The Archdemons of Emotion. Quasi-divine beings who resurfaced after the summoning of the Lost Ones on Trillia. It is said that for millennia, their role was to assist a superior, near-omnipotent being in its quest for domination over the planet and humanity. Many believe that this being was Nerhel, the Supreme Archdemon. However, opinions diverge on the true identity of this entity, as a great deal of mystery shrouds Trillia's mythology.
Imagine a complex puzzle composed of over a thousand pieces, requiring hours of research and immense effort where you gave your very best. Now, picture yourself finally nearing completion after an entire month, only to realize, due to sheer bad luck, that you are missing a dozen crucial pieces—the ones that would reveal the most interesting part of the image. This is precisely the predicament faced by Trillia's historians.
No one truly knows what happened eight hundred years ago. Who knows if the truth will ever come to light?
[Kingdom of Rymis, Lair of the Archdemons of Emotion]
Riui, the Archdemon of Fear, wandered peacefully through the autumn forest, bathed in a mosaic of red, gold, and brown. Leaves crunched under his steps, adding a rustic melody to his stroll, meant to soothe his mind. He contemplated the splendor of autumn's nature with a particular serenity, inhaling the crisp, slightly damp air, laden with the scent of earth and undergrowth.
Beside him, Jayden—Rogue's stepfather and his Inversed One—stood out in this autumnal tableau. As usual, Jayden had a cigarette in hand, creating a stark contrast to Riui's image. Despite being an Archdemon of Emotion, Riui valued health and self-preservation.
Riui cast a brief glance at Jayden before sighing in disgust at the sight of the toxic product.
"I will never understand why humans poison themselves with cigarettes…"
"You care about humans now? Aren't you an Archdemon?"
"You're my associate. It's only natural that I care about your health."
Jayden coughed but immediately resumed smoking.
"You see?" Riui remarked with sarcasm.
"Yeah, yeah… Fine. Here."
Jayden extinguished his cigarette and handed it to Riui, who disintegrated it with a flick of his demonic mana.
"There. Much better."
The two continued their walk, the ancient trees forming a natural canopy above their heads. Riui observed the surroundings with a thoughtful gaze, while Jayden seemed lost in his own thoughts.
With the image of Rogue lingering in his mind, Jayden finally spoke:
"Alright, let's talk business. Now that I've given you the information you wanted, what do you expect from me?"
"Since you lack a personal power and refused to accept demonic mana, you will serve as our eyes and ears. You've already done a good job keeping us informed about the world's latest developments. But now, we need to move to the next phase."
Jayden raised an eyebrow. "The next phase?"
"Yes. Now that Abaguo has triggered the Demon Rebellion, humans can no longer afford to come up with a solution to stop us. They must find a way to halt the evolution of demons before it's too late. In other words, we're using the Rebellion to operate in complete secrecy."
"Don't underestimate humans," Jayden warned. "You might be in for a surprise…"
Riui lifted his gaze to the sky, recalling a memory filled with both nostalgia and sorrow.
"I don't underestimate them. Not anymore, at least."
"Oh? What happened?"
"It's… a long story…"
Receiving such a vague response, Jayden decided to push further.
"So, what exactly is this 'next phase' you're talking about?"
"The next step is abduction. Keria and her Inversed One are already en route to the sect of Reversed Magic. Amaria and Lidia have secured the Demon Prison. Meanwhile, that brute Yorgor does nothing but train with Tony to make him stronger."
"And us?"
"We need to obtain Nerhel's seal at all costs. And that won't be an easy task…"
Riui glanced at Jayden with a sly smile, an obvious idea forming in his mind.
"Unless, of course, I have a detective by my side… Isn't that right, Jayden?"
"I'll help you, as promised. But don't forget…"
To emphasize the gravity of his next words, Jayden's tone shifted, growing more menacing:
"We have a deal."
"Yes. I will send you back to your world. You have nothing to worry about. We made a contract, after all, and demonic rules are absolute…"
Suddenly, an animalistic scream shattered the forest's tranquility. Riui turned swiftly, his eyes gleaming with a dark glow.
"It seems we are not alone…" he murmured.
Jayden, well-accustomed to the unexpected dangers of this world, rested his hand on his sidearm, his eyes scanning the shadows between the trees.
A moment later, a group of creatures—half-man, half-beast—emerged from the bushes, their eyes glowing with malevolence. Jayden drew his weapon, ready to fire, but Riui raised a hand to stop him.
"You won't need your gun. I'll handle this," he said with a cryptic smile.
A dark aura suddenly surged around him, and the creatures hesitated, terror visibly gripping them.
"Tremble before the Archdemon of Fear!"
With a fluid motion, Riui advanced, his aura intensifying. One by one, the creatures fell—not by force, but by the sheer, raw fear that he embodied. Jayden, impressed, observed the spectacle, finally understanding why Riui was both revered and feared among the Archdemons of Emotion.
[Kingdom of Rymis, Shadowvale Region]
Bathed in sunlight, in the heart of a valley where vast agricultural fields stretched as far as the eye could see, a large wagon advanced along a dirt road towards a barn. Several wagons were covered with long white sheets, carefully concealing their contents from prying eyes. Inside one of them, Tsura sat on a seat, surrounded by a dozen unconscious people sprawled across the floor, among whom was Lana Temparus.
Tsura's gaze had undergone a transformation since her confrontation with Rogue. Something within her had changed. The madness that had once been an integral part of her personality as the leader of the sect seemed to be fading. She observed Lana with a melancholic expression, as if her old life was slowly resurfacing.
A particular memory emerged—one of a high school girl with violet hair leaning toward her, her bright green eyes shimmering like a star in the night, offering her an angelic smile. With this, Tsura wondered if the Sect of Inverted Magic truly had a purpose other than spreading chaos. Had she been wrong all this time? What if she decided to change the course of events and dissolve the sect? No… Not like this, not overnight.
Suddenly, as she was lost in thought, the sound of a male voice crackled from a walkie-talkie in her pocket:
"Your Grace, are you there?"
Jolted awake by the abrupt static, she rummaged through her pocket and grabbed the device.
"Yes, I'm here. What's happening?"
"I'm calling to inform you that we've just arrived in Eretide. We're preparing to kidnap Jacob Kalis."
This news was a true blessing for the sect, a thought shared by every member at that moment. However, Tsura was beginning to doubt her decision to take Jacob. The memories of her own abduction, which had occurred a decade ago, haunted her. Back then, she had begged the universe for more time before being hurled into darkness. Her wish had been to lead a simple and happy life, but sometimes fate took the reins, and everything changed.
Clearing her throat hesitantly, she responded:
"Hmm… I'd prefer if you waited a bit before capturing him."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, he hasn't yet reached his full potential. Let's wait a little longer, so he'll be ready for the final selection."
"Your wishes are our command, Your Grace."
The communication cut off, leaving Tsura alone with her troubled thoughts. She once again looked at the unconscious bodies surrounding her, realizing just how much things had changed. The Tsura of the past would have exulted at the prospect of adding Jacob Kalis to her collection of captives, but the woman she had become hesitated.
Rogue Grimez… What have you done to me?
Later, once their camp was set up in the old barn, Tsura and her accomplices arranged the prisoners in the center of the structure, ensuring a clear view of them all. Each captive was awakened, and to their great surprise, they found themselves provided with everything they needed: water, food, entertainment, and a bed.
Some of them gazed at Lana, the prodigious daughter and heir of the Temparus family, with admiration. Who could have foreseen that she would be here, alongside them?
Standing at the forefront, flanked by her agents, Tsura began her explanation to reassure the kidnapped individuals.
"Hello, everyone! I hope you had a good night during the trip. Because from now on, your new life begins. You must be wondering why you're here? Well, thanks to your abilities, talents, and powers, you have been chosen to join the sect and learn Reversed Magic. In a few months, one of you will have the privilege of becoming the new Bearer of Aversion. Ah! And one last detail—you no longer have the option to leave without our authorization, whether you like it or not. Likewise, you can no longer contact anyone from the outside world. Any questions?"
The silence didn't last long before an enraged ogre stepped forward and addressed Tsura:
"You really think I'm gonna accept this?! I've got a family to feed and friends waiting for me!"
Tsura's old demeanor returned in an instant. She donned a sardonic smile and retorted:
"But of course you're going to accept! You don't really have a choice, after all. It's either this… or death."
"D-Death?" he stammered.
"Well, yes, haha! Did you really think we'd just let you go back into the world if you refused? If your potential is going to be wasted, we might as well erase it entirely. Even if you possess powerful abilities and are important to society…"
Tsura spoke these words while glancing at Lana from the corner of her eye. Lana, in turn, stared back at her with an impassive expression, recalling her defeat at the Cleared manor. Her thoughts were pessimistic, but her demeanor remained unchanged.
After this exchange, Tsura pressed on:
"In any case, it's time for you to give us your final position, so we know whether to execute you or grant you a chance."
Murmurs spread among the captives as they turned to each other for opinions—except for Lana, who remained solitary as always. She was aware that she wasn't as tactical and methodical as Rogue. Forming a complex, multi-layered plan was beyond her reach without the help of a sharper mind.
After much thought, however, she ultimately concluded that the best option was to cooperate with the sect. Her previous battle with Tsura had made it clear that she couldn't afford to turn against them.
Although her plan wasn't the most ingenious, it was the least risky. She would be forced to learn Inverted Magic against her will, and once it was all over, she would escape quickly. Only… it seemed too simple. Was this really the best strategy?
"Well? Is that a yes?" Tsura's voice rang out.
After she posed her question, a murmur of reluctant agreement spread through the captives. Even Lana eventually conceded.
"Oh, really? You're accepting just like that, without even thinking twice?"
"Obviously," Lana retorted, "it's our only option."
"Wise decision, Lana. I didn't expect you to agree so quickly. I thought you'd rebel like last night…"
Lana shrugged, remembering the humiliation she had suffered the night before.
"It wouldn't do any good—for me or for you."
Tsura burst into laughter.
"That's great! I see you're finally starting to think with the few brain cells you have."
"Well, anyway! This is wonderful news. We can now begin the first phase of the selection."
"The first phase?" most of the captives repeated anxiously.
The tension in the barn became palpable as Tsura announced the beginning of the first phase of selection. The captives exchanged uncertain glances, wondering what fate awaited them in this forced chapter of their existence.
With a light chuckle, Tsura delighted in their stunned expressions, each one of them wearing a look of perplexity in the face of the unknown. She then continued her explanation, elaborating on the first phase:
"For this first phase of selection, you will have to prove your worth as a potential Bearer of Aversion. And to do that…"
She paused dramatically before raising her arms to the sky in theatrical flair.
"YOU WILL FIGHT EACH OTHER!" she shouted in exhilaration.