
The truth about Gwendoline Bourcier had been revealed, and it was a truth that no one had anticipated.

"But everything changed when I got to know you... At first, I wasn't sure if I deserved love, if I could change... However, know that I truly love you now... and I genuinely want to move forward. When I met Garnal, Marshal, Dasra, Kalen, Hermiel, they all helped me realize who I truly am, and now I know what I want. I want to change, even if it feels impossible for me... Especially after what I did..."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the residence door, abruptly cutting off the conversation. But Gwendoline's words seemed to slow time itself, except for Yanis, who headed to the door.

Opening it, Yanis revealed Hermiel, hands on his hips, wearing his signature proud smile. Beside him, numerous knights awaited, standing by the gate where two horse-drawn carts were stationed, including Lana Temparus's.

"Let me guess, Mr. Vini, we're being summoned for a mission?

"It involves all of you. You, Gwendoline, and Alora, you'll head with me to Edra. Meanwhile, Rogue is on a mission to protect the Cleared family."


Hermiel briefed the four Lost Ones on why Rogue was heading to the Cleared mansion and why they were preparing for Edra. For over fifteen minutes, they each packed their belongings, a routine they'd followed for months: serving the government's missions.

However, this time, no one was thrilled about another assignment. Now, the Lost Ones were sharply divided, and who knows if they'll ever reunite?

With his bag slung over his shoulder, Rogue once again lamented his summoning to this world, bracing himself for the worst at the Cleared mansion. Everyone locked eyes, aware this might be the last time they saw Rogue alive. Hermiel and several soldiers awaited the teens in the carriage, understanding how hard farewells could be.

Yanis approached Rogue first, his expression a mix of confusion and nostalgia.

"Will you be okay without us?"

"Not really... I'm not sure I'll manage without you."

"You will, mate. I believe in you."

"I hope the next time we meet, we'll all gather around a table laughing..."

"Of course! But first, finish your mission!"

Yanis grabbed Rogue, hugging him tightly for a few moments.

"Take care, old friend. And don't mess up."

He released the heartfelt embrace and headed to the carriage where Hermiel awaited.

Then, when it was Alora's turn, she gently laid her hand on Rogue's cheek, as if to comfort him.

"Rogue... I don't know if I'll still be alive when you come back, so I'm going to talk to you as if it's the last time."

"You'll make me cry if you do that..."

"Rogue, you're a boy with a big heart, and I have no doubt you were even more so on Earth. You're endearing and attentive, always there to help others, even when no one is there for you. That's why I want you to start loving yourself and take better care of yourself."

Hearing Alora's words, tears streamed down Rogue's face, as if they had been held back for a long time. Gently, Alora wiped his tears with her thumb, adding a radiant smile.

"Don't waste your tears, my friend. Save them for when we meet again, whether it's on Trillia or in Heaven."

"Yes, Alora..."

Tears streamed down Rogue's face as he clung to Alora, lost in the moment. Alora had no choice but to lean in and plant a soft kiss on Rogue's cheek, sending a comforting wave that felt never-ending. However, this embrace was tragically disrupted by the incessant torments that plagued him; torments that only time could heal.

"Don't leave, please stay with me!" he pleaded tearfully.

"You know I can't..."

Sadness and sorrow gripped both Alora and Rogue when they finally parted. As she climbed into the cart to join Yanis and Hermiel, her gaze was filled with deep pain. Once this was done, Rogue and Gwendoline said their goodbyes, surrounded by a heart-wrenching silence.

She took a step forward and began:

"Rogue, I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, but among the entire group, you're the one I've grown closest to. We're similar because of our earthly problems, and I believe that's what strengthens our friendship. The only difference between us is that you didn't take your own life like I did..."

"Gwendoline, I wish we had met on Earth rather than on Trillia. I'm sure we would've been inseparable!"

"Yes, ahah! By the way... I'm sorry for pushing you earlier..."

"It's okay, I understand..."

"Also, don't make the same mistake I did, Rogue. Death won't lead you anywhere, so avoid doing anything irreversible. Okay?"


"So, see you next time?"

"Until next time, Gwendoline."

As tears streamed down his face, Rogue embraced Gwendoline with such intensity that time seemed to stop. Then, without a word, they both headed to the waiting wagons.

Finally, Hermiel's cart took the Lost Ones to Edra, the modern land that had recruited them to guard its territories. Rogue watched them fade into the distance, powerless to do anything about it. When they had vanished from his sight, Rogue had no choice but to board the cart designated for him.

With their usual precision and efficiency, the knights opened the door of the cart, inviting Rogue to step inside. Once within, he found a comforting solace in the calm and serenity emanating from the materials lining the walls of the cart, especially after his resigned farewell to his friends. However, that feeling was short-lived when he noticed Lana, watching him with her silent, inscrutable gaze.

So, this is her, Lana Temparus... She seems so cold...

"Um... Pleased to meet you? You're Lana, right?"

"Yes, indeed... Remind me of your name?"

"Rogue Grimez."

"You should at least try to hide your tears. I know you won't see your friends again, but seriously... It's quite pathetic."

What?! She's seriously infuriating! Now I see why Alora dislikes her.

Rogue settled as far away from Lana as possible as the cart began its journey towards the Cleared's mansion. He placed his suitcase by his side, just as Lana had done. He avoided making eye contact with the girl across from him, partly due to his own shyness, but mostly because their earlier exchange revealed her rather disagreeable nature.

I have a feeling this mission is going to be far from easy...

"Could you stop staring at me like that?! Your eyes pierce through my very soul, and I don't like it one bit!"

"Great atmosphere here..."

"Excuse me? I didn't catch that!"

"Never mind..."

"Just what I thought! Now, stop bothering me and keep silent for the remainder of the journey!"

Is it even possible to be this condescending? Even the girls on Earth aren't this unbearable...

Rogue wasn't sure if he should laugh at Lana's behavior or feel sorry for himself. However, he chose to stay in his corner and avoid paying any attention to Lana. But, her undeniable beauty had a pull on Rogue's heart, even if her behavior was far from admirable. The brightness of her face did not match the reserved expression she wore.

[Haradi, Marshal's Dojo]

Droplets of sweat cascaded onto the training grounds of Marshal's dojo, where Jacob and Igdifir sparred with unparalleled intensity. Jacob wielded an iron katana, its bluish sheen radiant in its beauty, while Igdifir relied solely on the brute strength of his fists to confront his adversary. Clad only in black shorts and shoes, Jacob's chiseled physique bore the testament of his rigorous training in Adaken.

"Igdifir, it's time to up the ante."

"How so?"

"You're aware of why I want you to maximize your potential. It's to unlock your ultimate technique."

"True, I'm currently at level 201. Given my pace, I should easily breach level 300 within weeks."

"In that case, I must go all out now!"

Jacob cast his sword onto the sandy ground, stretching out his right hand palm down. Gone was his previously benevolent smile and the sadness he had displayed days earlier. Now, his eyes possessed a grave seriousness, enough to instill fear in anyone who had known him before.

Closing his eyes, Jacob delved deep into his concentration. He felt the cosmic energy flow that coursed through every corner of the universe, binding him to all existence.

"Come to me," he murmured with unwavering conviction, "Celestial Dragon Blade!"

[Diety Battle: Celestial Dragon Blade]

As he made his declaration, the world seemed to pause. Then, a brilliant light sprouted from Jacob's palm. This light morphed into a swirl of stars and flames, which coalesced into a tangible form. A sword.

The hilt showcased a mesmerizing blend of cosmic colors, as if beholding a black hole and supernova melding into one. The blade danced with dazzling red and gold flames, radiating an intense heat that caused the surrounding air to sizzle.

Jacob's eyes flickered open, the Celestial Dragon Blade nestled in his grip. The blade's power throbbed through his veins, endowing him with the cosmic dragon's energy. The Celestial Dragon Blade gleamed in the storm, eager to unleash its wrath upon any who opposed it.

"Brace yourself, entity of Gwendoline. I won't miss a second time."

The Celestial Dragon Blade was indeed a marvel to behold. Its pommel was adorned with a spiraled dragon motif, crafted from a deep blue metal that seemed to swallow the ambient light. The dragon's eyes were embedded with two blazing rubies that shimmered with a strange glow, as if harboring an inner flame.

The sword's guard was fashioned by the dragon's outspread wings, offering both elegant and fierce protection. These wings were inlaid with tiny diamonds that twinkled like stars, mirroring the weapon's cosmic nature.

The blade itself was astounding. Forged from an almost translucent metal, it sparkled with galactic colors – deep purples, dazzling blues, mystical greens, and golden flecks. Flame and lightning motifs were etched along the blade, representing the combined power of fire and thunder.

"Come on, Igdifir! Let's resume our training!"

"Yes, master! Lead on, I am ready!"

When Jacob hurtled toward Igdifir at breakneck speed, he vanished with a rumble that echoed for miles, reminiscent of a shockwave. Sand scattered in all directions, and the sheer force took Igdifir by surprise; he hadn't anticipated such speed from Jacob.

Where's Jacob? He's gone!

Then, Igdifir heard the sound of flames crackling behind him. Pivoting on his heels, he whipped around to find Jacob poised to strike. His blade glowed with a celestial brilliance, spitting out dragonfire. Jacob unleashed a slash at Igdifir, setting off a blaze of light that resembled a shooting star streaking across the battlefield.