Birthday Tour At The B.R.C.

Miss Carmen motioned for the kids to sit on the sofas in the office. Lamair tried to sit by the girls but sadly, he was kicked into another sofa by a white fox.

"We will be going for a birthday tour in the Beast Research Centre." Miss Carmen said as they sat down.

"Birthday tour?"

"B.R.C? The big boss B.R.C?"

"Is it your birthday Miss Carmen?"

"Why us?"

The kids asked simultaneously; some with eager expressions and some with confused expressions.

"It's okay. It's my birthday and also, Ethan's birthday plus Trevor's 53rd Awakening day." Miss Carmen said with a smile that could melt hearts. She was indeed beautiful. No wonder she was the dream lady of almost all the males in the academy. She was so beautiful that she looked completely harmless when she posed as Miss Racheal. No one would believe that she was the one who could make a Diamond Rank beast shiver.


"Ethan's birthday?"

"My birthday?"

"Trevor's 53rd Awakening?"

"No more questions! Just get prepared. Tomorrow is the day. We leave at noon. Come to my office at the time. You may leave now. Little Rosy hates noise" Miss Carmen said to stop them from asking anymore questions.

Meanwhile, in Ethan and Trevor's minds, 'The fuck! That nightmare is little? And it hates noise? What am I even thinking?"


12:00 noon.

Ethan, Trevor, Clara, Emily, Lamair and Miss Carmen headed towards a floating car parked in front of the Administration block. The car looked normal on the outside, with the common black color of most cars but the inside was big enough to fit ten passengers including the driver. They hopped in and Miss Carmen drove them towards Comai Lane, where the B.R.C was situated.

Ethan and Trevor couldn't help staring at the ladies in the car. Even Lamair who always acted all noble and dignified wasn't spared. 

Clara wore a blue jumper with a dark blue skirt and matching sandals. Emily wore a black jumper, tight jeans and brown boots. Miss Carmen wore a black long sleeves shirt, black trousers and black shoes. All these made the girls appear stunning that the boys just sat there petrified by the beauty and charm emanating from the ladies.

Ethan wore a grey sweater, brown trousers and black boots, Trevor was in a white baggy turtleneck sweater, black trousers and black boots and Lamair, in a dark purple turtleneck, black trousers and black shoes.

Miss Carmen suddenly stepped on the gas pedal, speeding up at an insane speed.


"That was the best ride ever!!!" Trevor exclaimed.

"I didn't know she could ri...cough.... drive like that. So wonderful" Ethan added with glee.

"You guys are insane! You call that driving? That was practically suicide. We were all gonna die!" Lamair exclaimed with a pale face. He was on the verge of puking. Even Clara and Emily looked better than him. They stared at the Treacherous Duo like they were monsters. It didn't make sense okay? How come they who had awakened, felt so much fear and anxiety with Miss Carmen's driving while the common folk, the normal humans among them were shouting in happiness. They even looked like they were ready for another round.

"We're here!" Miss Carmen announced as she steered the car towards a huge castle-like building. A huge billboard with the words "BEAST RESEARCH CENTRE (B.R.C)" floated above the road leading to the Centre. They drove for 5 minutes before they entered the gates of the building which was as tall as a large hill and very wide. The building was slivery white with blue tinted windows on the lower floors and black tinted windows for the upper floors. It was probably 8 to 10 stories high. There were workers moving in and out of the building. They were either in grey working gear or red working gear which covered them from head to toe. Some carried big boxes of God-knows-what.

They got off the car and followed Miss Carmen towards the first doors of the building at the front. Any worker who met them bowed or say, bowed to Miss Carmen. The doors opened when they got close to it and they entered. A white smoke like substance engulfed them for some few seconds before they left the area of the doors. The ground floor, where they currently were looked more like a hotel than a research center. The kids were perplexed at what they were witnessing. So, they were in the legendary B.R.C, the place where all kinds of beasts were researched on. The origin of the Beast Awakening method where only theirs had 99.9% success rate unlike the other centers who killed people with their methods.

A female worker in a white suit hurriedly approached them.

"Boss, the presents are ready. The place is set, and everything has been tested." She said to Miss Carmen with absolute respect.

"Thanks Mirabel. What of the new test subject?"

"It has been kept in the Pondius Box."

"Thanks a lot, Mirabel. Let's go."

She beckoned to the kids who were now looking at her with awe to follow. Through this short meeting, they were able to know her identity as the big boss of the B.R.C. They entered an elevator which sent them to the last floor. The workers there all wore purple uniforms. They walked into a room with glass doors like at the entrance. When they entered, they saw a huge banner which read, "Happy birthday Carmen and Ethan" in gold letters. The room was spacious, very spacious with one big table in the middle and single seat sofas all around it. The table was filled with food of every variety: turkey, chicken wings, steak, pastries, fruit juice etc. Without wasting much time, they dug in.


Ethan and Trevor walked like they've ran a marathon as they followed Miss Carmen along with the rest to the next room, which was opposite the room, they were in. They were so full to the extent that Clara and Emily had to support them to the room. They always had this rule between them that "eat like it's your last" but now they were regretting it.

The other room turned out to be a lab. There were two podiums in the middle of the lab with crystals on them. One crystal looked like a skull with a blue glowing crystal in it and the other was just a transparent, glowing crystal: an Awakening Stone.