A World Without Powers

Tsura, whose entire strategy had hinged on her magic, suddenly realized that everything had crumbled in an instant. Even worse, she was at a disadvantage, worn out from previous battles, while Rogue appeared to have tapped into an inexhaustible well of willpower.

"What's happening... How?" Tsura murmured, confused.

Around them, the horde of knights and magicians, stripped of their supernatural strengths, hesitated to advance. Some even retreated, their courage shaken by the loss of their powers.

Tsura readjusted Lana on her shoulders, weighing her options. To fight now meant relying solely on her physical strength and martial skill, areas in which she excelled, but not to the extent that she could confront an army alone.

Rogue, on the other hand, felt he was on the brink of collapse. He smiled, convinced this would teach Tsura a lesson.

"Tell me what you feel, Tsura... Do you feel fear taking over? Do you feel vulnerable? Or do you finally understand the fragility of our race?"

He paused, and in that moment, their eyes met, revealing a profound truth about their shared humanity. Inevitably, he collapsed to the ground, leaving the magicians and knights to finish his work.

In a final effort, Tsura tried to take flight, but gravity relentlessly pulled her back down. She felt the weight of her own body coupled with Lana's, making every movement slow and heavy. Each gesture required an almost impossible strength, as if reality had caught up with her in full force. Moreover, being a woman, Tsura was naturally at a disadvantage due to her lack of muscle and endurance.

You've got to be kidding me! I didn't plan this... I had 6 backup plans!

Her mind racing, Tsura searched within for a strength she could no longer find. The chaos had turned into a sort of silent ballet, where each combatant measured their own powerlessness. Faces once marked by the fury and zeal of battle now betrayed uncertainty and fear.

Tsura, in a last-ditch effort, extended her hand towards the crowd of combatants to cast a magic spell. But nothing appeared at her fingertips, not even a spark of her mana or a runic circle. All hope seemed to vanish from the surface.

Damn kid! You've really put me in a bind!

With magic, Tsura could have vanished in a flash, but without it, she was just a mortal fugitive, exhausted and vulnerable. The decision was bitter, but clear. She had to flee, not out of cowardice, but for her mission.

However, if one thinks about it carefully... By depriving everyone of magic, you've actually handed me a significant advantage, Rogue. Thank you. Now we can make our escape... Moreover, now that you've shattered the essence of your mana, you won't be able to use it for up to a month while it recharges. In truth... it's me who has the upper hand, not them...

Her gaze fell on the group of magicians and knights, a slight smile on her face, as with a snap of her fingers, the remaining members of the sect immediately rushed to her side.


They all gathered around her, escaping as quickly as possible, dodging debris and knights.

With Lana still on her shoulders, Tsura wove through the disordered ranks of her enemies, relying on her resilience and resourcefulness as her only assets in this strangely neutral world. She couldn't help but look back at where Rogue lay unconscious.

Until next time, maybe, Rogue Grimez. I look forward to seeing the person you will have become.

The members of the sect who had joined her were hardened fighters, trained to survive and fight in extreme conditions, but they had always relied on a magical advantage. Now, in this new environment, they had to depend on their pure physical strength and ingenuity.

The sound of their feet hitting the earthy ground was strangely loud in the sudden silence of the battlefield. Tsura felt the weight of exhaustion, but the survival instinct was a powerful stimulant.

The knights, disoriented by the loss of their abilities, were slow to react. Spells and prayers were useless; their swords and armor seemed to weigh a ton. Some, however, guided by instinct and training, began to recover, realizing that the nature of the combat had changed.

"We must regroup, and quickly!" shouted a knight with a strong voice, trying to rally his comrades.

Tsura and her group didn't give them time to organize. They disappeared into the dense forest bordering the battlefield, their passage marked by the rustling of leaves and the cracking of branches under their rapid steps.

The forest, with its shadows and mysteries, offered them a temporary respite. Tsura, leading the group with an assurance that masked her fatigue, knew they had to put a significant distance between themselves and the knights before they could afford a break. Lana's weight on her shoulders was a constant reminder of her responsibility.

They moved with silent efficiency; each sect member aware that any excess noise could betray them. Their senses on alert, they detected every movement of the wind, every distant crack.

Once they deemed, they had reached a safe distance, Tsura ordered a slowdown. They slipped into a clearing hidden by the natural drapes of tall oaks and thick bushes.

"We're good, my dears! We've lost them."

They caught their breath, one by one, so great was their fatigue. Tsura looked at Lana, proud to have accomplished the first step of a larger goal.

"And another joins our ranks... The selection is approaching fast!"

Meanwhile, as the village returned to calm among the flames, the steel doors of the bunker opened amidst the debris, revealing the Cleared family, safe and sound. They headed towards Rogue, careful not to trip over the rubble. From there, they could see his unconscious body, appearing so fragile and dying.

"Rogue..." Eliana worried.

Suddenly, the magical barrier dissipated, allowing smoke to escape higher into the skies. This meant one thing: despite Rogue's efforts and fleeting victory, the sect had managed to escape with Lana, leaving behind a chilling silence.

The night, witness to these dramatic events, was finally coming to an end, leaving in its wake palpable anxiety. Now, all they could do was wait for the kingdom's rescue to arrive.

It was at this precise moment that everyone could feel the flow of their mana returning, their strength gradually coming back. Whether it was the surviving villagers, the Cleared family, or the knights in the forest, everyone felt their true nature reasserting itself over the fragile humans they had become for several minutes. They had regained their magical power, marking the definitive end of this apocalyptic night.


Several hours later, Rogue slowly opened his eyes, feeling the breeze caress his cheeks. In the distance, he heard the echo of birds skillfully blending with the faint conversations of the residents.

As he awoke, he felt the warmth and softness of a blanket, seemingly easing the pain of his battle wounds. He sat up abruptly when the image of Tsura reminded him of the harsh reality he was in. But all he found when he looked around were the relieved faces of the Cleared family members, along with soldiers and knights sheltering the villagers. Many were still traumatized by recent events.

"Am I still alive?"

He could also see, in the distance, magicians gracefully extinguishing the last flames of the incidents with an elementary spell manipulating water.

"You're safe," Paul assured him.

"And Lana, is she okay?!" he exclaimed, worried.

Everyone lowered their heads, dreading this question. Rogue knew what this meant and plunged into deep panic.

"Oh no, this can't be true... it's all my fault.

"You couldn't do anything," Eliana downplayed, "the sect was too powerful.

"I thought by disabling their powers, we could stop them... But they took advantage to flee.

"They were just smarter, that's all."

Rogue, still seated, turned towards the now non-existent manor, demolished by Tsura's devastating force.

"Your manor...

"Yes, we know. Our beautiful manor is destroyed... and part of our wealth too.

"I'm terribly sorry."

Rogue was aware he had failed in his duty, so much so that he cried his heart out.

"I'm so useless... You shouldn't have chosen me to protect you. I did nothing right during my stay! I feel so guilty..."

Eliana rubbed his shoulder, a compassionate smile on her lips.

"You don't have to blame yourself, you did your best to protect us and the villagers, and that's what counts.

"No, you don't understand! Because of me, not only has Lana disappeared, but now, you're without a home and a village! What will you do?!

"Who said we only had one residence?"

Rogue stopped his tears instantly.


"Yes, haha. We own several mansions and castles around the globe. We just lost our main residence.


Rogue was speechless, tears drying on his cheeks as he processed this revelation. He had pictured the Cleared family as now destitute, their legacy in ashes, and here they revealed an almost unimaginable affluence.

Paul smiled broadly.

"It's true that it was our favorite home, but it's not the end of the world. We'll rebuild it, and this time, even better."

Rogue shook his head, both relieved and still overwhelmed with guilt.

"No, it's not over! I must find Lana, I must make amends."

Eliana approached him, placing her hand on the young man's shoulder.

"And you will. But for now, you need to heal. You'd better rest."

The Cleareds were kind, but Rogue felt an urgency that wouldn't let him rest. With magical powers returning, he knew time was of the essence. Tsura and her sect had a temporary advantage in this race against time.

As the sun began to rise, flooding the ruins with light, Rogue wondered.

"But there's one thing I don't understand... Why did the sect want Lana?

"To appoint what they call a new 'Bearer of Aversion,' a new leader in essence.

"A leader?

"Yes, every ten to fifteen years, they conduct mass kidnappings on Trillia to find the rare gem who will lead them. However, there is still much we don't know about them, which is why they are so dangerous.

"That's crazy."

The Cleared family members exchanged knowing looks.

"Now, you need to rest, you need it.

"By the way, did you get your powers back?

"Yes, it seems the effect of your explosion was only temporary. It was actually very clever of you!

"Thank you, I've been working on it for a long time."

Eliana placed her hand tenderly on Rogue's cheek, as he slowly regained his composure.

"One thing's for sure, Rogue. Your stay with us wasn't in vain, because you've changed. You can be proud of yourself.

"Yes... Thank you so much."

The morning progressed, and with it, the rumor of the village transformed into a hive of activity. Survivors cleaned up, soldiers organized searches, and magicians tried to trace the path taken by Tsura and her followers using location spells. But to no avail, she and her sect had vanished off the radar.

[Unknown Location]

The room was shrouded in darkness, its modern architecture barely discernible through the pristine walls and unlit bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Near one wall, where a sleek, wooden desk stood, a figure blended into the darkness, almost imperceptible. This mysterious person, adorned with a strange black necklace, was engrossed in their laptop, the screen's glow faintly illuminating their face hidden in the shadows.

Their hands were wrapped in white silk gloves, an elegant touch in the somber room. Fingers slid silently across the keyboard, entering a closely guarded password, as if security was of paramount importance. Finally, access was granted, and a cryptic article from a sender named "WADI – RR" appeared on the screen. The recent events in Iraclif were now within reach of this curious individual.

A masculine voice broke the silence:

"As I had anticipated, they went all out for a first interaction... Destroying an entire village, including its key asset, now that's what I call efficiency."

His index finger pointed towards an image of Rogue activating his explosion against Tsura, caressing the orb with a morbid curiosity. The photo itself seemed to have been taken from near a tree not far from the battlefield, where the forest shielded the photographer from death.

"My hypotheses are confirmed; this young man is indeed the most ingenious 'Lost One' of his group. With his personal power, he perceives the world as a digital reality that he can manipulate at will. He could be useful to me in the future if I manage to dissolve his group. But for now…"

He closed his laptop and stood up, his voice turning more serious and authoritative than ever.

"... It's time to show the world how to take control from the shadows."