We Will Not Be Perverts Again!

"Miss Ra... I mean Miss Carmen, I beg you. It was all Ethan's idea!"

"Crap! Fuck you, Trevor! Miss Carmen, you know I'm your best, loving student. You wouldn't kill me, right?"

"Ethan stop sweet talking Miss Carmen. I am her only loving student. Am I not, Miss Carmen?"

"I tell you Trevor, if Miss Carmen kills me, I will haunt you forever with a sexy and ugly banshee!"

"You wouldn't dare!"

Ethan and Trevor were on the floor kneeling and begging Miss Carmen to not kill them. Trevor even went to the extent of crying so Miss Carmen would have pity on him. Death for atonement of sins was too much for them or so they thought. The others just stared at them like audience in a circus. What were they even talking about? What was all this about?

"Hahahahahaha! Still amusing as ever. I'm never bored around you guys! Hahaha!" Miss Carmen burst out laughing, her slightly big chest following the rhythm of her laugh. 

"Oh shit! We are dead!" Trevor exclaimed.

"Of course, you are dead. Any last words?" Miss Carmen asked.

Ethan and his sidekick Trevor put their heads together and started murmuring until finally, Ethan stood up. He straightened his clothes like a gentleman, raised his head, adjusted his glasses and began to speak.

"I'm sorry Miss Carmen for all what I've done. I've been a pervert. I knew one day, it may come to this but before I die, I want to say this to Clara. Clara, admire you so much. Remember me on this day, 6th April, 3047." Ethan said and knelt down; arm opened wide, ready to atone for his sins, but he was visibly shaking. The girl called Clara looked at him in awe. She was just too surprised to get angry at him.

She was Clara Verna, the second child of the Lord of the Verna Family. The third powerful family right after the Barnes Family. She was very beautiful. She had long silvery blonde hair, fair skin, blue sapphire eyes, a perfect oval face and cute lips. She had a perfect curvy shape even though she was just 16 years, and the most exquisite pair of B-cup breasts, a round butt, a fitting stature of one of the campus belles. Coupled with her blue shirt and matching black skirt and boots, she was striking.

Trevor also got up, repeating Ethan's actions.

"The same as bro, Ethan but I don't admire Clara. My heart is with Emily. Emily, take a picture of me and place it close to your heart, in the middle of those mountains, that my legacy will live on."


A crisp sound resounded in the office. A body flew and crashed into one of the wooden chairs. The owner of the body moaned in pain as even his body couldn't put a scratch on the chair, instead it was the other way round. The slap was from a soft looking hand which hit Trevor squarely on the cheek, but it was too much for the weak sidekick as his jaw got broken with a few teeth. Ethan instantly shivered in fear. What if it were him? He would have already passed out, but the bastard was till conscious, even moaning in pain. 

"How dare you?!" the giver of the slap said in a irritated voice as her bouncy C-cup breasts bounced in rhythm to her heaving chest full of anger and embarrassment. But Trevor just felt better looking at the bouncing balls. The sacrifice was worth it. What was there to lose? No pain, no gain. He was even waiting for his train to the underworld so what was a love-stricken slap? A blessing in disguise, not like he was a masochist, but it was just nice. Yeah nice. 

Emily raised her hand again to send Trevor flying again but was stopped by Clara. Her beautiful face expressed anger and confusion.

Emily was 18, tall, with a perfect hourglass figure and slightly big breasts which nearly rivaled Miss Carmen's own. Her skin was fair but with a darker shade. She had long golden-brown hair, lemon green eyes, beautiful lips and a gorgeous round face. She always had a calm and collected look making her a bit cute but cold but to Trevor, she was more beautiful when angry.

"Stop! He won't dare repeat it. Will you?" Clara looked at Trevor coldly.

"N...no pleashe! I wontch..." Trevor struggled to talk. Ethan's face was red as he tried to withhold his laughter. Lamair had a grim expression as he felt the force of that slap. It wasn't something a normal human could take, showing how tenacious Trevor was.

Ethan couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing but was cut short... For a moment, he forgot where he was and the situation, he was in. 

"It's time!" Miss Carmen's words turned the atmosphere grim. As she said this, a black cat materialized in front of her. It floated to lie on her shoulders lazily. She whispered to the cat, and it jumped down towards the criminals to fulfil its master's demand. It walked gracefully towards them, slowly changing in size. In the end, it became as huge as a calf. It had obsidian black eyes like its master, pure black fur with dark gold spots. It was an ocelot and the Spirit Beast of Miss Carmen, the beast who contributed to her feline prowess and titles like Queen Of The Jungle.

In this world, as said earlier, people had to bond with wild beasts to develop their Affinity Cores. They bond with a beast cub or a grown one (live or dead) or in the case of Beast Awakeners, they already bond with the beast they awaken with. This Hell Raiksha was a wild beast with a high affinity to darkness and flames or lava, a perfect bond for a mage with the Shadow affinity.

As the beast neared the boys, they looked at Miss Carmen with a expressions that read, "Are you really serious?!" which made Miss Carmen smile. The beast turned to look at Miss Carmen with obvious disdain in its eyes while asking with its eyes, "Really? These ants?"

Even a Spirit Beast look down on them especially Ethan, the spectacled nerdy pervert. It was even disgust. The beast looked into the boys' eyes with its larges eyes which glowed an ominous red. They froze in fear before the power of the eyes even took effect. They felt like they were dining with death where they were the food, more like Death was dining on them. They felt the fear of death for the first time. They felt that just the tongue of the beast could kill them without much effort.

This feeling, to the boys, felt like ages when in reality, only 5 seconds had passed. They felt all that in just 5 seconds, every illusion, etc. The Hell Raiksha suddenly stuck its tongue and licked Trevor's face. As for Ethan,


Ethan lay sprawled on the ground with a claw mark on his cheeks. 

"Trevor, you are free. Your sins are forgiven. Ethan, you are also free, but she doesn't trust you. Sorry for the small scratch though." Miss Carmen said and kept a high-level healing pill in Ethan and Trevor's mouths. It healed their wounds in seconds, bringing them to how they were a few moments ago.

"Now you will have to compensate me for the pills. They are not for free. Compensate me with something of equal value. I don't need it right now though. You can think about it."

"We will not be perverts again!" the duo cried out in unison while kneeling. In their minds, they won't dare have perverse thoughts of Miss Carmen but that wasn't the same for other girls. Little did they know that this thought will become a harsh training they will have to undergo in the future.

"Better. That went on smoothly. Now for the main agenda of this meeting."