Chapter Hundred: The Witch

The doctor gasped and a look of confusion marred his face. It was not the reaction he had been expecting from the creature. He watched as the the creature began convulsing— shaking like the leaves of a tree when it was windy.

Suddenly, the creature ceased it's shaking and was still, except for the rhythmic rise and fall of it's chest. The doctor carried it back to its glass box and observed it for a while before sighing and moving on to clear his experiment table.

"Do you think he is dead?" Rahul whispered.

"I don't think so," Velma whispered back. "He seems to be breathing."

The doctor whipped his head in the direction of Velma and Rahul, confusion overtaking his countenance once more. He had never heard Rahul talk— at least not like a human. The only thing he could hear were growls, and purrs.