The queen with blindfold

It has been seven years since Karn was adopted by Radha and Adirath and after setting Avanthika, it took little time to be known around his whole neighbourhood for his mature yet elderly brother behaviour.

But, that doesn't make anyone hate him but adore him instead. The whole neighbourhood knew how much Karn was loved by his mother and how much he loved his brothers. The one who settled alongside them from Anga knew, coming into their life brought back the old Radha they knew. She was back to her happy self and that was what most of the people who knew her wanted.

Shon's mischievousness was to no end. He now a grew up lad would always breaks things in the house and points fingers at Adhirath who somehow will fall prey to his acts while Karna often covered in front of his parents whenever they tried to scold him. But that doesn't mean he didn't scolded his little brother at all. Radha too knew it was all her younger son's doing but she just couldn't scold him and takes the opportunity to scold Adhirath who will just stand there looking at his son smiling at him innocently but deep down he was happy to see their bond and to have all three of them in his life. Having them just broughts them peace and they couldn't wish for anything else more.

It was Friday and Radha along with a few of her female neighbours decided to visit Avantika (modern day Ujjain) Mahadev's Mahakal temple. Both Gaurav and Shon have left with Radha to visit the temple as well. Karna was left alone with Adhirath who was about to leave for the palace with him. Important guest have appeared in the city after their settlement and he needs to greet them.

"Pitashree, I don't want to come with you to the palace" Karna said as he was training with dumbbells outside his house. He didn't know why but he just didn't like being anywhere near the palace today. It just doesn't give him the positive vibes.

"Well, you have to follow me. Not like I can leave you here alone anyways through I can but it's good for you explore the city with me meanwhile. Sooner I will need to leave to join my post and you will have to take care your mother and brothers in my absence." Adhirath said holding Karna's palms in his palms and walking towards the palace. Karna too showed his embarrassment but did speak it up. Sure he may be adult mentally, but physically he was still a child.

"You can be rest assured Pitashree. I am not a small boy. I might be short now but that doesn't mean I can't take care of myself and will definitely take care of others in your absence." Karna said smiling to his father. Adhirath shook his head at his son. As much as he wanted to deny what Karn said, he just couldn't. Despite being just seven years in age, Karna was way more mature than any other kids he ever came across. He was definitely a little boy but at certain times, he really acts like he is an adult. At times like this, he always thought about who were his biological parents. He shook his head as he saw Karna who was looking around as they walked. He pointed Karna roads while describing where they lead to and continued walking to the palace, listening to his son's mumbling about how childishly he was being treated.

In about an hour, they reached the palace. Adhirath made Karna greeted Vidur who stood in front of him.

"Pranipat, Mahamantari," Adirath greeted with both his hands placed together. Karna also followed his father to greet him. He looked at Vidur with great interest as he was seeing one of the main characters who held a firm role in entire saga of Mahabharata. Vidur is not only a legit prince but also Mahamantari of Hastinapur, one when insulted by Duryodhana broke his own bow denying to participate in war from the side of Kauravas against the side where Lord Krishna, the Lord of Universe resides. In puranas, he is even claim to the avatar of his Current Celestial Elder brother, Yama. Vidura nodded his head and looked at the not so small boy who was standing beside Adhirath.

"Is that you son, Adhirath?" Vidura asked. Adhirath nodded with a smile and Karna just stared at him still in his thoughts.

'What type of silly question is he asking? Is my father crazy to bring a random child with him or what?! Of course, I am his son... he truly thinks me as a child " Karna thought, still sighing at his age.

"Of course, I am his son, Mahamahim. If you want, you can come to our village and ask around," Karna said trying to act as innocent as possible thought one can surely detect sarcasm in it. Adhirath 's eyes went wide as he looked at Karn who shrugged his shoulders. Vidura let out a short laugh and caressed Karna's head.

"Adhirath, come over this way. I have to forge you the letter so that you can immediately join back." Vidur said and Adhirath followed him but not before telling Karna to visit the temple in his absence and wait for him at the entrance. Karna nodded and went off as told. As a adult, it isn't hard for him to remember the route to temple and while waiting he could also look for his brothers who also doing darshan along with their mother.

He was walking looking around the beautiful scenery of temple until he sensed a woman who was crying somewhere behind with his observation haki. He walked forward until he saw a small Mahadev idol at the back of a small temple chamber. Besides, it a woman was seated there who was sobbing. Her back was facing Karn and hence he couldn't see her. He walked towards her, taking small tiny steps and stood beside her. The woman felt a presence beside her and immediately straightened herself and wiped her tears. Through Karna could still sense the felling hopelessness, pain and unending saddeness something he is sensitive too. While had already guessed the identity of the woman, he still used Observe to confirm the identity.

[Kuru Dynasty, Gandhari (real name???)

Title: Hastinapur Kul bhadhu

Level: Atirathi]

"Who is there? Didn't I tell everyone to leave me alone for a short while?" she said with broken voice trying to be firm. Karna looked at the woman in front of him. The woman had a red cloth tied around her eyes. Karna didn't know why but he wanted to console the woman. Somehow the faces of his mothers oberlaped on her. He took his small hands and cupped her cheeks.

"Don't cry, please. Did anybody scold you?" Karna cutely asked with a frown trying to act childish, to maintain the image of a seven year old. The woman slowly hold the hand of the small figure that was cupping her cheeks. She realised that it was a small boy.

"Who are you, Putr?" she asked in a soft voice as she holds his hands gently.

"My name is unnecessary, Mata but can call me by any name you desire too " he said with a sense of maturity in his voice. Gandhari had a small smile on her face as she heard him speak.

"Why wouldn't you give your name to me, Putra " she said cupping his cheeks.

"My parents have taught me not give names to any stranger. " he said. Gandhari chuckled a little.

"My name is Gandhari," she said and Karna smiled.

"I can still call Khushal but I can't just call you that as it will be disrespectful as you are older than me. So... I will call you Mata Gandhari " Karna replied. Gandhari was the princess of the Gandhara Kingdom and wife of Dhritrashtra, the blind king of Kuru. In the epic, she is depicted with a blindfold, which she wore in order to live like her blind husband. Due to divine boons, she became the mother of a hundred sons, the Kauravas, who became the primary antagonists of the epic. She also had a daughter named Duhsala. Following the Kurukshetra War and the end of her hundred sons, Gandhari cursed Krishna, leading to the destruction of his Yadu Dynasty. That was for later, as looking at her now, felt pity. Through the description from the books on Mahabharata and serials differ vastly due to added drame. Seeing real thing is the best way to verify.

"Of course, you can call me that but why do you want me to call you as Kushal? Not by your real name?" she asked. Karna placed his finger under his chin and looked up thinking hard.

"Well, since I call you Mata, you can call me by real name also but still need the permission of my parents before giving you my real name. That name is reserved but you as mother can name or call anything to son." he spoke clapping his hands in glee. Gandhari laughed sensing his enthusiasm.

"Only if I was fortunate enough to take a look at your face," Gandhari said and sighed which again made Karna frown as he already know. While she is dedicated but it's also this very cloth that lead to event responsible for war. When he saw her at the start he felt pity, he found him so confused about why she had a cloth over her eyes. What were the real reasons. Are the reason given really true!?

Mission! Blindfold leads to disaster

Rank- A

(|)Make Gandhari remove her blindfold


(||) Listen to Gandhari's story and change Shakuni's prospective

Reward:1x stamina boost portion, 1x recovery portion, 5x Question talisman.


"Well, you can see me if you remove the cloth from your eyes, Ma," he said confirming the quest and Gandhari smiled sadly thinking of her fate.

"It is not that easy, Putr," she said hugging him close to her heart. Karna also let her hug him.

"Why is it not easy? And why do you even have a cloth tied around anyway?" he asked finding the second scenario more possible than the first one which made her sigh again.

"That is a really very long story, Putr," she said and sat beside her and hold her hands.

"Well, you can tell me. I have a long time to spare," he said knowing that his father is too busy so do have some time to spend.

"Well... I will tell you a short story okay?" she said and Karna said okay. Gandhari took in a deep breath as her thoughts went back to the time when she was with her family. Just thinking about that time and the events that followed after, made a tear slip off her eyes wetting the cloth. After all, it was her painful story...

Karna stared at Gandhari curiously, waiting for her to start telling her the story. Gandhari started narrating her story as her memory went back to the past... to her happy days.

To be continued...

(A/N: Hey guy please comment below and send me vote along with your love to keep continuing this fanfic 😁😁😁)