To Avanthika

Karna was about to continue but stoped. He walk up to the desk of the wooden almirahs and searched for sometime other unable to see. Finding the object, he walk back to the table where others were sitting. In his hand, a old piece of woodscraped fabric paper which quite famous type of paper in current times able to lasts for centuries. He laid fabric paper onto the table.

The paper reveal a map of the region extending from Uttar Kuru ( ie Kazakhstan areas) to Tamraparni (ie Sri Lanka). In east extending from swarna bhumi (ie Thailand) to Plantanki (ie Middle of Iran). His finger then point at the town of Champa in map continuing where he left off.

"Because of our location which is located in the plains of vraj bhomi and close proximity to the banks of Mata Ganga, we held not only highly fertile land blessed for agriculture but also strategic importance in the hub of trading to Eastern and South Eastern parts of Aryavart. If trade is to be conducted, both merchants from Hastinapur and Magadha have to pass from Anga through waterways into the Lavana samudra (Bay of bengal). "

"Hence if Mathura is to aid Magadha, even with Hastinapur support and its control over Anga as a vassal state or with ongoing Digvijaya by Hastinapur, Anga is bound to witness political or military unrest. Currently the focus of Hastinapur on expanding in westward. Magadha with this move will try as much isolate us and reap benifits from it. "

Then he pointed to Avanthika in the Map and continued," Here comes the funny part, while Anga is almost a lost cause in this situation, Avanthika is simply a minefield."

"Then why do you suggest us to settle in such a place knowing the conditions." Asked the mayor agitated by Karna suggestion.

Karna just smiled and continued," Surely while Avanthika in initial instances would be minefield, but currently is the most safe place."

"How??" questioned one of the neighbor.

"Simply because it will mostly likely prefer remain neutral on both sides. If previously due aggression from Magadha, from fear of Jarasandh, the king of Avanthika was forced to take anti Hastinapur stance for undisturbed trade to East. Now due to Digvijaya, Avanthika will surely take a neutral stance as its involvement has high possibity of sparking conflict and itself become battle ground between Hastinapur and Magadha leading to a Land route economic crash finally to inflation on both sides. Possibily both sides understand this. Because in the end of the day, Avanthika other that educational and cultural hub, still plays a economic hub for trade connecting Magadha to the west and Hastinapur to the south. Both parties have the their allies surrounding the kingdom. If any kingdom tries to control Avanthika will immediately lead to full blown war. Magadha and Hastinapur will both try to avoid it as Magadha is still recovering from its power loss from battle with Mahamahim years back while Hastinapur is conducting a ongoing Digvijaya making it literally safe to settle for time being. If the conditions remains unchanged in Anga ,we would return but if it turns for the worst, we would still settle in Hastinapur." finishes Karna.

Hearing such a mature proposal from the little boy made the neck of the people dry, utterly speechless. Through they have witness Karna grew from a baby to youngster and were aware of his intellect, never have thought that such a young child would actually assess and come up with a solution within this much pressure.

Thinking of having such a child in the town made them happy but also made their face sour from jeleously on the fact of Adhirath blessed with such a child.

After hearing his son's suggestion, Adhirath was in thought, cross checking the possibility of their safe settlement as he is one of the person who have inside voice in the court of Hastinapur. Karna who had already proposed his idea was asked by his mother, Radha to help in packing everything.

Vasusen bows to the elder asking their permission to leave and leaves back to Radha, following her instructions and helping her in chores. Discussion went on till almost evening before coming to final decision.

By next three days, around 13 families including Adhirath family have packed their belongings ready to move to Avanthika. Karna before leaving for the time being went off to say goodbyes to his adopted celestial mother, Mata Ganga with both ohis brothers on his shoulders.

While stubborn traditional people like the mayor and many others stayed behind. The group travel in herds from Anga to Panchal, and from Panchal to Vidhaha. After reaching Vidhaha, the group stoped at the outskirts village in the kingdom to fill its supply before continuing their travel to Avanthika.

It took almost 2 months for them to travel from Anga to Avanti. Passing through valleys, lakes and forests, the herd finally reached the destination. Avanthika due to being exactly at the tropic of Cancer, it held high significance in Astronomy and Religious practices among sages and Rishis. It was also the first meridian of longitude for Aryavart geographers, and was known as Bharatiya's Greenwich till around the 4th century B.C. Avanthika is mentioned in the Skanda Purana and is considered the birthplace of Mangal Griha. It's also where in later dates Lord Krishna, his brother Balaram, and friend Sudama studied at the resident, Guru Sandipani Ashram.

Adhirath who held connection in the city court's men, used them to complete finalization of the necessary documental and citizenship proofs required to settle down peacefully. Using his financial earning and the money from his savings, he bought a house for his family. While the house is not as big as his ancestoral house, but more than enough for them to live and accomodate comfortably. All in all, they have settled peacefully.

To be continued...

(A/N: Hey guy please comment below and send me vote along with your love to keep continuing this fanfic 😁😁😁)