Changes and Training.

Ethan woke up with a start. His head was aching severely like it had been pounded by a hammer. He remembered everything that took place the day before and summoned his system to check out the changes in him. He wanted to check out the path he had plus he didn't really understand fully what a path was and Zark wasn't willing to tell him apart from what he told him before.


Name: Ethan Smith Junior

Race: Mixed Human

Rank: Novice (Mid)

Strength: 20.1

Speed: 20.1

Stamina: 19.1

Perception: 11.1

Intelligence: 32

Affinity Energy: 45

Level: 5 [20/50]

Stat Points: 5

Current Form: [Mixed Human]


There weren't many changes apart from a few decimal points added to his stats and his Intelligence stat gaining a +2 boost. It was understandable though as cultivation and leveling up wasn't a walk in the park. With the evolution came a potential upgrade and more understanding and control which will be evident once he started working on growing stronger. Evolution gave him an advantage over his peers who were still normal people. As he was pondering what he should as it was still the weekends, he got a series of notifications. His headache had receded a bit giving him clarity.


* Daily Quests Initiated:

- Run 100km (...)

- Push Ups 100 (...)

- Sit Ups 100 (...)

- Focus. Stop Being A Pervert.

Time Limit: 24 Hours

Penalty: Beast Plane For 3 Days.



Changes In Host's Body Have Been Determined. Would Host Like To Scan?



Ethan chose yes which caused a green grid like light to cover his body. After a few seconds, the light vanished, and the screen got updated to show results of the scan.


Scan Results:

* Evolution Or Base Upgrade: 5%

* Path Unlocked: 100%


Path Details:

* Path Name: Contrasting Path or Path of Mysticism.

* Details: Sealed!


Host's Path Has Been Sealed Due To Host Weak Power And How Powerful The Path Is. Please Get Stronger To Unseal Your Path. The Path Will Be Unsealed Once You Meet The Requirements. Good Luck.



Missions Updated!

* Fight A Tyrant.

Time Limit: 1 Month.

Reward: Unknown.

Penalty: Unknown.

* Unlock Seal On Path.

Time Limit: None.

Reward: Unknown.

Penalty: Unknown.


Ethan's face twitched a little as he saw the new mission. The hell! The first mission pushed him to get stronger faster and now that he had gotten something to break the stalemate, it has been locked up. Damn, he didn't even know the so called requirements to unseal his powerful path and there was also a penalty involved. Now he seriously felt that the system was messing with him but no worries, he has to get strong anyway.

Ethan got out of bed and washed his face. He then wore a blue tracksuit which had become a bit small because of his increased height.

'I need a change clothes' with that thought, he moved downstairs, bid his family farewell and went to start his daily training which would eventually become a sensitive part of him.


Ethan came back home after 3 hours sweating rivers and breathing profusely like he would never breath again. The system didn't work its sweat drying magic so he was really sweating. He couldn't even talk which lead Harley to use her affinity on him to release his stress. He had overworked himself this time as compared to before. He took no less than 3 minutes break when doing his workouts causing him to feel seriously fatigued. The painful part was, there was no change in his stats, probably due to the decimal values.

He ate brunch like a starved wolf and went to his room to wash up. It was still late afternoon so he rested for a bit, chatted with Trevor and had a few talks with Zark on his way forward.

With that he made plans. Apart from his daily workout, he had no other training plans. He now had his Spirit Beast, aura control skills, his willpower was enough to practice Telekinesis, he had a weapon and its arts plus probably, the best body constitution ever.

He made plans to train his known abilities in this world, as in his Telekinesis and his Spirit Beast, and get some martial arts technique from Trevor or Miss Carmen. The rest will be practiced in the beast plane. Why?

He realised that whatever he does, he will still go to the beast plane so why not use the beasts there as practice targets and dummies. In fact, that will be the best place to train, even though there was the risk of death so what! He had to make use of everything at his disposal. Even if he doesn't become as strong as a Tyrant, he should be at least strong enough to put up a fight.

With these thoughts, Ethan went downstairs to have a family fun time with his family. It was a Sunday routine where they have games at the backyard till supper.

It was fun all the same but this time, Harley realising the adults weren't paying attention to her mad love and infatuation, decided to take it to the next level by openly flirting with Ethan.

They then got some money from Madeleine to go shopping for new clothes for Ethan which turned out into a date. They didn't go all out though but with this, Ethan realised just how much Harley loved him.

It was all new to him but he didn't shun it.


'I wonder what he's doing now? I didn't even give him my contact after all these years. What if his sister makes her moves on him'

Clara paced about in her room with worry all over her face. She felt a bit sorry for putting Ethan in trouble but it had to be done. She couldn't afford to lose him. Not now! Not ever when his supposed sister is even more maddly in love with him. A real yandere who was keeping her emotions and outbursts in check but for how long.

The duel just happened to barge in but it made it the more easier and interesting.

'I must give him a gift..'

"Yes! He shouldn't have a guidebook on Telekinesis. Lemme get him one. This should help him train his affinity easier."

If people were to see the infatuated expression of the holy, gentle, Clara now, they would've been shocked. She was a yandere herself but the dangerous kind.

As the saying goes, the quietest is the most dangerous. They are always patiently planning and when they strike, they strike with precision.