When We Will Meet Again

Alone in her room, Lana packed her belongings to journey to the Cleared Mansion. Her room was bewilderingly vast. The furniture, portraits of the ancient Temparus, and precious artifacts consumed the space, making it feel as though they occupied an entire floor. Her bed was positioned near the window, where the pure white of her sheets contrasted with the sunlight breaking through the clouds.

Among the treasures stored in her five-tiered display cabinet, a magical rune took center stage. The rune depicted a magical circle with intricate geometric patterns in hues of orange and black. The circle emitted a soft orange glow that seemed to draw anyone who glanced at it. The rune also made an odd sound reminiscent of fire mixed with a sticky noise.

"And that's it," she sighed.

With another sigh, she closed her wheeled suitcase, placed it on the floor, and headed for her room's door, which was adorned with silver, gold, and wood. As she exited, she was met by a brunette elf maid with blue eyes waiting at the door.

"Good morning, madam. I've heard you're leaving for an extended period, is that correct?"

"That's right. Shouldn't you already know this?"

"Yes, madam, you're right..."

"What's your business waiting outside my room?"

"Well, I just wanted to wish you a safe journey."

Lana looked at the maid with a disdainful and condescending expression.

"Hmph... Don't bother with that. You're just a maid; I shouldn't be of any concern to you!"

"But I..."

Lana interrupted her, continuing her walk to meet the carriage waiting outside the mansion. Without even giving her a glance, she added:

"Just do your job! And ensure my room remains impeccable during my absence!"

"Yes, madam..."

Later, as she approached the courtyard entrance of the mansion, Lana was met by her father, her brother, and several soldiers that made up her personal guard. The knights stood upright, looking resolute and wholly dedicated to the Temparus. The carriage was decorated with red and white patterns, covering its entire roof and walls. She stopped in front of her father, ignoring her brother.

"My daughter, return triumphant."

"Have you ever seen me fail? Especially on a mission like this... It's beneath me. It's even humiliating, joining the Cleared Guard, especially as the Temparus heir."

Charles hugged his daughter, though her face remained stoic and serious.

"Lana... You know I love you. As a father, it hurts me every time you leave, not knowing if you'll come back alive."

"Why? Do you doubt me?"

"Not at all..."

Charles let go of Lana, breaking their embrace.

"One last thing, Lana. Have you apologized to your brother?"

"Yes, she did," Kalen quickly interjected.

Taken aback, Lana lowered her head and moved towards the carriage steps to climb aboard. However, Kalen's voice stopped her.

"Just know, when you return, I'll be stronger than you!"

"Dreams are for the nighttime, not the daytime," she retorted with an encouraging smile.

With those final, challenging words, she boarded the carriage without looking back. A knight closed the golden door behind her, and the horses led Lana to her next destination.


[The Residence of the Lost Ones]

A shattering silence enveloped Gwendoline, Alora, Yanis, and Rogue. They all sat around the grand table dominating the dining room, expressions vacant, staring into nothingness. How much time had passed in this silent communion? Perhaps minutes or even hours...

Yanis and Alora held hands. Rogue's hands were folded on the table, and Gwendoline hesitated to initiate a conversation. Finally, gathering courage, she cleared her throat and began, "Listen… I know each of us has been affected by Abaguo in some way. But we haven't spoken much since we returned… Would you mind if we shared what's on our hearts? Just this once?"

"Well…" Yanis began slowly, "As for me, I feel ashamed. I didn't measure up to the expectations set for us... I've always held my head high and had a resilient spirit. But my battle with Abaguo exposed how vulnerable I am in this world."

"What do you mean?" inquired Rogue.

"It's quite clear... On Earth, we were chosen for our exceptional abilities. But on Trillia, these abilities merely place us on par with others who possess personal powers, making us 'ordinary'."

"I understand," Rogue continued, "For me, it feels like Abaguo haunts me... I still feel the searing heat of his flames on my face… Sometimes I contemplate death to escape the memories of Abaguo."

Rogue's words had a profound impact. The group sat in shock, absorbing the weight of his pain. Having literally experienced death twice, Gwendoline replied, "Rogue... death won't free you from the torment that haunts you. I've known death enough to understand that.  Speaking of which, when I took my own life in the bathroom, I thought I'd either end up in Heaven or Hell... That's also when I believe I encountered the entity for the first time."

"How so?" Alora questioned.

"When my soul was trapped between Heaven and Hell, a voice similar to mine shouted, 'You're not meant to be a resident here.' To this day, I'm still searching for the true meaning behind those words."

Gwendoline turned to Alora with a compassionate look, "Enough about me. What about you, Alora? How do you feel?"

"I'm not sure… I feel like I'm not the same anymore... When I died, I saw my soul ascend to the skies, then a halo of light, as if Heaven awaited me with open arms. It felt so peaceful. Afterward, I saw three beings made entirely of light: a man, a woman, and a child, each with four wings on their backs."

"It must be the three Archangels everyone speaks of on Trillia," Gwendoline speculated.

"But soon after, I was violently pulled back, as if I had no choice but to return to this 'Hell'."

All eyes turned to Yanis, who was responsible for Alora's resurrection. Though his act could be seen as kind-hearted, it was inherently selfish. Alora had sacrificed herself for Gwendoline, but Yanis had resurrected her without contemplating the mental toll. Was it right to revive a friend, or should he have let her rest? Could anyone blame him? Deep down, Alora was conflicted on whether to thank him or resent him.

Rogue then addressed Gwendoline, "And you, Gwendoline? How do you feel?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure... For some reason, it feels like all my efforts have been in vain. My training, my learnings, my mental health struggles… The past few months with you all have shown me that life is invaluable. I genuinely believed this new life would heal me, but it's done the opposite."

"How so?"

"I regret taking my own life... I regret not facing my problems on Earth, thinking they were insurmountable. Life here is harder than it ever was back home. I'd give anything to return. I still remember my last day on Earth. I met a boy named Nathan on my way to catch the bus. He had been assaulted by Lidia's older brother. We missed the bus, and his mother picked us up..."