Chapter Fifty Eight: Thoughts Of Vengeance and a Harsh Friend

The recent developments at court of recent got Adelaide thinking that perhaps it was for the best that Vallus and she were not on speaking terms. She could not believe that her once bosom friend and then lover will treat her like she meant nothing. He was not even hiding his affairs anymore. He seemed too busy pursuing his interests and did not care about her at all.

She knew about his goals. She was aware that he was planning to become overthrow Artemis and become Alpha of the pack. She had known since they were little; Artemis had never been able to tell but she had seen right through his layers of deception. She had not minded especially when she had been mated to him as Vallus becoming Alpha will make her Luna of the pack. However, if he was going to discard her like she meant nothing then she was going to ensure she ruin his plans and should he succeed she will become Luna and plot her revenge against Vallus.