I Am The Principal.

The duo moved towards the purple haired boy with hidden intentions in their expressions. They tried to be as quiet as possible but for an Awakened, that was child play when the assaulters were normal humans. The boy turned towards them and smiled gently. He even approached them to shorten the distance between them and offered a handshake. But who was he dealing with? The brothers from different mothers. 

"Hello guys. It's been a long time. How have you been?" the purple haired boy asked. They were obviously acquaintances, but the duo just raised their eyebrows in confusion. They had even forgotten where they were as hundreds of malicious schemes that will make the schemes of past heroes and great people pale in comparison surfaced in their minds.

"Huh? Who are you? Trev, do you know him?" Ethan asked with visible confusion written all over his being.

"Me? I don't. He looks familiar though, but I don't know him." Trevor said with a deadpan face. 

"Can you please introduce yourself?" Ethan said like a gentleman, but he was far from a gentleman.

"It's me. Your best buddy. You don't remember me?" the guy practically screamed but the duo just acted more confused.

"It's me, Lamair Griswold. The one and only Griswold and noble with a perfect face. The most handsome boy in the academy." the purple haired boy said. He had flawless fair skin, dark blue eyes, tall and slightly muscular, say an athletic body which was further enhanced by the black turtleneck, black trousers and classic black shoes. He was the definition of a male model but in this case, he was just 18 years old. He was the last child of the Lord of the Griswold Family. The fourth and last powerful family in Anbord. His handsomeness rivaled the duo and with his tall and mature vibes, his charm was more than them. Besides he was already a Novice Rank mage whereas the duo were not even Awakened. But the duo just acted like they really didn't know him.

"Is this punk senile? I thought that was supposed to be Trevor." Ethan said with disdain literally expressed.

"Nah man. Never met you before. Can you elaborate how you became the most handsome boy in the academy?" Trevor added with annoyance written all over his face.

"Seriously guys stop joking. I'm the only guy in the academy with purple hair. I'm that special." Lamair said with absolute sureness and smugness.

'This narcissistic bastard! Tch!'

"Oh, Lil Winkie, right?"

"I seem to remember someone like that. Unfortunately, he's no longer in this mundane world."

"A moment of silence..."

"Aaah! Guys! It's me. I'm not dead for peach's sake!" Lamair screamed again, his perfect face twisted in agony.

"You mean you are Lil Winkie? The almighty Lil Winkie?" Trevor asked, looking at Lamair like he was the most terrible liar in the world.

"Tch! I'm not called Lil Winkie." Lamair's face was now red with anger and embarrassment. 

"Oh, I remember. That's why he looked so familiar..." Ethan said with realization.

"Will you guys stop calling me that pungent name?!"

"Oh, Lil Winkie is getting angry..." Ethan said in a mock tone.

"I'm sorry okay. I won't do that again. So, can you please stop calling me that? Please?" Lamair said in an apologetic tone. 

"So, you really are Lil Winkie..." Trevor said.

"Don't call me that!"

"Aww. I will stop my little Winkie Winkie. Granny will stop. Want some cookies?" Trevor said while holding Lamair's cheeks like a loving mother which only irritated the older guy. His face was one of the places he took pride in.

"I'm gonna kill you guys for this!" Lamair screamed again as his aura burst but before it could reach the treacherous duo, it was snuffed like a candle flame by another aura way stronger and powerful than his.

"No fighting in my office." Those words were simple, but the weight sent the trio into literal hell. They've forgotten where they were and acted like that.

"At least we achieved something we wanted for a long time..." Ethan whispered to Trevor. 

"We can die with honor." Trevor also whispered in a self-righteous tone.

"You brats never change. I wonder how you two manage to top your class. Such a contrasting phenomenon.

They trio turned to the direction of the voice. There, on the stairway that just appeared out of nowhere stood a woman and two girls. The woman had long, braided black hair, black obsidian eyes, perfect fair skin, slightly big breasts, curvy with an athletic build, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt tucked into a short black skirt, black stockings and black shoes. She looked like a sculptured art, perfect in every way. The dream woman of every sane man, not excluding the trio.

"M... Miss Racheal? What are you doing here?" Ethan asked, feeling a bad premonition. But Miss Racheal just smiled and walked towards the trio with the girls trailing behind her, confusion written on their faces. When they finally got close to the boys, Miss Racheal just beckoned them to follow her. She moved towards a door at the far end of the hall where a small signboard read, "Private Room." 

They found themselves in a normal room with polished wood furniture, wood floors. The room had a very serene vibe to it, but the children felt nothing sort of serene. There was confusion and tension, intense tension. 

"Err... Miss Racheal?" Ethan asked again. Ethan was the favorite student of Miss Racheal giving him the audacity and privilege to ask questions. 

"Ethan? Oh, this is my office." Miss Racheal said with a smile.

"Y... your office? But I thought this was the principal, Miss Carmen's office." Trevor trembled slightly not wanting to think what he was beginning to think.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Haha! So funny... haha. You guys really make my day as always. Now getting to your questions, it's my office because I'm the principal. I'm Miss Carmen Steil. Rachael is just a facade to keep my identity hidden or say anonymous and mysterious. Cool right?" Miss Racheal or Miss Carmen said with obvious smugness and self-appreciation but that was the thing to break that last line of defense keeping the kids sane. The girls looked at the principal with wide eyes, Lamair had a face as ugly as squashed pie. The ones who were affected the most were the treacherous duo, the almighty Ethan and his sidekick, Trevor.


Ethan and Trevor were on their knees trembling furiously. Who would have thought the one and only babe of the academy who was said to rival the beauty of the principal was actually the principal posing as someone else. Meaning, whatever good or bad they'd done was known and recorded. It was never a secret. In fact, what they'd done to Miss Carmen's avatar, Miss Racheal; the ogling, the perverse imaginations, anything perverted you can imagine. Even going as far as convincing Miss Racheal to join them for P.E just to see her in a tight tracksuit and a lot more. Now they were sure of death. Even their families can't save them. 

This will be the last of the Treacherous Duo of the great Anbord Mage Academy. Such a great life spent in the academy...