Forty Seven: Union

"I am sorry to intrude..."

"You do not intrude, please join us," Artemis said.

Myrtle joined the older men, she felt uncomfortable as she was the only lady present but she was relieved to see Adelaide and another woman whom she did not know.

She listened with rapt attention as the men debated their suggestions. She viewed them in admiration, although they had being given their titles and place at court hereditarily, they were indeed intelligent men. She hoped that in the near future she would be just as capable.

"Myrtle, what do you think about punishing those who are hoarding food and creating false scarcity?"

"In my opinion they should be punished appropriately and made an example to others who intend to do same," she replied her heart beating faster as she uttered every single word.

"I disagree," said Lord Creon to a mildly shocked Myrtle.

"Why is that?" someone asked.