A System. First Quest.

The space warping spinning of objects fell slowly down along with Ethan. Clara rushed towards him and caught him before he fell. The strange blue eye turned back into an eye mark and vanished. The serpent's head on his shoulder burst into tiny pieces and entered him leaving only the core, which was red crystal. Miss Carmen also came to support him by pouring Stabilizing Juice in his mouth along with a Healing Juice which healed the wound on his shoulder partially. It couldn't completely heal, but the antidote was strong enough to stop the bleeding and erase the venom in his body.



Ethan woke with a start and found himself in a bed. He was in a hospital gown. He was in a hospital.


The ringing sound came again and that was when he saw the red floating message in front of him.

[System Awakening Successful]


[Booting --- 1%]

[Booting --- 5%]

[Booting --- 15%]

[Booting --- 30%]

[Booting --- 70%]

[Booting --- 100%]

He finally remembered that he had seen a similar interface before he fell into deep sleep. As he tried to comprehend what was happening, he felt a movement on his laps and a soft breath on his hands. He looked and saw the beautiful face of the person he had an intense crush on, Clara Verna, sleeping comfortably with her head on his laps. There was also a white fox with four tails lying at the foot of the bed. It slept as gracefully as its master, Clara. Ethan made an attempt to sit up but his right hand stuck under a pair of soft apples, Clara's boobs. He was surprised and shocked at what was happening. Was this a dream or reality? And that face, it looked so harmless and vulnerable. He started having fantasies as his wolfy fingers unconsciously surrounded one of their preys and attacked it. So soft, were his thoughts. What was better than this? To get a feel of the soft boobs of your number one crush. This is the life.

Clara sensing some movements opened her eyes to see Ethan drowned in Palus Somnii. His eyes were livelier than ever before, one of the things she like about Ethan. She hurriedly got up with a red face when she noticed the unrestrained attack of Ethan's wolfy fingers on her boobs.


She looked at Ethan with a complicated expression and ran out of the room with a red face, her fox right on her tail. Ethan touched his right cheek and stared, mouth wide at Clara as she disappeared from the room with a confused look.

"Did she like it, or I was just imagining?" He asked himself.

Another line of messages appeared in his line of sight.

[Quest: Lay In A Very Cold Water For 5 Hours]

[Time Limit: 12 Hours]

[Penalty: Lose A Limb]

[Countdown Starts Now!]


"What the fuck is this?! A system, cold water, 5 hours, lose a limb? What kind of shit is this?!"

"What are you cursing about?" a soft, female voice said jokingly. It was Miss Carmen. As Ethan was about to answer, another message popped up.

[Don't act stupid!]

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing, really. I'm alright."

"That's good to hear. By the way, you've awakened."

'Yeah right. A shitty system that only knows how to threaten me.' Ethan thought.

"What affinity is it, Miss Carmen?" Ethan asked sweating, as the system had reduced the time limit to 8 hours. Whether it was true or false, he didn't know but he had a feeling that, that will happen if he didn't do it. 

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the Telekinesis variant of Psychic. Most likely from the serpent."

"Uh... okay. Err... Miss Carmen? I want to go home." 

"Oh, that? The doctor gave permission to discharge you once you wake up. There's a surprise for you. Here are your clothes. Dress up and let's go."

"Thanks. Err Miss Carmen? Where's Trevor?"

"Haha. You will know very soon. It's part of the surprise."

"Oh, okay. What about Clara?"

"Let's say, she is just happy to see you. That's all."

[+2 Hours]

[Don't test my patience again, boy!]

"Huh. Thanks a bunch." Ethan muttered.

[You can talk to me telepathically.]



Ethan sat beside Clara in Miss Carmen's car, but she avoided contact with him. In fact, she looked a bit angry, but she was still blushing here and there, face all red. Ethan wanted to talk to her, but he couldn't bring himself up to the task.

It didn't take more than 15 minutes for them to reach 4th Residence, Cigomia Street. The car stopped in front of a blue house with pothos plants surrounding the wooden fence around the house. They got down and entered the front yard of the house through the wooden gates. The neighborhood was as quite as a cemetery. Ethan was surprised as from his experience in the neighborhood, there should be a lot of noise by now. 

At the left side of the building was a flower garden and on the right was a broken-down cage where two Bronze Rank Dingoes once lived. Miss Carmen led them into the house which surprisingly, was empty and dark. Ethan turned around and found that Miss Carmen had disappeared with Clara.

"What the hell is going on here!" Ethan exclaimed.

"This is going on here." a voice said as white smoke filled the room. The smoke was basically mist as it was so thick that Ethan couldn't see a thing.

"Trevor? Is that you?"

"Really? That's all you can say?" the same voice replied as a crystal skull with red glowing eyes emerged from the thick smoke. It spat a ball of smoke in Ethan's face, blinding him.


 Ethan opened his eyes and found himself at the backyard. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw a familiar face pull him in a tight hug. The perfume was familiar, the soft hair and the motherly feeling: it all came to him.

"Mom?" he asked in a stifled voice.

"Yes Ethan. It's mommy. I've missed you so much." the person he called mom said in a sweet, soft voice. Ethan looked up into her face, that beautiful angelic face, those bright green eyes of hope and confidence, that long dark red hair which flowed like a river to her waist, the fair skin which grew more and more beautiful even though she was on a sick bed with no hope of recovery, that smile that could make you forget your worries. That was Madeleine Smith, Ethan's mother. 

Even Clara and the others were shocked by the appearance of Madeleine. Such beauty. Even Miss Carmen, who models couldn't compare to, lost by a huge margin. No wonder Ethan was so cute and handsome. His mother could be compared to a goddess of beauty.

"Mom... you're alright? I... I..." Ethan was short of words. This surprise was more than any birthday present ever.

"Of course, I'm well. I don't know how it happened but I'm well. Our life is going to be much better."



'Seriously? At this time?'

[Like I care. It's either you do It or you lose A limb. Haha!]

'Huh! F...'

[#1 Warning!]

'Right. Threatening again.'