Chapter Forty-Eight: The Disappearing Orb

Tharnis regarded the man in his presence with cold  and unforgiving eyes. "Uncle Reuben."

"Now now," the man grinned. "Feel free to call me father."

"Never." Tharnis spat on the ground. Velma could feel the heat of the rage within him. "I would rather remain mad."

"That is no way to speak with an older one," the man tsked. "Where are your manners?" He questioned. "Did running mad make you lose them?"

Tharnis clenched his hands by his side angrily. It was evident he wanted to assault the man but dared not as a myriad of armed warriors surrounded him.

"I could not believe the news when it came to me that the mad vampire prince has become sane," Reuben commented. "In just a night, the rumours had spread like wildfire."

"So then, have you come to kill me?" Tharnis eyes were hard and tearful. "Like you did to my fa—" he closed his eyes, unable to complete the statement. "Have you come to kill me?" He settled to ask.