After Angel and the Professor finished there lunch Angel gathered there dishes to wash and set them back on the tray and waited until Vulpix finished her own lunch.
"I'm going to go home after I washed the dishes. If I remember right, the indigo pokemon league championship finals begins today so I'll watch it on TV."
"Very well. Thank you for looking after the pokemon for me."
"Anytime Professor. All you have to do is ask." With that Angel walked to the kitchen and washed the dishes before drying them and putting them away.
Once that was done Angel left the kitchen and made her way to the front door. " Bye Professor. Bye Vulpix. I'll be back soon." Angel called out.
" Farewell Angel."
'PIX!' Vulpix called out.
Angel walked out the door and closed it. She took a deep breath of the fresh air and exhaled slowly. She began her journey home.
Angel was humming while she walked back home. Stopping every now and then to look around before she started walking home.
Eventually she made it to her house and saw her parents cars were gone. She grabbed the spare key hiding under the the potted plan on the porch and let herself in.
The first thing Angel did was call her parents and informed them were she was all night and told them that she was home now. She also told them that she was sorry that she was not home last night.
Her parents weren't mad at her as the had a feeling she stayed over at the lab, but told her that she should call them to let them know that she was staying at the lab next time. Her parents also told her that the will be late tonight as the both have a lot of work to do.
After Angel hung up the phone she walked to the bathroom for a rose scented bath. She started the water. While she waited for the bath to fill up she went to her room and grabbed some clean clothes and went back to the bathroom.
After her bath she started a load of laundry and then began doing her chores. By the time she was done with her chores and the load of laundry was in the dryer. It was 1:30 pm. So she grabbed a quick snack and decided to take a nap.
Angel set her alarm for 3:30pm so she will be up in time to make dinner, fold the laundry, and watch the indigo championship finals.
She fell asleep only to be woke up by her alarm. She groaned and turned off the alarm. She layed in bed for a few more minutes before she got up and stretched. She went to the bathroom to wash her face and made her way down stairs. She made herself a cup of coffee with sugar,cream, and a dash carmel.
She went to get the laundry out of the dryer and went to the dining table, went to turn on the radio, and then began to fold the laundry.
She was done and went to put the laundry away.
"Hmm, what should I make for dinner?" Angel asked herself. She began to look around for ideas to get to make dinner.
"How about spaghetti and garlc bread?" She mused out loud. "Yeah that sound good." Angel began grabbing ingredients.
She first started with the beef. She put the raw beef in a large bowl and began chopping up green onions. She added the 9nions to the bowl of raw beef and added some seasoning such as Basel, and oregano. She was debated to add more seasoning or not. Ultimately deciding not to add any more seasoning. She them began to mix it together and left it alone for now.
She got out a skillet, a pot and placed them on the stove and turned on the stove. She added a bit of butter in the skillet and waited until it melted before adding the beef mixture in the skillet. She filled the pot with water and waited until it began to boil. She continued to stir the beef occasionally until it was throughly cooked and drained it using the collinder.
She set the beef aside in another bowl just as the pot of water began to boil, she added the spaghetti noodles and waited until they were soft but not to soft she drained the noodles in the same collinder and rinsed the noodles with cold water.
She started on the sauce. She added tomatoes sauce, garlic, parsley, and olives. She mixed the ingredients together and warmed up the sauce in the pot. She waited until it was hot, but not boiling. She turned the oven on and waited until it preheated.
She then grabbed some bread and put butter, and garlic on them and put them in the oven. Ten minutes later the bread was toasted and the butter melted and garlic mixed in. She put some parmesan cheese on the garlic bread. She turned off the oven and stove.
She began serving herself some dinner. Angel ate her dinner and got some more and finished her second helping. Angel put the leftovers in tubeware and placed them in the fridge.
She began to wash the dishes, clean the counters, cleaned the dinning table, and cleaned the stove top, just in case she made a mess at some point. When Angel was done she finished drying the dishes an put them away.
Angel double checked to make sure she didn't forget anything before she swept the kitchen floor and them mopped.
After she was done Angel made her way to the living room and turned on the TV and waited until the indigo league championship finals started.
When it did start Angel began to cheer for the two who managed to make it to the finals.
Angel heard the crowd going wild from the TV.
A girl with long wavy brown hair and green eyes walked to the battle field waving to the crowd with a shy smile on her face. If one looked closely you could see she was nervous despite trying to hide it behind a smile.
A boy with short black wavy hair and blue eyes walked toward the battle field with arrogance, as if he owned the it. He was ignoring the crowd and looked at his opponent and sneered.
"What's his problem? Arrogant prick." Muttered Angel.
here you are readers a second chapter for you.
So any gueses who will win the championship Avery Or Christian?
It's almost time for Angel to start her pokemon journey.