Chapter One Hundred & Twenty Nine: The Mirror

Velma had returned home, but without Evgenikós. She had been given money by the witch—Evgenikos, to purchase some fruits and vegetables on her way home but with warning to be extra careful.

She was given directions to a store that's was close to Evgenikós house and asked to purchase whatever she wanted until Evgenikós was home to cook one of the more human meals that did not include meat and too much of vegetables.

Velma's journey to the fruit shop was a mix of fascination and apprehension. As a werewolf navigating the human world, she often found herself intrigued by the various activities and interactions she observed. The bustling streets, the array of scents wafting through the air, and the peculiar behaviors of humans never failed to captivate her. However, there was always an underlying sense of wariness, a reminder that her existence as a supernatural being set her apart from the ordinary.