Chapter Fifty-Nine: A Cry In The Night

"Go ahead," she smiled. "Kill me."

"You would die without ever knowing what you truly are?" The blade went deeper into her skin.

Velma smiled as she saw his nails elongate into claws. "Kill me," she urged, grabbing his cold hands and pushing it deeper so blood gushed out. "I would die and you will be insane for an eternity."

His cold hands froze and then slowly, he pulled the Fang Blade out of her skin. "Get out of my sight," he said to her.

Velma turned to face him, her eyes widening as she took in the blood red colour of his eyes that turned deeper with each passing second. He regarded the blood that trailed down her neck and licked his lips.

She took a step back, looking round for the best spot to go. She dared not leave his bedroom because the guards would then know that she was a wolf once they caught whiff of her blood. "I can't go out like this." Her voice was calm, portraying no fear.