When Gwendoline commits suicide, she finds herself on Trillia in the company of four teenagers who have been summoned to fight a superior being in two years: Damahan.
Together, they form the Lost Ones and quickly become invaluable assets to the government...
On this fantastic planet, both modern and medieval, authoritarian and democratic, the Lost Ones will face many trials before confronting Damahan. Demons, elves, dragons, and especially humans, are far from what they thought they were. Humans, sometimes, will prove to be far more cruel than demons.
They will learn the mysteries of this world, be at the heart of the plots and manipulations of the leaders, face increasingly powerful enemies. But above all, they must come of age and mature before experiencing the outcome of their adventure on Trillia.
So, are you ready to follow their journey and discover the worst on Trillia?
(Please note that the MC is girl, but it's not a romance!)