Unspoken Bonds

The belief was wrong. Demons weren't all reduced to simple bloodthirsty beasts, and some of them did seem to manage to find their way into society. But was there a price to pay for this?

"So, not all demons are the same?"

"It might be surprising to see, but yes, some of them manage to become kind."

"Ah, that's good! It must be cool to live with civilized demons—"

Suddenly, Lana placed her index finger on Rogue's lips, silencing him.

"Shh! Speak softer," she whispered.

"What, what did I say wrong?" he also whispered.

"We might be listened to by the WADI right now. They don't like us talking positively about demons."

"So what? Aren't we allowed to say what we think?! I hope there's still freedom of speech here?"

"Yes, everyone can freely express themselves and say what they want, from the Kingdom to Argha. But if you're in any way associated with these famous demons, or if they turn their coats and massacre everyone, everything you've said will turn against you.

"And how can they listen to us even? We'd see them in that case!"

"That's where they're strong, because they use various surveillance methods, for example, some agents can become invisible to blend in with the crowd, hence the importance of making as little noise as possible."

"Wow... that's disturbing..."

"I also remind you that the WADI is a secret police serving all countries, and one of its main activities is espionage and counter-espionage for Argha. Listening to an entire people is the simplest thing for them."

That's it, I'm starting to understand why the whole world avoids speaking well of demons... It seemed strange to me too that there were only malevolent demons, it was almost impossible that this was the case...

Lana gestured discreetly to Rogue and Adrien to follow her through the crowd, aiming not to draw the attention of the inhabitants and the protesters. They slipped carefully, muffling the sound of their steps amidst the tumult of the gathered demons. Because of her reputation, Lana was determined to leave the protest as soon as possible, already dreading her father's reprisals.

If I can avoid trouble, that would suit me...

Only after a good hundred meters further did they manage to reach the sought-after school. The school, literally and figuratively living up to its reputation, displayed the refined traits of walls and windows worthy of a prestigious academy. Several students of all ages, proudly wearing their dark purple uniforms, entered the grounds to join the large entrance door.

But Lana and Rogue were not fooled, Adrien's attitude towards entering did not delight them as much as they could have hoped, so much so that he seemed deeply sad.

"What's wrong? You look sad to go?" Rogue asked, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"I just don't want to go... I don't like school..."

Rogue knew this false excuse all too well, having repeated it so often to his parents on Earth.

"Are you being bullied at school?"

"No, it's not that."

Rogue sighed slightly, not out of annoyance, but because he saw himself in Adrien, regretting his former self.

"Listen, there's a saying on my planet that goes: You can't teach an old dog new tricks' Do you know what that means?"

"Not at all."

"It means: 'You can't teach someone something they're more experienced in.'"

Adrien looked up.

"Tell me the truth... Are you being harassed at school?"

"You could say that..."

"Tell me the truth."

"Well... Actually... I get pushed around and insulted a lot because of my last name. They say a rich kid like me doesn't deserve to have friends. So, bah... I stay in my corner... It's been like that since the beginning of the year."

Lana, her arms still crossed, watched attentively as Rogue knelt beside Adrien, this time placing both hands on his shoulders.

 "I've been through this too, before I was summoned here... I know how frustrating it is not to be able to do anything. My things were stolen, I was insulted and sometimes I was hit... I'd like to tell you not to listen to them and just walk away, but that would be too simplistic, don't you think?"

"Yeah... it'd even be cliché."

"Yes, it would. That's why you need to find an area where you can outperform them. But don't forget, the most important thing isn't to show off your skills. The most important thing is for them to understand that they can't do anything against you, that you could humiliate them or play them at their own game. That way, they won't have any reason to bother you."

"I'll try then...

"And one last thing! Avoid revenge at all costs, it'll only get you into trouble. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about."


"Go on, do it now. I believe in you, man! You can do it!" he encouraged him.

Reboosted by a new motivation, Adrien rushed towards the school gates, determined to solve his problems with his own resources. Beneath Rogue's satisfied smile, Lana noticed an obvious transformation in who he once was and who he had become. She couldn't conceal her growing admiration for Rogue's evolution.

She didn't hesitate to point it out to him with a serene smile and an unexpected remark:

"You're pretty good with kids, huh?"

"Not really... I just gave him advice I wish I'd heard when I was younger."

"Very introspective, I see," she added jokingly.

They left the school, relieved to have successfully completed their mission.

As they wandered through the village streets, Rogue let his gaze drift towards Lana, feeling a subtle warmth rise to his cheeks, tinting them a rosy color. The more time passed, the more evident it became that, contrary to what his mind tried to make him believe, his heart was gradually opening up to romantic feelings for her.

"So, what do we do now?" he asked timidly.

"We're heading back to the manor. Seems obvious."

"I thought maybe we could do something together. Have dinner, take a walk, talk..."

"Sorry. I told you I'm not interested in you. I made that clear, didn't I?"

"No, no! Not like that, I mean as friends!"

"Same thing. We're not friends, just mission colleagues. Now stop staring at my chest and look ahead! You pervert!"

She caught me... Oh, the embarrassment...

Unbeknownst to him, he realized his gaze had unconsciously drifted towards Lana's bust. He was sure he had been admiring her lovely face, but perhaps his feelings were affecting his actions. However, one thing was certain: shame struck his body hard. He hung his head, inwardly chastising himself for what he thought was the most embarrassing moment of his life.

"I'm so-sorry, I-I don't know what came over me..."

"Boys, you're all the same..."

"Does that mean you forgive me?"

"You didn't technically do anything wrong. But if you could be more discreet, it would be better for both of us! So stop making a fuss and let's head back to the manor."

Rogue decided to let silence reign between them, concluding it was the best thing to do under the circumstances. He knew he had just made a terrible blunder and wanted to make sure not to repeat it.

What was I thinking?! It's not like me to look at a woman's figure! Argh, what's happening to me?! Damn it!

As for Lana, she let it slide this time, nervously twirling her hair. They continued their way back to the manor, where their presence was awaited for its protection.

Meanwhile, in the deep shadows of the village's twisting alleys, far from prying eyes and crowds, three individuals in black cloaks stood apart, exchanging barely audible whispers. Each harbored a secret so dark and sinister it dissolved into the shadows, creating an atmosphere thick with mystery and malevolence.

As they conspired, a man approached them, his steps as light as a stealthy shadow. Dressed in exquisitely elegant attire, he wore a three-piece suit, each detail screaming refinement. His impeccable white gloves delicately held a letter sealed with black wax, seemingly guarding a precious secret.

When one of them noticed his presence, a sinister laugh escaped her lips, revealing an enigmatic smile. She eyed the intruder with her left eye, glowing with a jade green light. Around this eye, digital anomalies swirled, creating a hypnotic glitch cluster, while the other was hidden behind a mass of yellowish hair.

"Hey you! Come here to die?!"

He didn't answer, letting his steps speak for him.

"So, you really want to let reality consume you?! AHAH!"

The man stopped in front of the dark mage and handed her a letter.

"What's this?"

"Please accept the letter."

"Oh, you finally speak, handsome?"

"Accept the letter."

"Not until you tell me who you are."

"A messenger from afar. Now, accept the letter."

Once she took the letter, the man's mission was complete. He then armed himself with a pistol hidden under his suit, surprising the magicians. He pressed a small lever acting as a safety, then a second one above, this time creating a white aura around the firearm, making it more ethereal than ever.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" she screamed.

However, before he could utter a word, a bullet tore through the air and lodged in his skull, leaving his lifeless body at the mercy of the dark mages, while blood began to spread. The most morbid aspect wasn't his act, but the woman's reaction, who laughed even more.

"Now that's rich, ahah! I knew the Kingdom of Rymis was absurd, but not to this extent!"

She turned to her comrades.

"Clean this up, my dears."

The two acolytes immediately followed the order. They began to conjure glitched magical runes, oscillating between purple and green colors.

[Reversed Magic: Enigmatic Chaos]

The man's body slowly crumbled into particles, his body and blood dissolving into the air as multicolored pixels.

"So, what does this letter say..."

She opened the letter and examined it from every angle before reading it. She suspected a magical trap spell might be contained within, ready to activate at any moment. But after thorough checks, she was certain no traps were set, allowing her to read its contents in peace.

[To you, adepts of chaos and reconstruction,

The veil hiding your activities from common mortals may be thick, but it is not impenetrable to me. I know everything and see everything.

I write to you not as an enemy, but as a potential ally, for I see an opportunity to collaborate towards a common goal.

The extent of my knowledge and resources could benefit you, just as your unique mastery of reverse magic could aid me in achieving my own designs for the world I intend to build.

Therefore, it is this resonance that brings me to propose an alliance that could be mutually beneficial. You are not unaware of the tensions shaking the Kingdom of Rymis, this nation where tradition rhymes with destruction. I have reason to believe our objectives could align to a profitable extent.

If this proposal intrigues you, as a token of your commitment and your ability to take decisive actions, I ask for a simple but significant act. During your next abduction, where you seek the next chosen for your noble cause, I propose a demonstration of our combined power.

Destroy a key infrastructure of the Kingdom of Rymis.

This could be a bridge, a manor, a military depot, or any other installation that, if lost, would shake the people's confidence in their leaders and sow doubt and fear in the hearts of many citizens.

If you execute this task, I will take it as confirmation of your interest. Then, we can discuss in more detail the nature of our potential collaboration.

I ask nothing in return for this first gesture, only proof of your interest and your ability to act.

Wait for my next letter for further instructions. It will reach you as soon as the ashes of Rymis rise to the sky.

In the shadows and in wait,

The One Who Sees All and Is Seen By None.]

The witch squinted and stroked her chin as she weighed the pros and cons.

Firstly, how did they find us? Apart from experienced WADI agents, I can't think of anyone else... Secondly, how did they know about the recruitment phase? We haven't abducted anyone yet.

She sighed, the weight of the decision on her shoulders.

Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained, let's let the doubts linger... Whoever it is, we are far more powerful, there's no reason to worry.

Suddenly, a mischievous smile lit up her face, illuminating her gaze as she contemplated all the opportunities opening up to her. With a mere thought, she incinerated the letter in her fingers, letting the flames devour the paper while feeling the thrill of newfound freedom.

"Oh, dear unknown, your message will not go unnoticed. Let's see where this leads us, ahah..."