Chapter Thirty: The Letter

"My lady, how pleasant to see you this fine evening," he exclaimed.

"Evening my lord, you are better recovered I believe?"

"Of course and that's all thanks to your expertise." came Vallus' response.

"Thank you," she bowed her head slightly and was about to leave when Vallus said, "I  believe the Alpha is in a good mood seeing that you have just attended him?" Cora blushed slightly knowing what Vallus implying.

"I left him well," she responded vaguely.

"The Alpha is a good man, he can be harsh sometimes but that is what the burden of leadership does to one," Vallus was trying to get an idea of what her conversation with the Alpha. Usually, when he said these words to others who worked closely with the Alpha in most cases they were quick to defend him and then go ahead to reveal details of what they had discussed with Artemis.

"I agree, he's a good leader," she replied curtly.