Diety Battle

A deadly silence descended between them, numbing time under the weight of Lidia's words. Gwendoline had finally caught a glimpse of the cruel truth behind that statement. She grasped with dread that Lidia and Tony were inexorably linked, bound by some dark connection. An icy realization became even clearer when comparing their personalities. Their ruthless sadism and indifference to human life were then glaringly evident.


A sharp echo rang out as Lidia's feet shattered the ground, propelled by a blazing aura, as she sprinted towards Gwendoline. Her voice rose with unchecked arrogance, tinged with chilling cruelty that dominated the scene, triggering a tidal wave of terror that engulfed Gwendoline's soul.

"Yes, and I plan to crush you in his place!"

Suddenly, at the climax of their confrontation, Lidia pointed at Gwendoline with a diabolical smile. Like an evil entity, scarlet runes emerged from the ground, preparing the devastating incantation that Lidia was about to cast.

[Demonic Magic: Purgatory Flame]

Like a blazing flash, red and black flames erupted suddenly from Gwendoline's body. Yet it was with unparalleled astonishment and confusion that Lidia realized the spell she had cast on Gwendoline had no effect on her.

"What?! What's going on?! Why isn't it working?!"

Gwendoline, too, was equally perplexed by her sudden resistance to demonic magic.

"No matter! I don't need that to torture you!" she proclaimed.

Horrified by what was about to transpire, Gwendoline braced for battle, taking a defensive stance, unsure how to attack. Meanwhile, Lidia clasped her hands and hurled a massive ball of demonic energy at her.

"Take this, ahah!

— OH NO—"

The orb struck her before she could even finish her sentence. When she looked up, to her surprise, she hadn't sustained any damage from the orb, not even a scratch.

"Don't tell me you're a demon?!"

"No! I don't even have a hint of demonic energy! How could I be one?!"

Yet, despite Gwendoline's unexpected resistance to Lidia's demonic forces, a diabolical gleam spread across Lidia's lips. She had been holding back her personal power, ready to unleash it at any time.

"It's okay... I still have my personal power..."

Unwittingly, Gwendoline had underestimated Lidia's personal power. She needed to find a solution quickly, as Lidia was rapidly approaching her.

"I've waited for this moment for three months!"

"What are you doing?!"

"What I've always wanted to do to you..."

Following her declaration, Lidia had closed the distance enough to activate her power. Instinctively, Gwendoline shielded herself with her forearms, bracing for a direct attack.

"It's useless to guard... I won't hurt you... At least... not physically!"

The last thing Gwendoline saw were Lidia's eyes, deeper and darker than the abyss, overlaid with spiraling patterns.

All became imperceptible for her. The darkness was so overwhelming that even Gwendoline, wandering in infinite shadows, couldn't grasp what was happening.

"I can't see anything!"

Suddenly, Lidia's voice echoed deafeningly:

"Everything that's happened to you is your fault, and you deserve it."

Gwendoline suddenly found herself facing her biological parents, handing over a 4-year-old child to a young couple. It was clear they were her adoptive parents.

"Even in your childhood, you were worthless! You were such a burden to your parents that they chose to abandon you rather than raise you!"

Gwendoline struggled to find the right words as the scene shifted once more. Now, she faced her adoptive parents, hanging from a tree. Anger and unparalleled shame appeared on her face.

"You drove your adoptive parents to death. They preferred death over raising you!"

The scene shifted again amidst blinding lights. She was now at home, watching her siblings leave Cassandra's house.

"Why do you think they left? Because you were a burden to everyone, you're a mistake!"

The scene changed once more under the same blinding lights. Shielding her eyes from the brightness, she found herself facing Cassandra, tirelessly working in the evening restaurant where Gwendoline had taken her own life. She was working for the happiness of her younger sister, unaware she would never see her again.

"Have you ever thought about how hard Cassandra worked for you? While you never even took the time to thank her."

She lowered her head, overwhelmed by a sadness and anger that were unprecedented. And for the last time, the scene changed. She was face to face with all her siblings, adoptive and biological parents, as well as her new friends; Alora, Jacob, Yanis, and Rogue. Everyone stared at her with disgust and disdain, berating, insulting, and striking her.

"You should never have been born!" shouted her adoptive parents.

"We lost our lives because of you!" cried her biological parents.

"You're so selfish!" screamed Cassandra.

"We never loved you!" cried her siblings.

"You should never have been brought into this world!" yelled Jacob.

"You're useless to us!" exclaimed Alora.

"You're just pathetic!" shouted Yanis.

"This world isn't meant for you!" Rogue declared.

Darkness closed in once more, unparalleled in its emptiness. As Lidia's voice resonated in this endless, shadowy space, it took on a mocking tone:

"You're weak, worthless... Everything I showed you is real; that's how they truly feel about you."


[Back to reality]

Lidia looked at Gwendoline with disdain. She had fallen to her knees, devoid of emotion and deeply scarred by Lidia's personal power, which had destroyed her spirit from within.

"How can you even look at yourself?! You're just pathetic piece of sh—"

The anger Gwendoline felt towards the world that raised her manifested as an unmatched shockwave, radiating bright red, propelling Lidia far in front of her.

"What's going on?!" she exclaimed.

In a commanding silence, with only the frenzied sound of Gwendoline's aura audible, Lidia stood up and took in the glowing gaze of what was originally her victim. Gwendoline's desperate rage was evident, her emotionless eyes fixated on Lidia, leaving the young woman in despair, facing the vengeful intent consuming her. The malicious nature of her opponent's intentions became clear, and Lidia understood with horror that her end would be slow and painful.




A bit further into the forest, Jaïka and Jacob continued to run, distancing themselves from the camp. For all this time, they were on a quest to hunt down demons.

"Miss Jaïka! We're straying too far! It's dangerous!" Jacob warned.

Unexpectedly, Jaïka halted her run, her gaze fixed intently in the distance, paying no heed to Jacob's admonition.


"You're more naive than I thought, Jacob. You, who are destined to be the mightiest of the Lost Ones."

"What do you mean?"

Just as Jacob stood unguarded, trying to fathom Jaïka's enigmatic words, a brilliant crimson beam of light burst from the ground, radiating from a magical circle with him at its epicenter. This trapped him in a confined space. The glowing ring ascended towards the heavens, its power radiating far beyond celestial bounds.

"Jaïka! I'm under attack!"

"You still don't get it? I'm the enemy."

"Why? I trusted you!"

"Clearly, that was your misjudgment!"

"What will you do to me?"

"I'll present you to Abaguo. He will consume you, absorbing your power. Once done, he'll evolve into a transcendental archdemon."

"Do you really think I'll just let that happen?!"

Hearing this, Jaïka laughed in the face of Jacob's defiance.

"But Jacob, it's over for you! You're sealed in. No way out. This barrier manipulates infinity; nothing can escape, and it's impossible to wield any power within it."

"We'll see about that!"

"Go ahead, give it a try!"

"Fine then, bid your farewells to Abaguo! Engage Deity Battle!"

Closing his eyes to concentrate, Jacob activated his video game, Deity Battle. The game was based on leveling up by battling loyal servants of its universe's deities. To win, players collected weapons like swords, bows, and spears that became increasingly powerful as they leveled up. Igdifir, Jacob's demonic ally, belonged to this gaming world, serving as a summon for players, hence Jacob's ability to call him. Yet, wielding these powers depleted Jacob's mana rapidly.

I must use it wisely, each skill drains too much energy.

Suddenly, in a dazzling display, a futuristic sword emerged from the shadows. Neon purples illuminating its blade revealed its unique nature. In Jacob's hands, this weapon defied imagination, resonating with an energy that could shake the heavens.

"Meet Final Omega, the ultimate weapon from my game. The last thing you'll ever see!"

"Oh, how terrifying," Jaïka scoffed.

But using Final Omega required a high skill level. With his mere level 52, Jacob could hardly exploit its full potential. However, he shattered Jaïka's infinite barrier effortlessly, freeing himself. Her doubts about his power were confirmed.

"You broke through the infinity?"

"And now, I'll break you! Igdifir! Join me!"

With a majestic gesture, Igdifir emerged in a brilliant swirl of orange pixels, revealing his indomitable presence.

"What are your orders, Master?"

"Identify her power, level, and race!"

After examining Jaïka, Igdifir relayed, "Jaïka is a demoness, level 316. Her unique ability lets her borrow skills from beings of other universes."

"This will be tougher than I thought," Jaïka mused.

Her violet eyes darkened, targeting Jacob and Igdifir.

[Inescapable Fate]

Unleashing a colossal power, she rendered Jacob and Igdifir as still as timeless statues. They were trapped in a realm where time stood still, in eternal silence.

"This ability is from someone who can halt an event in Fate! You're ensnared in this fabricated destiny!"