Chapter One Hundred & Thirty Seven: A Little Journey

A flicker of disappointment passed over Evgenikós's features, casting a shadow of concern over her usually composed expression. Without uttering a word, she nodded slowly and settled onto the edge of her bed, the weight of her thoughts palpable in the air around her.

"How do you feel?" Velma's voice was gentle, laced with a genuine curiosity and a touch of empathy.

"The Fae queen used her healing magic on me, but its effects will fade within minutes because in Fae land, time, she healed me for a week. My time of being healed here is limited, mere minutes remaining," Evgenikós explained, her tone tinged with a sense of resignation.

"Why did she not heal you permanently?" Velma inquired, her brow furrowing with genuine interest.

"It is not within her power," Evgenikós replied softly. "Her magic can only provide temporary relief for a natural ailment such as mine."