Unleashing Fury

Jacob and Igdifir were frozen in time, yet they retained the ability to speak. They watched Jaïka approach with eyes dark and filled with revenge.

"Fate, you say?! So my actions are preordained?!" Jacob challenged.

"Yes, so don't waste your time, Jacob. Give up. It's already over for you."

"You're truly unlucky!"

"Oh, and why is that?"

"Final Omega can cut through both physical and metaphysical concepts. I can slice through infinity, time, gravity, and even transcendence if I wish! Thus, your pitiful artificial fate!"

From a transcendental perspective, Fate, embodied by a simple purple glow against a black backdrop, was effortlessly severed by Final Omega. This action shattered it, freeing Jacob and Igdifir from its grip.

"Impossible!" she exclaimed.

When Jacob emerged from this temporal halt, he noticed how much his sword drained his mana. He struggled to breathe, his body shaking uncontrollably and his vision blurring. Witnessing this, Igdifir grew increasingly concerned for his master.

"Jacob! You're draining too much energy! Let me handle Jaïka alone!"

"Don't worry, Igdifir! We will defeat her!"

On the other side, Jaïka touched her chin with her index and thumb, realizing Jacob's weakness. 

I see... The more he uses his Deity Battle game, the more energy he consumes. Making him powerful but only for a short while.

"Come on, it's time to finish you off once and for all, traitor!" Jacob shouted vengefully.

In a diversionary move, Jaïka trapped Jacob and Igdifir in an infinite multiverse, composed of numerous realities and dimensions. From Jacob's perspective, Jaïka had merely vanished in a blink.

"Where did she go?"

"You're mistaken. She's trapped us in an endless multiverse."

"Damn it!"

"With Final Omega, we can easily return to the original universe. However, once we get there, you'll pass out from overexerting your mana."

"I love you, Igdifir. You're a genius!"

"I merely fulfill my role, master."

"Anyway, we'll go with that plan. When we reach the original universe, don't confront her. She's currently too powerful for you. If I faint, take me back to camp, okay?"

"As you wish!"

Grinning gratefully at Igdifir, Jacob made a sweeping cut through the void, effortlessly slicing through the multiverse's infinity. A spatial rift appeared in the wake of this strike, where multiple layers of light represented Infinity. They walked upon the Infinite that separated them from their world and returned home safe and sound. Final Omega vanished in a pixelated haze, and Jacob fell unconscious into Igdifir's arms, who wore a proud smile for his master.



Deeper within the forest, Gwendoline was viciously attacking Lidia to the point of death. Lidia was barely recognizable, her body covered in wounds. With a quick glance, Lidia activated her power over Gwendoline, freezing her for a brief moment.

"I need to escape now!"

But as she tried to flee, she was unaware of the intensifying rage within Gwendoline. Gwendoline's aura of fury released a shockwave so powerful that it resonated throughout the entire forest. Her sole focus now was to eliminate Lidia. With increased speed and strength, Gwendoline delivered a powerful uppercut, sending Lidia soaring into the air.

She looked up, emotionlessly watching Lidia, waiting for her to land back on the ground to continue her assault. When the moment came, Gwendoline unleashed a mighty kick, propelling Lidia even further into the vast forest. Before Lidia could recover, Gwendoline bombarded her with rapid punches, leaving no chance for defense.

I was not warned about this!

When Gwendoline released another explosive surge of her aura, Lidia, trying to crawl away, incurred even more injuries. After a moment, Lidia cast a quick glance back, horrified to see Gwendoline slowly reaching out for her.

[Superior Magic: Basic Universal Acquisition]

What? What is she saying? This magic doesn't exist!

Suddenly, half of the mana from every being in the forest transferred to Gwendoline, enhancing her power even further. Lidia stood frozen, astonished by the strength of her initial victim. Seeing no chance of winning, Lidia took a desperate measure and knelt, begging Gwendoline for mercy.

"Please, Gwendoline. Spare—"

Gwendoline mercilessly cut off Lidia's plea. Then, with unparalleled power, she released an attack that shattered half of the surrounding forest. Amidst the destruction, her unfortunate target was launched roughly ten kilometers away. As the chaos settled, Hermiel, the angelic human, finally arrived, but too late to prevent the devastation.

"You're the new Lost One, am I right? How did you do this?"

Still consumed by rage, she turned to face him, her eyes filled with hatred, offering no answer.

"Who truly are you?"

Her growing anger kept her from responding.

"What was that magic you just used? It doesn't exist."

Again, she offered no response, only the sound of her wildly raging aura.

"You're much more than just a teenager who commi—"

Gwendoline interrupted Hermiel by teleporting directly in front of him.

"You're incredibly fast... in just three months? I find that hard to believe."

Out of breath, Rogue and Yanis finally arrived on the scene. Their heavy footsteps broke the silence as they approached their friend. A sense of astonishment overcame them upon seeing her, her face displaying both rage and emotionlessness. They were bewildered by her sudden change.

"Gwendoline?" questioned Yanis.

Just like before with Hermiel, she moved with such speed that she instantly stood before them, once again fueled by anger.

"Gwendoline? What's happening?" asked Rogue.

"She's angry..." whispered Yanis, "she did mention that her emotions were becoming more intense."

"In the end, you all are just hypocrites!" she exclaimed.

"What?" inquired Rogue.

"I know what you truly think of me! I should kill you all!"

"What are you talking about?! We are your friends!"

"You'll always be the same!"

Hermiel instinctively knew from this statement that Gwendoline was about to harm her friends.

"Stay back!" he cried.

The surprise was palpable: their blood ran cold, provoking an immediate response from all present. They quickly distanced themselves from Gwendoline, who, with her mighty aura, triggered a third explosion.

"Why did I ever trust you? I thought I found people to rely on!"

Lost One or not, she's endangering everyone in this forest. I have to knock her out! But... she holds immense power within. Where did she get all this?

Without wasting another second, Hermiel approached Gwendoline, hoping to soothe her rage with an angelic spell:

[Angelic Magic: Tranquil Soul]

After an extended suspenseful silence, it seemed the spell on Gwendoline had failed. In retaliation, she cast a spell on Hermiel, and multi-colored magical runes entwined around him.

[Superior Magic: New Origin]

Once the spell was cast, Hermiel and Gwendoline disappeared before the eyes of Yanis and Rogue, leaving them alone amidst the ruins created by Gwendoline's destructive power. In reality, she had used teleportation to propel them beyond the known universe, floating among a multitude of universes, each harboring hundreds of thousands of worlds. They now found themselves immersed in their multiverse, a dazzling array of alternate realities stretching endlessly.

"What is this?!" exclaimed Hermiel.

Gwendoline's arms hung limply by her sides, her face still impassive.

"Apologize. Now. Or all universes will crush you under my command..."

What kind of magic is this?! It's overwhelmingly powerful!

"Apologize for what?"

"For the words you spoke earl—"

Suddenly and unexpectedly, they reappeared right where they had left Yanis and Rogue. The aura surrounding Gwendoline gradually faded, and her body heavily slumped to the ground. It was likely that the spell she cast had drained all her energy, leaving her exhausted.

"What just happened?" asked Rogue.

"Who is she?!" exclaimed Hermiel, still in shock.

"Well, Gwendoline Bourcier," replied Yanis, "she committed suicide and ended up here."

"I know that! But what I meant is that your friend hides something within her. I don't know what it is, but it's utterly terrifying."


"The spell she just used teleported both of us outside the universe."

"What?!" exclaimed Rogue.

"I know, it's insane!"

Hermiel knelt down, picking up the sleeping teenager.

"Regardless, I will question her once you've reached Haradi."

"What she did... it's unbelievable," murmured Rogue.

"Head back to the camp and rest, young ones. You've earned it!"

"And if the demons return?" asked Yanis.

"After what just occurred, I doubt they'll be back."

"You're right. Did you find Alora and Jacob?" Rogue inquired.

"No, not yet. I'll search the forest for them. Don't worry."