Means Of Healing

Rogue and Lana had been tasked with defending the Cleared Manor for several days already. The days that followed their arrival were the most tranquil Rogue had ever experienced on Trillia. Although separated from his friends, a rare moment of serenity graced his troubled mind. His haunting visions of Abaguo had even ceased for a few days, providing the teenager, who had witnessed unspeakable horrors in recent weeks, with a brief respite. Nevertheless, Abaguo continued to torment him through his most nightmarish dreams, doing no favors for his fragile mental state.

Outside in the training garden, Rogue sat cross-legged on the rocky ground, basking in the light of the dawn, letting the sight of the clouds calm him. The sound of the fountain at the garden's center soothed his nerves, its flowing water composing a melody in his mind. This was further enriched by the chirping of birds and the gentle wind that played with his hair.

Dressed in loose white garments that aided his movements, he took a deep, calming breath, then exhaled. Okay... I think I'm relaxed enough... Time to begin.

Closing his eyes, he extended his right hand, palm facing upwards. He squinted his eyes tighter, immersing himself in a complete mental darkness. As he concentrated, imaginary lines of code streamed rapidly through his mind, accompanied by an enigmatic sound that mingled the hum of electricity with digital glitches.

I'm almost there!

Suddenly, Lana's voice shattered his concentration. "What are you doing?"

"Ah!" he exclaimed, opening his eyes and turning towards her. To his surprise, her face held a softer expression than usual, a hint of a smile gracing her lips. Her morning-tousled hair complemented her white nightgown and matching slippers.

"You startled me... I was practicing using my unique power."

"This early? That's not like you," she observed.

"The thing is, I need to be relaxed to use my power. When I'm stressed, I can hardly control it. That's why I'm out here so early."

"Really?! You're hopeless... How can you be one of the Lost Ones? I can activate my power anytime I want. It should be that easy for everyone!"

He shot her a playful, accusing smile, thinking: She always has to make everything about her, doesn't she?

"What's your power again?" she asked.

"Well... it's a bit complex to explain since it involves technology from my world."

"Don't worry, I've been to Edra before. I'm familiar with technology."

Oh right! I forgot there's a modern country on Trillia!

Remembering the existence of Edra and Argha, he continued: "Are you familiar with the internet and hacking?"

"Somewhat," she replied.

"With my power, I can essentially hack into almost anything. Emphasis on 'almost', since I haven't reached my full potential yet."

As he finished explaining his unique ability, Lana, intrigued, sat beside him. "What were you doing just now? From a distance, I thought I saw a green sphere hovering above your hand."

Rogue's eyes lit up as he excitedly faced Lana. "Really?! You saw it?!"

"Just... keep your face away from mine, okay?"

"Oh, right, sorry," he chuckled, sheepishly pulling away. "Anyway, if you saw that, it means I almost succeeded!"

"Succeeded in what?"

"I'm trying to gather as many code lines as I can in the palm of my hand. When there's enough, they implode, creating an EMP bomb effect on magic and powers."

As he rambled on, Lana squinted, locking her gaze with his, feigning understanding of his true intentions.

I didn't catch any of that, she thought to herself. What on earth is an 'EMP bomb'?

She pushed the thought aside with a subtle nod, and resumed her conversation with Rogue:

"Yes, I see... Can you go on with what you were doing? I'm curious to see the result."

"Of course, just give me a moment."

Rogue closed his eyes, taking deep, rhythmic breaths. The air filling his lungs helped him tune out Lana's presence, even though she was watching him intently, trying to gauge his full potential. Despite the ambient silence, and amidst the myriad of digital glitches running through his mind, Rogue could clearly hear Lana's breathing. The colors of the code lines changed, showing every possible combination: green, purple, blue, and red.

Suddenly, a green energy started flowing through his right arm, merging into his hand as if it was replacing his bloodstream, rushing like a river through his veins. His hand, overwhelmed with the mana, glowed brightly, lighting up the surroundings with a greenish hue.

After a long moment of concentration, a small orb appeared, hovering over his hand. It matched the color of his energy, except for the chromatic distortions resembling glitches, accompanied by a sound similar to a computer error. But suddenly, an intrusive thought of Abaguo burning him with hellfire, the heat scorching his face, distracted him.

In an instant, the orb vanished, and the accumulated mana in his forearm dissipated into thin air. A panicked scream echoed throughout the garden:


"What?! What's happening?!" Lana exclaimed.

Rogue frantically rubbed his face, trying to rid himself of the illusory flames of Abaguo that seemed to consume him. Lana, taken aback by his reaction, had no idea about his post-traumatic stress. Nevertheless, she shook him vigorously, hoping to snap him out of his trance.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Snap out of it!"

Despite her general dislike for physical contact, Lana knew she had no choice but to resort to it. After a moment, Rogue managed to calm himself, catching his breath. Lana immediately stood up, her emotions a mix of sympathy and embarrassment.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I'm sorry... My battle with Abaguo left a scar... I can't seem to forget the pain he inflicted that night."

Hearing his response, she crossed her arms, turning away to avoid his gaze.

"I understand... I've experienced trauma when I was younger. Our past can influence our personal abilities, both positively and negatively. So, I have to ask: before your battle with Abaguo, were you able to control your power?"

"Not really."

"That's because it's deeply connected to your experiences on your home planet. Your traumas still haunt you, and they will undoubtedly hinder your progress... If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened to you?"

"What I went through..." he murmured.

Rogue lowered his head, staring at his hands, his face filled with sadness. He hesitated to share his past on Earth with Lana, who remained cold and distant. Would she mock him? Would she judge? The situation felt incredibly daunting for Rogue.

[France, before the summoning of the Lost Ones on Trillia]

Glued to his seat, Rogue was deeply engrossed in his math class, absorbing every bit of information being shared. He jotted down every explanation the teacher offered, his right hand almost seeming to have a life of its own. Every word, every number, every comment—he grasped them instantly, with an ease that disconcerted many. So much so that his peers shot him disgusted and scornful looks, clearly annoyed by his overtly studious demeanor.

"Just look at him, acting all nerdy," one whispered. "Could he be any more awkward?" another remarked. "Is it even possible to be such a nerd?" were the hushed comments swirling around the room.

Despite his unparalleled focus, the whispers inevitably crept into Rogue's devoted mind. He couldn't understand why they were so harsh towards him. He hadn't hurt anyone, so why did they single him out for ridicule? What have I done to deserve this? he wondered.

However, his brief contemplation was interrupted by the school bell, signaling the end of class. As Rogue packed up his belongings, his eyes dropped to the floor, memories of years of taunting flooding back. From middle school to the present, he had tried and failed to comprehend the root of the relentless bullying. Despite the many anti-bullying initiatives established by the government, how was it that he was still a target? No answer seemed forthcoming, and to him, it was utterly illogical.

Why am I the only one going through this? Why do the teachers do nothing? It's so unfair...

Walking down the school corridor with his hands in his pockets, Rogue skillfully maneuvered through the throng of students. But as he neared the exit, a group of teenagers blocked his path. Their sneers, combined with their evident disdain for Rogue's behavior, promised trouble. All Rogue wanted was to go home.

"Hey, hey! Not so fast," called out a cheeky blond boy, his malicious grin leaving a bitter taste in Rogue's mouth. His broad shoulders and dominant gaze suggested he was bad news. A group of giggling girls around him further validated his authority.

Rogue halted, his eyes fixed on the ground to avoid meeting the boy's gaze. "What do you want?" he asked.

"You know, I forgot to take down the math notes," the blond said, coming closer and wrapping an arm around Rogue in a feigned gesture of camaraderie. "You wouldn't mind lending me your notebook, would you? We're buddies, right?"

The teenage girls continued to revel in Rogue's discomfort, pressuring him into complying. Knowing full well what the boy intended to do, Rogue reluctantly handed over his notebook.

"Thanks, mate! You're a real pal," the boy exclaimed, not even sparing Rogue another glance as he and his entourage headed for the exit. Rogue, however, stood frozen for a moment, overwhelmed by a deep sense of injustice.

Regaining his composure, he continued towards the exit, longing for release from this earthly hell. As he finally emerged, a gentle breeze caressed his hands, and the warm sun's rays comforted his face. In the distance, his stepfather, Jayden, awaited him by his car, cigarette in hand. Jayden's face bore the marks of time, with a full beard and prominent wrinkles. Joining him, Rogue was immediately struck by the heavy silence that hung between them—a silence that felt endless.

"They gave you trouble again, didn't they?" Jayden finally asked.


A sigh of contempt escaped Jayden's lips. "Damn... You really disappoint me, you know? Always playing the victim."

"I'm sorry... I'm doing my best..."

"Bullshit. You could at least try to handle things yourself. But you can't even do that... Get in the car. Let's go home."