Rewards And Surprises (2)

And he was right as it was really far from over. His skin was being stretched inside while at the same time inflating at a molecular level. All this torture was to modify his body according to the constitution he had received, to be compatible with any weapon he learnt to use. 

The torture went on for a good 1 hour before he finally fell unconscious, very exhausted. The pain had taken a toll on him more than the serpent's bite. 

Even after falling unconscious, his body was still in the process of changing and slight evolutions.


Madeleine stood in front of Ethan's unconscious body with a slightly worried face. His breathing had already stabilized making him turn out to be just sleeping. It was already late noon, and the disturbed mom was really worried for her son but seeing him sleeping with no seeable problems put her at ease a little. She did some more checkups on his acupoints and left with the prediction of him waking up around evening or close to evening. She had noticed some changes on him like his skin tone, his height and the beginning of a foul smell, probably evolution metabolism.

All beings go through evolution and unlike beasts, sentient beings like the high races consisting of humans, dwarves, elves etc. all go through evolution.

Evolution metabolism is the poisonous or unclean substance that is excreted out the body as a result of an evolution. This phenomenon is common but rare being that, every being can go through it but the number of times a person can experience it something difficult to understand. The only conclusion the higher ups have been able to come up with after countless tests is that, the more you experience evolution, the higher your potential and understanding grows which can make you very powerful in your level.

This was what Ethan was going through after going through that constitution torture. It was most likely triggered by the constitution to help him get accustomed to his new body faster and easier. There were a lot of benefits that came with evolution based people's testimonies among others.


Just as Madeleine predicted, Ethan woke up close to evening, around 4pm. He felt refreshed and stronger than he had and he felt dirty and stinky which could be attributed to the black goo like substance all over his body. In fact, that wasn't all as there was some blood mixed with the goo and he really stunk.

He quickly rushed to the bathroom and had a thorough bath for 30 minutes, taking his time to diligently scrub everything off him. He also packed up his clothes and threw it into the wastebasket as it was too spoiled to be used again for him.

He checked himself in the mirror for any dirt he might have missed and was met with a surprise.

He was taller than before, moving from 5.8 feet to about 6 feet tall. His skin was fairer with a slight glow with. It also felt soft to the touch. His body was starting to develop some muscles probably due to his body reconstituting. His eyes had become clearer than before while his hair had become a brighter shade of red and also grown a bit longer, reaching the nape of his neck. His face had become more flawless and smoother, and he could feel no problems with his sight anymore. He could see clearly without glasses just like a normal person. He was clearly shocked as he recalled the texts he had read on the black goo-like substance he found on his body. He had really experienced an evolution. Evolving to become an advanced human from a normal human.

He checked his stats to make sure and he was surprised at the sudden additions to his stats. Just am evolution had made him stronger than when he was working out and fighting for his life.


Name: Ethan Smith Junior

Race: Mixed Human

Rank: Novice (Mid)

Strength: 20.0

Speed: 20.0

Stamina: 19.0

Perception: 11.0

Intelligence: 30

Affinity Energy: 45

Level: 5 [20/50]

Stat Points: 5

Current Form: [Mixed Human]


He still had two more rewards to check but he saved that for later as his mother might have become worried. He had slept for almost a day to her whereas he was actually checking rewards and going through torture. He quickly dressed up in a baggy white T-shirt and black shorts and went downstairs to find his mom in case she worried too much.

And he was right as after all her checkups, Madeleine was still worried for her beloved son causing her to bear hug him with tears in her eyes when she caught sight of him coming to the living room. Ethan felt warm in his mom's embrace. Hid mom was taller than him which was normal in the world as it was really rare to see a short cultivator, especially someone of his mother's age. His head was buried in her bosom as she silently hugged her son. Ethan was assaulted with her sweet fragrance and felt loved. He was still a beginner to these things because his mom had been bedridden for years. This sudden display of affection was new to him, but he didn't hate it. He really loved it.

After 5 minutes of hugging, Madeleine took Ethan to the dining hall where the Avluvs joined them shortly. They were greatly surprised at the new Ethan, especially Harley who was blushing profusely from just looking at Ethan. Of course, the adults noticed it but just kept quiet. They had gotten a gist of how Harley really saw Ethan, how she looked at Ethan with infatuation.

They had their suspicions about Ethan's increased height and glowing skin, but they waited for Ethan to explain it to them which he gladly did, causing another round of surprise.

Harley felt both happy and jealous at the same time. Why? She had never experienced evolution since she awakened. She was a powerful healer among her peers but that was through experience and hard work. Going through an evolution would make her become more powerful than before and also grant her great understanding and control.

But obviously, the joy was greater than the jealousy. Why would she feel jealous of her love?

In fact, she felt motivated to cultivate more and trigger an evolution.


After supper, they gathered in the living room to watch some TV where Ethan shocked them again by summoning his Spirit Beast, the serpent. The reason for their shock wasn't solely on the beast but on how it appeared. There was no rift or portal, it just appeared coiled around Ethan's neck. Even Ethan was confused and surprised, but Madeleine explained it to them. She made take of his shirt.

"Now recall the beast." Ethan complied and the beast vanished just like it appeared. Madeleine then pointed towards his neck while handing him a mirror.

Ethan saw a live tattoo of the serpent, starting from its head which was on his neck, across his spine stopping just above his butt.

"This is a special trait of Beast Awakeners. Your Spirit Beasts are not in a subspace or the summoning space like normal awakened but always with you. Technically, we all have our beasts always with us but as compared to Beast Awakeners, we have to summon them from the summoning space, but the beasts of Beast Awakeners are in their bodies in the form of tattoos showing how connected they are to their master's unlike normal awakened." Madeleine explained making Ethan open his mouth in shock.

Madeleine continued to explain certain things to them before they went to bed.