You Were The Most Worthy

[Eretide, capital of the Rymis Kingdom, four years ago, after acquiring Marshal Anabito's angelic energy following the battle against Abaguo]

The streets of the medieval capital of the Kingdom were bustling with peasants, cheering on Marshal Anabito's procession. He still wore his white kimono and was accompanied by Hermiel, guiding him through the applause of the residents. They were headed to the town square.

"Wow… that's quite a welcome, eh? Marshal laughed sheepishly.

"The inauguration of an angelic human is a sacred event, be it in the Kingdom, Edra, or Argha."

"Oh, so… if I understand correctly, I'm getting a badge?"

"Exactly. This badge of honor will confirm your status as an angelic human. With it, you can enjoy benefits like free travel or using your powers without permission. Moreover, it puts you above soldiers, knights, magicians, and mages, meaning they're under your command."

"I don't know if I can get used to all these changes…"

"Ahah! I felt the same when I got this badge. But you'll get used to it!"

"I sure hope so, ahah…"

As they moved closer to the public square, the cheering got louder, echoing throughout the entire village. Hermiel halted, causing Marshal to stop as well.

"Alright, the ceremony will begin soon. Stay calm and savor the moment, okay? It's not every day you become a national symbol, ahah!"

"Got it!" Marshal exclaimed.

Hermiel left Marshal and headed to the town square, which was now crowded with villagers. After what felt like an eternity, a royal tune played with trumpets and drums, causing the villagers' cheers to subside. All eyes were now on Marshal as he walked confidently forward.

Okay... Stay calm, Marshal... It's just a badge presentation... nothing to stress about. You've faced worse...

As he walked, his hand slowly touched his green katana, emitting an aura of bravery and majesty. He looked determined yet peaceful.

From a distance, he finally saw his destination: the village square. The three leaders of Trillia were there, each accompanied by the angelic human representing their nation.

Milityasha Karpeva, the president of Argha, stood to the far left of the stage, hands behind her back. She wore her usual white and green military uniform and bore a gentle smile. Beside her was the angelic human of her nation, her face glowing with divine grace. Emerald-green eyes lit up her face, adorned with a playful smile. Her purple hair was tied in a ponytail, topped with a straw hat. She wore a white blouse with a padded long black skirt and heels.

Marc Emmanuel stood in the center, flanked by Sepharina and Rahman. The superhero from Edra had his hands on his hips, exuding his unmistakable heroic presence.

And to the right, Rymis and Hermiel represented their nation with pride, ready to warmly welcome Marshal.

All the angelic humans, except for him, wore the honorary badge that was to be presented to him. The badge depicted a circular representation surrounded by green floral patterns and adorned with a flame that had the wingspan of an angel. Made of precious metals like gold and silver, it was both an exquisite and touching piece of art.

When Marshal finally reached the center of the stage, he paused and looked at each person in front of him. His face showed deep determination, but his mind raced with questions. "Should I greet them?", "Should I bow?", his thoughts constantly drifted, considering every possible action.

Rymis and Hermiel stepped forward, with Hermiel holding a red cushion on which the badge that would define Marshal as an angelic human was placed. Marshal's heart raced as he awaited Rymis to bestow upon him his badge of honor.

Then, the King raised his voice, and Marshal lowered his head:

"Marshal Anabito, you have shown unparalleled courage and resilience in facing Abaguo. You have won over the Archangels with your bravery and have become the fifth holder of angelic energy in this generation..."

Five? But isn't one missing? There are only four of us here... Where is he?

Rymis grasped the badge, which depicted a circle with a flame endowed with angel wings. It was crafted from gold and silver, encircled by some green floral motifs.

"In my name, Rymis III, and under my sovereignty, I designate you today as the 316th angelic human of the Rymis Kingdom!"

As the King conferred the honorary badge to his angelic human, there was a prolonged moment of joy and immense respect, with everyone uniting to honor him with resounding applause. Marshal bowed, thanking his King for this moment of paramount significance.

Then, turning to face the audience with a sincere and grateful expression, Marshal's hand remained on his green-glittering katana.

"Hello to everyone present here. First and foremost, I wish to thank you for the ceremony that has been organized for my new rank... and... I... um..."

Although Marshal was a great swordsman, his martial skills wouldn't assist him in delivering a speech in front of an entire city. After all, he was there to defend his nation, not to showcase his oratory prowess. Plus, he'd never had the opportunity to speak in front of such a vast audience, and he had never really learned to interact with others...

"I... I am... honored to be held in such high esteem by all of you... and... um... I've never had the chance to speak in front of so many... so please forgive my oratory shortcomings... But... know that I am grateful to you, and I will do everything in my power to fulfill my duty as an angelic human, thank you!"

Even though his speech was brief and modest, the message he wanted to convey was clearly perceived when everyone cheered him on.

Later, tables and trays had been set up so that everyone could eat to their heart's content. Indeed, the kingdom's chefs had concocted dishes that would delight the taste buds of an entire nation. On these trays, delicious bites of mushroom stuffed with truffle cream, skewers of exotic fruits wrapped in golden caramel, and savory vegetable mini-quiches were beautifully displayed. The peasants relished these delightful bites, marveling at their unique taste.

Marshal, however, approached a table covered in soft cakes and shimmering fruit pies. He chose a slice of strawberry pie, its crust melting divinely in his mouth, while the sweet and tangy filling awakened all his senses. Fairies twirled around him singing a gentle melody, adding a magical touch to this indulgent moment.

"Incredible... Our Kingdom truly has exceptional culinary talent," he remarked.

"That's an understatement," Hermiel responded, sneaking up behind him.

"Ah!" Marshal jumped. "I didn't see you coming!"

"I like making surprising entrances, ahah!"

Turning around, Marshal noticed not only Hermiel but also the two other angelic humans. The woman with purple hair suddenly got up close to his face, seemingly analyzing him. Her face was of remarkable finesse and beauty, causing the valiant Marshal to blush, having never witnessed such feminine perfection.

"You are really handsome! I'm sure you have all the women at your feet!" she exclaimed.

"Eh eh... not really. I prefer to focus on my goals..."

"Really? Oh, I forgot, I haven't introduced myself, ahah! My name is Meyla Karshkanov, the angelic human of Argha!"

In a courteous gesture, Meyla kissed both of Marshal's cheeks, making him blush even more, as this woman's beauty illuminated the hearts of all men. Behind her, Rahman stepped forward to Marshal, extending a handshake and giving a proud smile.

"And I'm Rahman! I'm the angelic human of Edra! But I'm also a superhero, the only one in all of Trillia!"

"A superhero?" Marshal wondered, shaking Rahman's hand.

"It comes from comics; do you know what those are?"

"Not quite..."

"A comic is like a graphic novel where you follow a character's story, that's where superheroes come from!"

"Ah, I see! So, you wanted to become one?"

"Exactly! I read tons of comics during my teens, that's why I'm so inspired by superheroes!"

The four angelic humans of Trillia gathered around a tray, bonded by budding friendship and a convivial atmosphere. Then, Marshal remembered a detail that had intrigued him during his badge ceremony.

"Uh... I wanted to ask you something?"

"Yes, go ahead!" Meyla replied.

"During his speech, Rymis hinted that there were five angelic humans. Where's the fifth?"

"To be honest... No one knows," she replied.

"What? How so?"

"Well, he's untraceable," Rahman continued, "no one knows where he is or who he is. But one thing is certain: he's existed for thousands of years. As you may know, the Archangels grant their energy every time an angelic human die, which can take up to five months for the human to be chosen. However, it has been more than a millennium since the Archangels only pass on their energy to four humans per generation."

"Ah, I see. So, he would be immortal?"

"Exactly," said Hermiel.

Meyla, Rahman, and Hermiel knew that Marshal still had a lot to learn. In reality, being an angelic human meant not only possessing superior power but also having a deep thirst for knowledge about the world around us.

As a poignant silence fell upon the scene, Rahman leaned toward Meyla, observing her with touching innocence. This act elicited a playful smile from Meyla, which piqued Marshal's curiosity and plunged him into internal turmoil:

What are they doing?

Suddenly, Rahman and Meyla burst into laughter, spinning around in an endless circle. Hermiel delighted in the scene, his heart full of joy, contrasting with Marshal who was struggling to understand this unexpected behavior.

"You've been missed so much, my dear!"

"Not as much as I've missed you!"

Marshal turned to Hermiel.

"Hermiel... what exactly are they doing?"

"Meyla and Rahman are best friends. Despite the distance that separates them, these two are inseparable, ahah!"

Rahman and Meyla, in sheer joy, jumped, hugged, spun, and playfully slapped each other.

"You could've flown to Argha to visit me! Naughty boy!"

"I've been busy! Remember, I'm a superhero first."

"As punishment, you're going to fly me over the village!"

"Fly?" Marshal asked.

"Yes, I can fly," Rahman replied. "Want to try?"

Marshal hesitated for a moment, then said, "Why not..."

"Hermiel, do you want to join?" Rahman offered.

"No thanks... With all the times you've made me fly, I get airsick now."

"Suit yourself! Come here, Marshal!"

Marshal handed his slice of cake to Hermiel, who nodded gravely. He then moved towards Rahman, who, with arms extended, was waiting. Meyla was also nestled in his arms. With determination, Rahman grabbed him, and they soared into the sky, ready for their adventure.

"Yay!" Meyla exclaimed.

"All good, Marshal? If you're scared, let me know!"

"I'm fine... just feeling a bit funny in my stomach..."

"It's normal; it'll pass quickly."

Rahman started to glide over the city at a moderate speed. Marshal, who had never seen the full extent of his country from above, was awe-struck by the grandeur of its capital. The wind rustling his hair, he looked at Érétide with new eyes. Never had he imagined that he would get to fly over his country from such a height, sparking in him a sudden desire to explore his own nation that had so much to offer.

"It's incredible..." Marshal murmured.

"You can say that again!"

"But, what's your personal power, Rahman?" he asked.

"I can manipulate gravity."

"How's that possible?! A personal power is based on one's domain of mastery. So... how?"

"I'll spare you the details, but know I obtained my personal power through intense mental and physical training."

"I see... and you, Meyla, what's your power?"

"I don't have one!"

"You don't have a personal power?"

"That's right; I don't have one, and I'm perfectly fine with it! Angelic energy is more than enough for me. What about you?"

"I can read people's minds."

"That must be super useful!" Rahman exclaimed.

"But for ethical reasons, I only use this power when absolutely necessary."

"That's truly commendable!" Meyla replied.

Later in the day, after a long period of camaraderie and as the sun dipped towards the horizon, the angelic humans gathered in a quiet and serene part of the village. The shining moon lit up the night, creating a magical ambiance. They laughed and chatted together, making the moment unforgettable.

Then, with a cheerful hop, Meyla suggested, "How about we take a commemorative photo? To capture the memory of today?"

"That sounds wonderful! Are you all up for it?" Rahman inquired.

Both Hermiel and Marshal nodded in agreement to Meyla's idea.

A few moments later, Meyla set up a tripod so her Polaroid could snap the unique moment. Standing in the middle of the group with pride, hands on hips and a beaming smile, was Rahman. To his right stood Hermiel, arms crossed and exuding confidence, while to Rahman's left, Marshal had one hand resting on his katana's sheath, his expression serene and gentle. Finally, Meyla hit the shutter button, setting the camera's timer.

"Okay! Here I come!" she exclaimed.

As she raced toward the boys, Meyla's long skirt fluttered in the wind, casting a spell that took Marshal's breath away. Eventually, she positioned herself to Marshal's left, forming a 'V' with her fingers and displaying a radiant smile towards the camera.

"Everyone, smile!"

With a brilliant flash, that moment was forever etched in time. The photograph became Marshal's lasting legacy in that world. The Polaroid rendered the image in extraordinary quality, glowing as if backlit by the street lamps. However, no one could have predicted the weight this snapshot would carry in the future, bearing the sadness and regret of Marshal's sacrifice against Abaguo...