My Reviving Past

Night had only just begun, but it already felt endless. Alora set off on a round around the camp to chase away her boredom.

The nighttime forest stretched out in darkness, its majestic trees standing tall like silent guardians. The leaves rustled gently, carrying with them the mysterious whisper of the night. Dancing shadows formed on the ground, cast by the flickering light of the campfires. Flames swayed in the wind, creating fleeting images that momentarily illuminated the surroundings.

The atmosphere was laden with an aura both mystical and unsettling. The sounds of the nocturnal nature echoed: the distant hooting of an owl, the croak of a solitary frog, and the crunching of branches under the weight of some stealthy creature. At times, silence reigned with a disturbing intensity, making the night feel almost tangible.

Alora walked cautiously, her steps softly echoing on the leaf-covered ground. She felt the magic of the night, but also a certain tension, as if the unknown lurked in every corner of the forest. The shadows cast by the trees seemed to come alive, playing with her imagination and awakening in her a mix of fascination and apprehension.

In this mesmerizing yet uneasy setting, Alora continued her patrol, seeking to distract her restless mind.

"I wonder what time it is," she murmured, eyes fixed on the moon, "I'm so bored, there's absolutely nothing to do!"

A troubled and concerned look marked her face as she surveyed the forest from her vantage point, sensing the foreboding of a terrible tragedy soon to be unveiled from the darkness of the night.

I'm starting to understand Yanis and Gwendoline... I also have this bad feeling; something is going to happen tonight.

Not far from her, she spotted Jaïka sitting at the base of a tree. She looked perfectly at ease, arms crossed, as if she was impatiently waiting for the sun's rays to caress her face. With her doubts and fears in tow, Alora approached her, seeking reassurance.

"Madam Jaïka, have you noticed anything strange recently?"

"No, my dear. Nothing at all."

"Tell me, do you feel a weird premonition by any chance?"

"Why should I? I'm the strongest in the convoy; no one needs to worry."

"Still, be on your guard; you never know."

With a smile, Jaïka simply gave her a sarcastic glance. As Alora turned anxiously, she saw Gwendoline emerging hastily from her tent, her face filled with terror. She rushed towards her, desperately trying to catch her breath.

"Alora, this isn't good! Something's about to happen!"

"What do you mean?"

No sooner had she finished her sentence than a demon sped towards her, scooping her up in his arms. The demon was so swift that it evaded all the traps the soldiers had previously set.

"Alora!" Gwendoline screamed out.

The demon instantly bolted, making its way towards Gwendoline who clumsily gave chase. As this happened, soldiers blew horns to raise the alarm, jolting the other Lost Ones out of their tents. About ten soldiers headed for Abraham's tent. Meanwhile, Yanis, Jacob, and Rogue watched as Gwendoline distanced herself from the camp. Simultaneously, in a state of frenzy, Jaïka and several other soldiers rushed in. But, Jaïka was eerily calm.

"A demon just appeared out of nowhere! We need to protect Abraham," a soldier yelled out.

"I know, but what about Alora and Gwendoline?!" retorted Yanis.

The soldier, not sure of the best response, deferred to Jaïka, who had a distinct glint in her eyes and a sly smile forming.

"Yanis, you'll retrieve them. Jacob, you're with me. And Rogue, guard Abraham with the soldiers."

"Thank you!" As Yanis uttered his thanks, he darted off towards Gwendoline and Alora. His sprint sent a shockwave that decimated nearby trees.

"So, why do you want me with you?" Jacob inquired.

"We're going demon hunting."

"Oh, cool!"

Elsewhere in the woods, Gwendoline was winded but persisted in chasing the demon. Alora, putting up a fierce fight, punched the demon. However, it only infuriated the creature further.

"Let me go!"

"Shut it!"

I need to activate my fear power to catch him! As Gwendoline focused on her ability, Yanis zipped past with blistering speed. His training after the fight with Tony in Paraya had significantly improved his swiftness, a skill now proving its worth.

"Head back to the camp, Gwen'. I've got this!" Yanis yelled.

"Roger that!"

With a bold and determined stride, he caught up to the demon, delivering a powerful kick that sent it flying deeper into the woods. At the same time, he safely grabbed Alora.

"You okay?" he asked with concern.

"Yeah, thanks!"

The demon, recovering from Yanis's attack, sported a menacing grin and shrugged as if preparing for a massive showdown.

"Not bad... not bad at all."

As Yanis positioned Alora behind him, he focused on the slowly rising demon.

"Stay behind me. If things go south, head back to camp."

"You think you can take me on? I'm a demon, way stronger than you humans."

"You're gonna regret that, you little twerp!" Yanis bragged.

The demon levitated further, his hand glowing with runic symbols, emphasizing his immense power.

[Demonic Magic: Eternal Jewel—

Yanis cut off the demon's spell with a swift teleportation, kneeing it and sending it flying. Now, terror filled the demon's eyes. Yanis grinned cockily.

"Told you I'd knock you into the sky. Both metaphorically and literally."

"You damned human... I recognize you, one of the Lost Ones."

"Come down and fight like a man, brat!"

Humoring Yanis, the demon lunged with hands infused with demonic mana.

"Sure thing!" it chuckled.

"Yanis, watch out!" reported Alora.

"I got this—"

Suddenly, demonic energy sprouted from Yanis's feet, pushing him towards the speeding demon.

"Eat this!"

The demon, now inches away, punched Yanis with all its might, causing a massive crater beneath them.

"Yanis!" cried a terrified Alora, spotting Yanis's injuries.

The demon, wearing a satisfied smirk, watched Alora cradle an unconscious Yanis.

"Is he okay?"

"He took a direct hit from demonic energy. He's dead!" the demon taunted.

But Yanis, coughing up blood, pushed Alora away, locking eyes with the demon.

"You think a punch is gonna finish me off?"

Yanis unleashed blasts of energy, which the demon found pointless.

Does this brat not know that I'm immune to it?

But as the demon thought this, Yanis hit him with another spell.

[Magic Elemental: Seismic Air]

Blue magical symbols appeared, forming walls of energy around the demon. Intense light illuminated the area, and gusts of wind knocked trees over, confusing the demon.

Why did he do that?

Having fooled the demon, Yanis turned to Alora, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"We're teleporting to him. Once there, put him to sleep!"

"Got it."

Suddenly, they were next to the dazed demon among fallen trees.

"Now, Alora!"

But before she could act, a second demon appeared, its threatening wings flapping fiercely. Yanis's heart sank seeing Alora taken by the demon, saving its friend from Yanis's imminent retribution.

"Alora! No!" he screamed.

Amidst his anguish, an imposing shadow loomed in the moonlight. An oppressive force pressed against Yanis's back, hinting at a mighty being ready to kill him.

What is that?!

"It's not them you're up against. It's me," a cavernous voice declared.

Yanis turned in horror to see an archdemon, decorated with demonic symbols and imposing horns. This creature looked like it hailed straight from Hell.

"An archdemon?!"

"That's right, I am an archdemon," it laughed.




Amidst the vast expanse of the forest, Gwendoline found herself wandering, seemingly lost and unable to find her way back to the campsite. She treaded lightly, her eyes darting with every slight movement she could discern in the deepening shadows.

Then, as she continued her uncertain path, a shiver ran down her spine. A voice — too familiar, yet dreadfully unwanted — reached her ears. It was Lidia, her high school bully, a bearer of many painful memories.

"Gwen, it's been ages!"

"Tell me this is some kind of sick joke," Gwendoline muttered in disbelief.

"Nope! It's really me!"

Gwendoline spun around, her heart sinking when she saw it wasn't a hallucination. Lidia stood there, donning the same red sweater and blue jeans she often wore back on Earth, that malicious smirk playing on her face as it always had.

"How? How did you get here?"

"That," Lidia smirked, "is a secret. And I'm not sharing."

Gwendoline's thoughts raced. How could Lidia be here, in this realm?

"You took the coward's way out and ended up here. What a pitiful move, my dear silly Gwendoline. So weak-minded to just leave our world without a second thought. Tell me, how can you even face yourself after doing that?"

Lidia continued to taunt her, reminding Gwendoline of the painful memories she believed she had left behind on Earth. With a hand on her hip, Lidia took a step closer, mocking her vulnerability.

"Ever wonder how your loved ones are dealing with it? Didn't that thought cross your mind in the past three months?"

"Shut up! You have no right to speak of them."

"I'll talk about whoever I want. You can't tell me what to do! Here, or in our world, I'll always continue what I started."

"What are you talking about?!"

"To torment you!" Lidia spat out with venom.

As she said these words, a demonic aura burst forth from Lidia, releasing a dark, purple energy. It surged like a whirlwind of darkness, its intensity engulfing her in an ominous glow. Dark tendrils curled upwards, snake-like, oozing fear with each twist and turn. An eerie glow danced in the midst of the violet abyss, reminiscent of the very fires of Hell itself. The demonic presence emanated with overwhelming power, revealing the abyss's inherent cold and cruelty.

"Behold this power!"

The sinister force Lidia now wielded filled Gwendoline with terror, showcasing the disturbing depths of human malevolence.

"Demonic energy?!"

"That's right."

"You've killed people?!"

"Yes, just like my dear Tony did."

The revelation sent chills down Gwendoline's spine, pushing her further into a corner of despair and fear. Lidia's reign of terror was far from over, and the forest's once serene atmosphere was now tainted with foreboding dread.