
Back in Ethan's room...

Ethan lay on his bed and checked his last two rewards, the hammer and the Pathfinder. He first summoned the war hammer. Initially, there were supposed to be three more rewards including the hammer arts. Precisely, the Weapons' Constitution had, say, absorbed Hammer Arts. The Weapons' Constitution was something powerful which automatically learnt everything for Ethan. You can say Ethan unconsciously learnt how to wield the war hammer through his constitution, but it wasn't as simple as that as he had to practice and gain experience to be as perfect as how the Hammer Arts described it. The thing was he didn't even see the arts, but he subconsciously got a gist of the arts the moment the weapon was summoned.

The war hammer by name Xenos, was obsidian black in color, very beautiful. The handle was long enough for Ethan to hold with both hands and swing with little to no trouble. The head was shaped like a gavel with red snaking veins in the middle connecting to the handle. All in all, it was very simple but had an aesthetic feel to it. Just by holding it, Ethan could feel the power coursing through it which could be explained by how the red veins pulsed every second. It was like blood was flowing through it. Ethan was so elated that he became numb. The day's rewards were too much for him who had never seen treasure like these before. He felt the urge to test his new body plus the weapon, but it was too late. Besides, there was no gym or any sort of training grounds in the house that he could use. 

He just identified the weapon:


System Identification:

Xenos (Weapon)

Tier: Silver (Sealed to Bronze)

A war hammer of great power. Was used by the great Xen in his youthful days. It was the start of the legend of the famed Hammer Warlock, a weapon Xen never abandoned even in death. A seal was placed on it to help it get a rightful wielder. Its main tier is the Silver tier but the seal regressed its actual power to match the wielder's low level. Another trait is its almost indestructible.

It also has another trait, but it will be revealed once the seal is removed.


Ethan was once again petrified. He got a Silver tier weapon even though it was sealed, it was still Silver tier. Something which was worth 1000 Silver Cards or 10 Gold Cards. It wasn't something someone of his background could get easily but the system made it easier for him. Even if he went through hassles and torture, it was worth it. He got a weapon. Now came how he will explain where he got it from, but he left for later and checked the last reward.

The Pathfinder...

He summoned it from his system storage. A plain silver metal appeared in his hand. It was just... plain, nothing special but Ethan could feel a strange and powerful presence from it. As he made to use system identification, the unidentifiable item vanished from his palms and appeared in front of his forehead. It started spinning, gradually building speed that it became on with the room. Ethan stared dumbfounded and confused at this as it was a first for him. He didn't know what to do.

As he stared confusedly at the vanished item, black, silver and gold lines started appearing in the room. They intertwined with him as the center and started rotating. Ethan was still confused so Zark came to his rescue.

'The Pathfinder is an artifact that helps people starting cultivation or in your case, newly awakened to gain their paths much easier than through meditation and experiences. It is a priceless artifact that can cause nations to go to wars upon wars.'

Ethan hearing this felt a chill down his spine. Zark knew why the boy suddenly felt afraid, so he continued with his explanation.

'It is a one-time use item so no one will find out you have it. The moment your path has been determined; it will self-destruct. Don't worry.'

Ethan sighed in relief when he heard this.

He got a godly artifact which would help him determine his path, something like his destiny being envisioned. Something like a prediction but with 100% accuracy and sureness.

A Path was something very important for an awakened. It was a road for all awakened with an endpoint for them to reach. It was where all their hard work and experiences accumulated for ages will be scaled and grant them a special power of their forth. There were people with paths like the Path of Fire granting them special attributes with fire which was only exclusive to them. There could be more than one person with the same path, but the attributes will be only exclusive to them individually. That was a path and a Pathfinder helped with the tiresome part of finding a path by predicting a path for its user. Whether the person will be successful or not, was none of its business as it dies before the user even starts walking on the determined path. 

The three lights rotated at a fast speed causing a phenomenon in Ethan's room. Different colored lights appeared out of nowhere and joined the fray. The lights mixed into one, marking the end of the pathfinding and initiation of the found path. The end result was a crimson-gold light which covered Ethan in its strange glow. Ethan felt different kinds of opposing auras, but each complimented the other. It was a contrasting kind of feeling. Very strange. It was comforting and at the same time discomforting. The light shined for a good ten minutes, assimilating into Ethan's body. After that, a plain silver metal fell in his palms and crumbled to dust. The dust then entered Ethan's body. Ethan wanted to check the changes in his body, but he suddenly felt tired and instantly fell asleep.

'Hmm. He got the contrasting path. He really is special.'


In a far way place, the Demon Continent, Helheim to be precise, a woman suddenly moaned in ecstasy in her sleep. Her beautiful but cold face had a small smile on it. Whatever she was dreaming of seemed to be good. Her red hair glowed faintly as she cuddled her giant of a pillow and still smiling, drifted deeper into her dreams.