By Time

After several days in the village, the Lost Ones had uncovered a new dimension of this world. Despite the chaos the demons spread, the inhabitants of Haradi managed to push their fears aside to fully embrace life. Haradi stood out from other villages with its festive atmosphere and myriad of shops, allowing anyone to find a semblance of joy within its community.

Night had fallen, swiftly bringing tranquility to the bustling village of Haradi. Once again, the young Lost Ones took their well-deserved rest. All seated around the dining table, they eagerly awaited the meal Garnal had prepared for them. After a brief moment, he emerged from the kitchen, carrying a tray containing the anticipated meal, which he held with a thick cloth. He hurriedly placed it on the table, announcing the evening's dish.

"Behold, a Haradian specialty!"

As he sat with the others, Garnal finally lifted the tray's lid, revealing a piece of grilled ham, delectably draped with a thin layer of melted cheese, accompanied by an orange-hued salad, causing Jacob to look puzzled.

"Uhm… what's the orange thing supposed to be?"

"That's salad," he replied.

"Salad is anything but orange."

"Haha, that's because it's grown with fairy water, making it crunchier and tastier."

"Alright then, enjoy your meal everyone."

"Thank you!" the others chimed in.

Yanis, using his fork, took a portion of the salad and inspected it closely. His eyes intently studied the Haradian salad, as if he wanted a preview before tasting. This thing is grown with fairy water, huh? If someone told me I'd be eating this one day… I'd never have believed them.

He brought the fork to his mouth, biting into the salad with precision. Moments later, his taste test widened his eyes in sheer astonishment. Never in his life had he tasted something so exquisite. With his mouth agape, he exclaimed:

"You guys eat this stuff daily?!" Yanis asked.

"Yes, indeed," Garnal replied. "The Kingdom of Rymis might lack in technology, but its culinary expertise is renowned across Trillia. It's no wonder the planet's greatest chefs come here to study!"

As everyone savored each bite, Gwendoline had yet to partake. She hesitated to eat, as her clenched hands around her utensils showed. Why am I not hungry? I don't even feel anything anymore...

Hesitantly, she turned to Yanis. "Yanis? Can I ask you a favor?"

"Yeah? What's up?" he responded, chewing.

"It might sound weird, but… can you hit me?"

An already quiet room grew even more silent at Gwendoline's outlandish request. Their mouths dropped, and eyes widened in disbelief, perplexed by the nonsensical nature of her ask.

"Are you out of your mind?!"

"What's gotten into you?!" Jacob exclaimed.

"I haven't felt anything since I woke up. Neither hot nor cold. I'm not hungry, and I don't even feel the urge to sleep."

"What does that have to do with me?!"

"I want you to hit me to see if I can still feel pain."

"Are you insane?! I would never hit you! Not even if you asked!"

"Not even a slap?"

"Quit it, Gwendoline! This isn't funny!" Alora shot back.

The distinct clinking of cutlery echoed throughout the spacious room, harmoniously blending with the comforting crackle of the fireplace. The atmosphere was laden with tension, casting a discomforting veil over all present.

Suddenly, Garnal took the lead to break the thick air that had slowly built up during the meal. With a confident voice that captured everyone's attention, and without concern for the intrigued looks cast his way, he broached a topic solely to restore harmony and warmth among friends:

"Have I ever told you about the Haradian festival?"

"No, what's that?" Yanis inquired.

"It's a celebration we have every last Sunday of the month in honor of the Archangels. We offer them dances, shows, feasts, and magic. Would you like to join?"

"Sorry, man, I don't celebrate," Yanis shrugged.

"Man, you're such a buzzkill!" Jacob playfully protested.

"Yeah! You could at least make an effort!" Alora chimed in.

As the trio continued their playful banter, Rogue seemed to be the only one genuinely interested in the region's traditional festival.

"Tell me, Garnal, why do you celebrate the Archangels so much?"

With a smile, Garnal responded, hands coming together in delight, "The Archangels created our universe and shaped this world with their hands. Each generation, they protect us through angelic humans, individuals who embody their bravery and kindness. I find it symbolic and generous to thank them this way."

"I'm in. Can I come?"

"Of course, my friend. Everyone's welcome in Haradi, especially would-be heroes like you all!"


Under the shimmering glow of the moon, Gwendoline lounged in her room, sprawled on a chair, dressed in a blue pajama, utterly entranced by the heavenly light. But despite the beauty of the night, insomnia gripped her relentlessly. She was deeply engrossed in a book, eagerly exploring the intricacies of her new world, Trillia.

The tome she held recounted the history of the demonic race and its evolution over the years. Among the many stories, Gwendoline was particularly intrigued by a conflict that occurred over eight hundred years ago, involving the infamous Nerhel who had obliterated two universes. According to the narrative, a painful loss had driven the archdemon to act so destructively. Like a raging child tearing paper, Nerhel had ripped apart the universe itself. The book also revealed some of his former powers, such as the ability to kill anyone who dared defy him with just a thought, and the capability to reshape the demonic race, molding it as he desired.

A pivotal name, that of the metapotent being who sealed Nerhel, also appeared within the pages: Mudon. The term "metapotent" was coined especially for him, suggesting a near-omnipotent closeness, reaching up to 99.99% power, but also able to be used at 72.51%. In truth, the concept of power associated with it far exceeded any human understanding.

However, despite all these gripping details, one question haunted Gwendoline's mind throughout her sleepless night: who was the entity inside her? She desperately sought answers in books, podcasts, and interviews, but the mystery persisted.

A bold idea crossed her mind: What if I tried to communicate with her?

With sudden resolve, she sprang from her chair, quickly leaving her room to venture into the garden. But as she set foot on the dewy grass, a feeling of intense apprehension overcame her, sensing something was amiss.

I don't feel cold! How is that possible?!

Gwendoline swiftly looked up to the stars, speaking aloud to herself, "Listen! You need to tell me what's happening! Why don't I feel cold?"

Suddenly, the voice of the entity echoed within her mind, harmoniously reverberating, "And why should I answer you?"

"Well, it's my body after all. I deserve to know what's happening in it."

The entity laughed, "That's a good one, your body you say?"

"Well, yes, of course."

"You're really funny when you try! Thank you for the laugh."

"Um... thanks?"

"Regardless, I'll indulge you this time. Ask one thing, and I'll answer. But be warned! Only one question."

Lost in her thoughts, Gwendoline didn't bother hunting for a cryptic answer. Her mind was consumed by a single pressing query: what was the nature of these sudden changes occurring within her?

"What's happening to my body?"

"Ahah! You didn't waste any time. Well, your body is no longer that of a human, nor is your soul. By taking two spells from my magic, your body and soul have adapted, transcending their origin to reach a unique, perfect state. In short, you're no longer human. Everything humans need to live, you won't require."

Stunned by this revelation, a flurry of thoughts raced through her mind as she grappled with the reality. "Wait... does that mean I'm, theoretically... immortal?"

"That's correct. I won't say more. For now, have fun, dear."

"What?! What do you mean?"

After answering her query, the entity fell silent, leaving Gwendoline bathed in lunar light, her bewilderment palpable. As she turned to return to her room, her gaze met Rogue's, whose expression betrayed a clear shock.

"What are you doing outside at this hour?"

"I can't sleep... so I tried communicating with the entity within me."

"I see... And how did that go?"




They lay on the fresh grass for about fifteen minutes, engrossed in a captivating conversation about their lives. The stars twinkled above as they shared a precious moment, discussing the intertwined peculiarities of their lives. Their journeys were so parallel they found unexpected connections in each tale. The night wrapped their budding bond in a mysterious veil, deepening their closeness and intimacy.

"I'm sure if we'd known each other on Earth, we could have become best friends..." Rogue whispered.

"Yes... no doubt."

"Can I confide in you, Gwendoline?"

"Of course. I'm here for you."

"Just like you, I never knew my biological father, but I had a stepfather. I always had a unique relationship with him. He was a police inspector, so I rarely saw him at home. Whenever he was around, I couldn't tell if he genuinely cared for me or not."

"That must have been hard."

"Not really, I always felt like no one loved me... But with him, it was different. Sometimes, he saw me as a real human being; other times, I felt utterly detestable to him..."

"That's an unusual relationship..."

"I wouldn't be surprised if he's my enemy on Trillia..."

"How so?"

"Like how it is with you and Lidia, or Yanis and Tony..."

"Yeah, I see. I can't imagine why though..."