Beast Awakening. Ethan's Luck(2).

The shadow serpent threw itself at the serpent but was stopped in place by the blue eye of the serpent which glowed with beautiful blue light. The serpent got angry at the sneak attack launched at it and bit into Ethan's shoulder and neck. Ethan was so much in pain that he couldn't even scream, just open his mouth and eyes wide in pain. The pain was overwhelming for him. So, this was how it was going to end. What luck! On the day of his awakening, and he was going to die. End up in the stomach of an insane and angry three-eyed serpent. 


The body of the serpent fell down leaving only its neck and head which was still stuck on Ethan's shoulder, its fangs deep in his body, with blood splattering all about. It turned out that the shadow serpent was just a distraction for Miss Carmen to launch an attack, but it came with a price and that was Ethan being bitten by the serpent. She cut the serpent in to two, leaving only the head intact not wanting to hurt Ethan any more than he could take.

Ethan's face was pale as he had lost a lot of blood from the bite and the damn fangs were still in his neck and shoulder. He looked at his principal, his best pal and the others and their shocked expressions. The world started twisting and turning as he fell, unconscious. Before he fell completely unconscious, he saw something strange.

[System Awakening]

[Energy Required For System Awakening: MAX]

[System Bonding With Host]

[New Host Bonded]

[Initiating Subordinate Bonding]

[Subordinate Bonding: 1%]

[Initiating System Awakening]

[System Awakening: 0%]

[Host Will Go Into Deep Sleep Until System Processes Are Completed]

[Time Limit: 2 Weeks]

"A system?" this was Ethan's thoughts as he went into deep slumber.


Ethan found himself in an unfamiliar place. The place was a mixture of different landscapes, mountains, deserts, forests, grasslands, and he was at the center of it all. The sky was a strange but beautiful blue and sun; the sun nerved him. It was a large blue eye which released a beautiful but dangerous blue light on him. He felt his mind breaking as he saw a huge serpent, the same serpent that attacked him. It was so huge that its body filled 90% of the world he was in. The serpent looked at him with cold vicious eyes as it prepared to devour him. But it didn't work as a red light burst out from Ethan. It transformed into a huge leash, bigger than the beast and the world. Ethan stared in awe as the serpent shrank in size along with the world. It became as small as a kitten with the leash tightly on its little neck. And who held the leash, Ethan. The serpent was still aggressive but the red light which was oddly familiar to Ethan, shined brightly blinding both Ethan and the beast. As the light dimmed, Ethan saw that the serpent had now become docile. Not only that, but there was also a complicated and complex red seal on its head which connected to the leash in his hands.

"Beast Awakening..." Ethan muttered as he fell unconscious again.


Ethan was caught by a white fox with four tails as he fell. It belonged to Clara, that was her Spirit Beast. She slowly supported Ethan to the floor as Miss Carmen hurriedly approached them. There were tears in her eyes, but she hurriedly wiped them off before Miss Carmen got close. 

"You better get away from him." Miss Carmen said in a serious tone as she noticed a red aura seeping out from Ethan. She instantly knew what was happening but was surprised by how the unconscious boy managed to trigger a Beast Awakening. Whether he would succeed was up to him.

"Why?! He's going to die!" Clara cried out.

"His awakening has started. It's a Beast Awakening. The beast is a Peak Gold Rank beast, it will be dangerous for you to be by him." Miss Carmen said calmly. Clara was not in the right state of mind and she had hunch. 

"Uh .... huh! But the beast is a Peak Gold Rank beast. He will die!" Clara was on the verge of tears.

"I know ... but I can't stop it. The energy around him is strange and you also feel it. He triggered the awakening himself. The power is unstab..." Miss Carmen couldn't complete her statement as a strong telekinetic force burst out of Ethan and hit them away from the boy.

Clara was thrown a good distance but was caught by Emily. Miss Carmen managed to regain her ground after a bit of struggle. Such strange power. It wasn't just telekinesis but had a bit of mind energy, probably psychic. Clara regained her composure a bit and sprinted towards Ethan who was slowly being lifted off the floor by a blue energy. Her eyes turned white and strange blue runes appeared around her. A wave of mind energy burst out off her and hit Ethan, but it was blocked by the strange blue power and shot right back at her.

Ethan's eyes opened instantly and looked at Clara as she was thrown away. Trevor hurriedly jumped and caught Clara and swiftly moved out of the way as huge pressure crushed at their initial standing. The space around Ethan started warping. Everything around him started floating and spinning rapidly. A strange mark appeared on his forehead, forming an eye; the third eye of the serpent, bright blue in color. The objects floating around him span even more at an insane speed. Clara tried approaching Ethan again, but Miss Carmen acted fast by releasing Shadow Needles to keep her in place. The others couldn't comprehend what was going with Clara, even though they also had a hunch. Miss Carmen touched her and consoled her. She had figured out why Clara was acting like that.

"He will be alright. It is good to worry but don't worry too much. Ethan is strong, very strong. His willpower is insane for someone his age. He will succeed." Miss Carmen said making Clara cry uncontrollably. She couldn't take it anymore. Miss Carmen didn't stop her but turned to the others who had shocked and confused expressions.

"I hope you've caught on to what is happening with Clara. Don't you dare say anything about this to Ethan. It would be better if they grow stronger and experienced to realize how deep this new feeling is. Don't stop them but don't help them. It's good for their growth. I hope you understand." Miss Carmen said in a serious tone.

'So Clara actually like Ethan. What unrivaled luck." Trevor thought with a grin,

'I can't wait to see those two together. I knew she had something for him. By the way, Trevor isn't that bad but..." Emily thought.