Underneath Us

Following the altercation, Rogue found himself deeply immersed in contemplation about the events that might have unfolded after Lana's agreement. He had never experienced love before, and deep down, he wondered if he was truly ready for such an adventure.

Hours later, sitting behind his room's window, he gazed intently at the garden of the Cleared residence, a ritual he had maintained since the beginning of his stay. He waited, his gaze fixed on the outside, each passing second ready to react to the slightest sign of trouble. Although the sun was already at its zenith, he was surprised to find his stomach indifferent to any desire for food. His mind was completely captivated by the image of Lana, relegating everything else to the background.

He thought about her enchanting eyes, her lips that seemed so full, her face which he had fallen in love with. Everything about Lana pleased him, he adored everything about her, even her extravagant personality, so much so that he probably would have talked about her to his mother if he were still on Earth. In his head, he imagined numerous scenarios for a potential life together, where they could share romantic meals, or even cuddle until they lost track of time.

He even found himself imagining much more intimate and erotic films... Of course, he felt ashamed to imagine doing such things with Lana, as it was something many boys thought about. But for Rogue, it was disrespectful to even imagine a person in their most vulnerable form.

"Ahhh! Why do I start thinking about this, damn it!" he exclaimed, hitting his face with a fist.

The word was too small to describe what Rogue felt at that moment. He was more in a state of deep disgust towards himself and his obscene thoughts. Was it normal to think of his beloved in that way? Not really, according to him...

Suddenly, someone knocked at the door, then stopped to ask:

"It's me, Eliana, may I come in?"

"Yes, you may..."

Eliana, as always, radiated joie de vivre with her extravagant attitude, the complete opposite of Rogue.

"Rogue, look! I've brought you something that might please you!"

"What is it?"

Eliana held a set of clothes intended for Rogue. It consisted of a long-sleeved white shirt, a sleeveless black vest, black trousers, and brown boots adorned with golden details.

Rogue raised an eyebrow, intrigued.


Eliana smiled, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint.

"Exactly! The fashion style from your planet isn't quite suitable here, especially in Iraclif. So, I wanted to offer these clothes as a token of my appreciation for your protection, and as a keepsake for when you leave this manor."

Rogue stood up and took the clothes in his hands, unsure how to respond.

"Thank you..."

"Go on, get changed!"

"In front of you?!"

"Oh yes, sorry, haha... I'll turn around!"

She turned around, allowing Rogue to change into the outfit she had just given him. After a while, he had put on the last boot.

"You can turn around now."

Eliana turned and her eyes lit up with stars at the sight of Rogue's refined new look.

"Wow! You look magnificent! I knew it was a good idea to give these to you!"

"Yes, thank you again..."

The lack of joy on Rogue's face prompted Eliana to gently place two fingers under his chin, her eyes searching his face, trying to decipher the turmoil haunting him.

"Is everything alright?"


Rogue explained what had happened earlier in the day, about the walk and the jacuzzi incident. He mentioned feeling unlike himself these past days, especially in Lana's presence.

Eliana listened attentively to Rogue's story, her face showing sympathy. She gently placed her hand on Rogue's shoulder to show her support.

"Rogue, it's completely normal to feel this turmoil when you experience love for the first time. Love... it's like a journey into the unknown, with its highs and lows, moments of intense joy, and times of doubt. It's an adventure where you might lose yourself a bit, but also discover more about yourself. That's what makes this experience so precious."

Rogue nodded slowly, absorbing Eliana's comforting words.

"What you feel in Lana's presence is proof that you're human, that you have emotions, even if they're sometimes hard to understand. Don't be afraid to explore these feelings, even if it seems scary. You don't have to be perfect, no one is. The important thing is to be honest with yourself and with her."

Rogue looked away, his face marked by uncertainty.

"But what do I do if I make another mistake like earlier?"

Eliana gently took his face in her hands, making him look into her eyes.

"Listen, Rogue, there are no guarantees in love. Mistakes are part of the game. But what matters is acknowledging your mistakes, apologizing if necessary, and learning from these experiences. That's how you'll grow as a man."

Rogue felt a weight lift from his shoulders, as if a part of the anguish tormenting him had been dissipated by Eliana's words. He smiled slightly, grateful for her support.

"What I suggest is that you take some time for yourself, to think about what you really feel towards Lana. Maybe it's not the right time for a relationship, and that's perfectly okay. But don't let fear deprive you of something potentially wonderful."

Eliana gave him an encouraging smile.

"And as for these clothes, consider them a metaphor for your inner transformation. You're discovering yourself anew, leaving behind your old fears and uncertainties. It's a new chapter in your life, Rogue."

Rogue felt touched by Eliana's words. He knew he had a long way to go to understand his own feelings and decide on his relationship with Lana, but he now felt more confident.

"Thank you, Eliana... your words bring me comfort."

Eliana winked at him and moved towards the door.

"You're welcome, Rogue. If you need to talk, I'll always be here for you. And who knows, maybe you'll find in yourself the strength to follow your heart."

Rogue watched Eliana leave the room, feeling a warm rush of gratitude flood through him. He moved towards the mirror, scrutinizing his new reflection. The clothes, carefully chosen by Eliana, gave him a more mature, determined look. He wondered if Lana would see him differently now, in this new attire.

With a newfound bravery, he decided it was time for change. He needed to talk to her, to shift the dynamics of their relationship, and it had to be today. Steeling himself, his eyes filled with earnest resolve, he stepped out of his room and headed towards Lana's.

As he arrived outside her door, which was right next to his, he paused, a disconcerting silence enveloping him, stirring doubts and second thoughts.

Is this really the right thing to do?

He shut off his overthinking mind, putting his body on autopilot to knock on the door, which he did without hesitation. To his surprise, Lana didn't shout; she just kept him waiting.

Rogue leaned his ear against the door, resting his head against it. As expected, no sound came from inside, not even the slightest movement.

"Lana... It's me, Rogue... I... Uh... I wanted to say that I understand your rejection in the jacuzzi... I... I know it was sudden, and I think we both need time. But know that I never meant to offend or disrespect you, that wasn't my intention at all."

He whispered these words, hoping that a softer tone might ease the tension.

"Lana... I think it's obvious... But I feel it's time for me to say it... Take it however you want, I don't care... I just wanted to tell you that..."

Rogue took a deep breath, mustering all his courage to express his feelings.

"I think that..."

It was too hard for him. His tongue and vocal cords seemed to refuse him the ability to articulate something so complex. A simple "I love you" that he could easily say to his mother now felt like an insurmountable challenge.

"Forget it... Anyway, I'm sure you already know."

He stood there in silence for a moment, his hand and head still pressed against the cold door. His heart was racing, a mix of frustration and regret overwhelming him. It was as if all the words had evaporated, leaving him feeling powerless. He slowly turned around, his gaze lost in the empty hallway.

Inside her room, Lana had actually curled up in a corner, her arms wrapped around her head. Her eyes were red, as if she had been crying. Because, in truth, it wasn't Rogue who was uncertain, but her.

She too kept replaying the jacuzzi scene in her mind, imagining all the possibilities. What if she had accepted his kiss? What if she had kissed him back, what would have happened next? The most frustrating part wasn't having no answers, but not having acted when the opportunity arose.


Later in the evening, Rogue decided to banish thoughts of Lana from his mind by delving into a history book about the Kingdom of Rymis. Although he had never been a great fan of history on Earth, he found a distinctly different interest in the subject when it pertained to another planet.

Comfortably settled on his bed, he attentively flipped through the book's pages, immersing himself in the tales of this nation. He discovered, for instance, that the Rymis lineage had the unique trait of living well beyond the average lifespan, sometimes reaching over 300 years. This explained why the current king was only the third of his name.

He learned of a forgotten land called Bergthal, which had been the Kingdom's most loyal ally. In the past, these two bastions of peace had joined forces to confront the superpower of the Argha Empire. For many years, all other nations on the planet had formed coalitions with different races – dragons, elves, ogres, goblins, and demons – to counter the Empire's massive expansion.

But as he continued reading, the crash of a pot hitting the floor startled him.

"Hey, nice clothes you got there! Mind if I borrow them?"

Rogue looked up, seeing Abaguo standing near the entrance with a fierce terror.

"What?! What are you doing here?!"

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me?"

This time, it wasn't a vision from his post-traumatic stress; he was certain of it: Abaguo stood there, his cape hiding his upper body.

"No, this can't be…"

"Oh, but it is! In flesh and bone."

His demonic mana swirled around his hand.

"I won't beat around the bush; you're going to do me the favor of letting me borrow your body! If you're a good boy and obey, I won't make you suffer like last time."

"No, it can't be true... You don't exist."

"Oh yeah? Want me to prove it?"

Abaguo extended his hand towards the window and shot a stream of demonic mana at it, shattering it with a loud noise.

"Need another proof?"

"How, how is this possible?! You're supposed to be in Hell."

"Not for much longer, at least."

Rogue leaped from his bed in haste, ready to retaliate with his hand charged with electricity. Abaguo knew perfectly well it wouldn't affect him and took pleasure in this fact:

"You're joking, right? You know that won't have any effect on me?"

"I don't care, I'm not the same as before! I will defend myself if necessary."

"You're not the same, huh? But looking at you, your attitude hasn't changed…"

Abaguo was referring to Rogue's trembling legs, which he hadn't noticed himself.

"In the end, you're really good at staying a victim, whether on your planet or here."

"How do you know about my life on Earth? If you try to bluff with me, it won't work!"

"I've heard everything from Hell; I know everything about you… And in my humble opinion, you don't even deserve to be a Lost One."

Abaguo dangerously approached him, his hand ready to touch his face.

"But don't worry, I'll correct that by taking control of your body."

Determined to defend himself, Rogue launched a lightning bolt that traversed the entire room, not harming Abaguo, as if the lightning had passed through an illusion. Now, his room was nothing but a pile of destruction, where wood and flames mixed to create toxic smoke.

"Nice try. But it won't work!"

Suddenly, Abaguo's hand passed through Rogue's face. He could feel his strength draining away, every action becoming a Herculean task of such intensity that drowsiness overtook him.

His soul seemed to detach from his body as Abaguo deprived him of his physical form.

What's… happening to me?

"Rest well in Hell!" he rejoiced as he entered Rogue's body.

From that moment, Abaguo and Rogue shared the same body. But the immense power of the transcendental archdemon took over Rogue, making Abaguo the undisputed master of the body. Rogue's eyes opened again, revealing their crimson glow.

He looked at his hands in admiration, then burst into a sardonic laugh.


He then extended his hand towards the flames, activating Rogue's personal power over fire. Code lines formed around the flames, reverting them back to wood. Then, he unleashed a powerful wave of his demonic mana to test his strength.

"So, it's true! I can use his powers as well as mine within the same body!"

With a sinister burst of demonic laughter, he unleashed his mana in a devastating red aura, pulverizing the room with furious wind gusts.


His plan was unfolding perfectly, until he saw Lana at the door's threshold, her face stricken with terror.