angel groans groggly. Slowly Angel opens her eyes and shuts them again before opening them. She sat up from the couch slowly and rubs her eyes. Angel looked around confused for a moment wondering where she was before she remembered everything.
"Looks like your finally awake. Here have a cup of tea. It's Earl Grey." The Professor chuckled.
" Thank you. What time is it?" Asks Angel as she accepts the cup of tea. She gently blows it for a few moments before taking a sip.
"It's 9:30 in the morning. You must have been exhausted. I got back around 3:00 in the morning and saw you asleep in a chair next to Vulpix. I didn't want to wake you, so I moved you to the couch and put a quilt over you."
"Oh. Thank you Professor. I didn't realize how tired I was."
Professor Oak just chuckled nodding in understanding.
"One can lose track of time after spending so long around pokemon. I trust everything was great while I was away?" Asked the professor.
"Yes sir, for the most part, some of the pokemon got into a fight, I'm guessing for territory or food. Luckily Ash's Bulbasuar and turtwig were able to get everything calmed down." Angel replied.
"I'm afraid that does happen sometimes. Anything else happen?" Asked the Professor.
"Umm..." Angel thought for a few moments before her widening her eyes in excitement and a large smile appeared.
"Oh!! You won't believe it Professor Oak!!! Vulpix woke up around dinner time last night. I did everything you told me to do in case Vulpix does wake up. After I gave her an exam to make sure everything was OK and that she wasn't in pain, I gave her some pokemon food,of course nothing to heavy as I didn't want her to get sick." Angel spoke in excitement.
"Excellent. I'm glad everything turned out swimmingly. It would seem Vulpix is getting stronger. I estimate it won't be long before Vulpix stand up and walks around."
Angel and Professor Oak starting talking for a while. Professor Oak was speaking about what the conference was about and what pokemons were discovered. Angel asking questions. They continued their conversation even when Angel and Professor Oak was giving the pokemon ther breakfast and giving medicine to the pokemon who needed it.
Angel and Professor Oak jumped slightly and looked at the source of the sound. It was coming from the grandfather clock.
It was 12:00 in the afternoon.
"My. My. Looks like it's lunch time. It would appear that we got to ingrossed with the conversation and lost track of time." The Professor said.
"It would seem so. I'll make us some lunch. How does sandwiches and a light salad sound? With some orange juice?" Angel asked as she stood up.
" Sound delicious Angel, afterward we shall give the pokemon their lunch. Then I suggest you go home and check in with your Parents. You haven't gone home at all today since you woke up."
'SHIT!!" Angel thought to herself and replied " Good idea Professor. Hopefully I won't be in trouble."
With that Angel made her way to the kitchen washed her hands and made four sandwiches and grabbed some salad leftover from last night and places the sandwiches on two plates and some salad in two bowls. After word she grabbed two cups and filled the with orange juice. She put them on a tray and carried them back to the living room. She was stopped by Vulpix.
'Vulpix. Vul. Pix.' Vulpix called out to Angel.
"Hmm?" Angel looked at Vulpix and watch as Vulpix stood up on trembling legs and fell down however Vulpix tried again and this time she managed standing without falling. Slowly Vulpix walked towards the end of the bed where Angel stood.
Angel blinked once and then once more.
"Vulpix. Are you wanting to join me and the Professor for lunch?" She asked gently.
'Vulpix. Vul.' Vulpix replied while nodding her head.
Angel smiled gently and sat the food down on the counter next to Vulpix's bed.
"Do you need help getting down? Or can you do it yourself?"
Vulpix hesitated for a moment before jumping down off the bed. Vulpix landed on her feet before falling on her stomach. Vulpix stood back up and shook herself and looked up at Angel.
'Pix. Vul.' Vulpix said, it was as if she was trying to say 'look I did it.'
Angel giggled and bent down to pet Vulpix.
"Well done Vulpix. It looks like you getting stronger. Why don't we get you some lunch as well." She gently scratched behind Vulpix's ear, before she stood back up and went back to the kitchen an through the side pantry were all kinds of pokemon food was stored.
Vulpix followed Angel and was met with different scents form the pokemon food. One scent in particular caught her attention and she followed it. It smelled slightly sweet but it was mixed with a spicy sent. She stopped in front of the pokemon food that the scent was coming from. Vulpix leaned closer and started to sniff. Vulpix turned to Angel, who was looking at which pokemon should she give to vulpix for lunch.
'VULPIX! VUL! VUL! PIX!' She called out to Angel.
Angel looked at Vulpix and watched as Vulpix turned back to the food that she wanted and nudged it with her head before turning back to Angel as I to say 'I want this one please!'
Angel approached and knelt done and looked at the food that Vulpix wanted. It was spicy with a touch of sweetness. She read the label to see what was in it. Spicy berries, oran berries, and sweet nectar.
She grabbed it and turned to vulpix "Are you sure you want this one?"
Vulpix nodded her head.
Angel turned back to the pokemon food she held. "Alright, I getting some of this for you. I don't think I heard of this brand of pokemon food, but I feel like it's familiar." With that Angel stood up and walked back to the kitchen with Vulpix in tow.
Angel grabbed a bowl that was firey red and poured some pokemon food in until it was just under the rim. Afterword Angel walked back to the pantry and put the food away. She came back and grabbed another bowl and filled it with water. She carried both bowls ba k to the bed Vulpix was sleeping on and turned towards the tray that held her lunch and the professor's. She set Vulpix's lunch on the same tray and picked it up and carried it to the living room.
"Sorry for taking so long Professor. Vulpix woke up and wanted to join us for lunch."
"That's quite alright. Hello Vulpix, it's good to see you up and moving." Professor Oak replied setting his book down.
'Vulpix.' Greeted Vulpix while she jumped onto the couch next to Angel and jumped on the coffee table and sat down, waiting patiently for her food.
Angel handed the professor his lunch and then placed Vulpix's lunch on the table before she started to eat her own lunch.
'Vul. Pix.' Vulpix stated as her way of thanking Angel, before she started to eat her own meal.
Sorry for the late chapter eveyone. I'll post another one to make up from the lack of chapters.