Rewards And Surprises


Name: Ethan Smith Junior

Race: Mixed Human

Rank: Novice (Mid)

Strength: 18.2

Speed: 18.1

Stamina: 17.2

Perception: 10.0

Intelligence: 30

Affinity Energy: 45

Level: 5 [20/50]

Stat Points: 5

Current Form: [Mixed Human]


 *Spirit Beast(s)""




"Woah! I can feel the strength coursing through my veins."


[Quests Completed! Congratulations Host]

-Level Up Aura Control Skill: Create Three New Skills.

-Level Up Sky Uppercut and Aura Shell To At Least High Level.

Status: Completed!

Reward: Custom Made Energy Suit

-Level Up To Level 5 To Unlock Main Skill Of Face Of Terror.

 Status: Completed!

 Reward: Face Of Terror Main Skill.

-Hidden Quests: 

1. Defeat A Beast(First Time)=>Completed!

 Reward: Pathfinder

2. Fight The Silver Rank Pandion Monk=>Completed!

 Rewards: Weapons' Constitution & Hammer Arts.

- Bonus Reward For Completing Quests Before Time Limits: Xenos(War Hammer).  


[Spirit Beast Awakening=20%]

[Spirit Beast Awakening=30%]

[Spirit Beast Awakening=50%]

[Spirit Beast Awakening=80%]

[Spirit Beast Awakening=90%]

[Spirit Beast Awakening=99%]

[Spirit Beast Awakening=100%]

[Congratulations Host!]

Ethan stared speechlessly at the red screen in front of him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The rewards and surprises were just breathtaking for him. Plus, he had received a free weapon and his Spirit Beast had finally awakened. Mind you, not every newly awakened had a Spirit Beast because of either the danger involved in subduing one or the expenses in buying one. He was lucky to have successfully awakened by the Beast Awakening, granting him a free Spirit Beast. He hurriedly checked his rewards, planning to save the best for the last, which was obviously his Spirit Beast, but it thought otherwise.

Ethan felt something slithering across his shoulder to his neck. He then heard a hiss sound which brought back unwanted and traumatic memories, but the system intervened in time. He fearfully stretched his hand towards his neck as the snake coiled around it. Even though he felt a connection to the snake, he was still afraid of being attacked by it. He then looked at the creature coiled around his arm which was looking at him curiously. It looked so cute that Ethan instantly forgot how dangerous it could be. It was a serpent, a baby version of the serpent that nearly killed him. It had red scaly skin and was about 26 inches long and 4 inches wide. It had black eyes and a slightly blue glowing eye rune on its forehead. On its head were two small bronze-colored horns. 

Ethan felt awe and shock. He now had a Spirit Beast plus a couple of resources to help him in his cultivation, plus the system had been upgraded to show him his ranking. He then turned to look at his Spirit Beast when he a notification flashed across the screen.

[System Identification Unlocking]

[System Identification Unlocked]


Name: None

Race: Psyche-Eyed Serpent

Rank: Bronze (Mid)

Strength: 10

Speed: 10

Stamina: 09

Perception: 06

Intelligence: 05

Affinity Energy: 45


PS: The Spirit Beast grows alongside the host. Apart from the normal stats, the rank and certain skills related the Telekinesis affinity are the same between master and Spirit Beast. Besides, the screen is only exclusive to Spirit Beasts of the host.

Ethan felt like he was dreaming. He quickly asked the system for his rewards.

[Accessing Storage Space]

[Host Can Now Use Storage Space]

[It Can Only Store Non-Living Things For Now]

A red screen appeared in front of him showcasing all the rewards he got. He selected the Energy Suit and appraised it.

A blue glowing ball the size of a baseball appeared in his hand. 

Ethan stared speechlessly at the glowing ball. He knew what an energy suit was, but he didn't ever dream of owning one. An energy suit was worth 100+ gold cards depending on the grade. 

And he now had one for free. He didn't even know what to do. For someone like Ethan, you can say, he was more than happy to have that. He wanted to try it on, but he changed his mind in the last second. It was better to see the other rewards and plan what to do next. He still had a duel in a month's time, and he will need everything he can get to boost his chances on gaining victory.

He then accessed the Weapons' Constitution. A black human-like doll appeared in his hand. It looked very plain with nothing special in its appearance that Ethan thought he had been tricked. He felt no energy coming from it until the system came in.

[Artifact Identified]

[Weapons' Constitution (???)]

[Would You Like To Use?]


Ethan was a bit confused at what he was seeing but he still chose yes. He was in dire need of cultivation resources to become strong.

[Weapons' Constitution Used]

[Host Prepare For A Little Bit Of Pain]

After the system's warning, the doll turned into tiny particles of light and entered Ethan through all the pores of his body. He felt a burning sensation which gradually increased. Within seconds, he felt like he was on fire, but the fire was burning him, inside out. All of a sudden, the burning intensified, and stinging pain hit him that he instantly collapsed. The burning gradually decreased by a few seconds and hit him again making the unconscious boy wake up to a pain that he couldn't describe. He was in so much pain that he couldn't even scream. He felt like dying but Death had forsaken him. He was cursing the system in his mind. How can this be a little bit of pain. The pain receded a bit making the boy tremble with relief, but it wasn't over. He felt some kind of tearing energy building up in his body and then...


His body shook. This time he felt pain 10 times the initial pain. He felt his veins tearing apart. He felt his blood boiling and his heart pumping at 20 times its maximum power. He felt his brain working at a speed which was 10 times its normal working power. He could literally feel his body tearing apart as his muscles twisted and exploded but the strange thing was, on the outside, he was only sweating waterfalls. The pain was too much that he became numb. He didn't know what was happening to him, but he knew it was far from over.