Clara's Gift.

Ethan reached the academy with 5 minutes to spare. He met Trevor and they went to class together. Today's class would be a class on the next step after awakening. This lesson will be hosted by the principal, Miss Carmen. Ethan and Trevor reached class on time and went to take their seats at the back of the class. Miss Carmen entered the moment they sat down. She glanced at them and sighed inwardly. These kids would never change not matter how many times she scolds them to sit in front.

She started her lesson after ensuring that the place was quite. She was also using her alias, so apart from Ethan's squad, no one else knew about her identity as the principal.

"Congratulations on your successful awakenings. You all have a month left to leave the confines of the 1st year class and become real students of Anbord Mage Academy.

As you all have successfully awakened, you will need to start cultivating. Cultivation comes with a lot of sacrifice and resources but that's not the main thing here. Has any of you per chance heard of Paths?" She asked after congratulating the students.

Ethan raised up his hands at this time as he recalled what Zark told him. Miss Carmen beckoned him to speak.

"Paths are the actual powers of a mage. It's the peak of cultivation, our destination. Paths determine something like your destiny or future in cultivation. Also paths grant the mage special skills or abilities which is only exclusive the person with that path. There can be more than one person with the same path but the special abilities will always be different from each other." He answered in one breath earning shocked expressions from everyone including Miss Carmen herself.

Even though what he said wasn't all there is to it, what he said was more than enough.

*cough* *cough*

"That's correct. Paths as Ethan said are the actual powers of a mage. Paths do not just come into being but require diligence, determination and commitment in cultivation. Paths are determined by your affinity or affinities. For example, say you awakened the Fire affinity, your path would be based on fire. Something like Path of Flames, Heat, Infermis, etc. Gaining a path for single affinity holders is fairly easier than that for dual affinity holders. Paths for dual affinity holders is based on the affinities he or she had awakened or will awaken. Dual affinity holders do not awaken both affinities on their first awakening. They won't need a new Awakening Stone for second awakening as it will come naturally but it's possible to gain a path even before awakening your second affinity. All in all, Paths are the destination and cultivating your affinity or affinities automatically cultivates your path until its perfectly assimilated with your affinities.

But with all that, comes how to cultivate your affinity. With that there are guidebooks and cultivation techniques for that. There is a guidebook for every recorded affinity in the world available unless it's a new affinity, you will find one.

Whether it's a special type or elemental type, guidebooks are available. With cultivation techniques, there are low level techniques for all affinities at affordable prices for even the poorest person in Anbord. Mid level and upwards are very expensive but not impossible to buy.

Apart from all these is the simplest but not really advisable way, the techniques of Spirit Beasts. Even though they are powerful techniques, they are limited in potential and sometimes hard to control because they were created by beasts.

Getting a low level cultivation technique should be okay until you are well off to get a mid level and higher.

Any questions?" Miss Carmen ended her long explanation.

Some students asked questions which she answered to the best of her abilities.

"Let me tell you a little secret. There's a speculation that anyone who can really and fully master a path can control it in all aspects, from stopping others from gaining that path to giving it to the person. They become literal gods in paths. They can manipulate paths.

Now that aside, I have some announcements for you.

1. As we have a month and a week more to graduate from 1st year, the academy will be organising an expedition to the Res Jungle for all those who don't have Spirit Beasts. So prepare.

2. As you will be real students of Anbord in a month's time, your academy uniforms will be distributed a week before the duel between Ethan of 1st year and Tyrant Leon of 2nd year."

The second info caused a round of exclamations and round of severe coughs from the victim of all this, Ethan. Miss Carmen laughed inwardly when she saw him gasping for breathe. He didn't expect it!

"3. After here, you have the day off to do anything you want. You can go home or use the training facilities at your disposal. As it stands now, you've already completed your studies. All that is left is your exams which you will have the written exams after the expedition and the practical before the duel. Prepare and good luck to you all."

She ended her lesson and walked away leaving the students in expectations for the upcoming events.

But the same couldn't be said for a certain someone who was once again reminded of his duel and who he was actually going to fight against. Trevor came to his friend's rescue by consoling him. If he had a technique for Telekinesis he would have given it to him but even he was finding it difficult to get a technique for his Smoke affinity. He got up with Ethan under the surprised and scrutinising gazes of their mates and left the class. Lamair was in year 2 so he wasn't with them. Clara seeing them leave, quickly ran after them with Emily in tow.


Clara found the boys around the training facilities heading towards one of the private cabins.

"Ethan!" The boys turned around to see Clara and Emily heading towards them.

"C... C... Can I talk to you for a sec? In... private?" Clara asked Ethan. Without even waiting for a response, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room.


"I'm sorry for everything that's happening... I... I...I Please take this! See you later!" Once again without waiting for a response, she dashed put of the room after shoving a small book in Ethan's hands. Ethan stared dumbfounded at the retreating back of his crush and the book which had been shoved in his hands. The book had a blue cover with no designs on it apart from the title which read," Guide To Harnessing Willpower and Telekinesis. All Volumes Compiled." He was once again shocked. Why?

Guidebooks weren't as expensive as cultivation techniques but they were costly. A guidebook for an affinity could have two or more volumes but to have a simplified guidebook with all volumes compiled in it was rare as it was expensive for someone of Ethan's background. And he just got it for free?

One thing that didn't go unnoticed was the infatuated glint in Clara's eyes which was almost the same as the one he always saw in Harley's eyes. Plus her face was literally red when talking with the now hotter version of Ethan after his evolution. His friends didn't talk of it though like it was a taboo but they were all amazed at his talent to experience an evolution a few days after evolution. Ethan was still stupefied by all this that he didn't notice Trevor standing in front of him with a silly grin on his face. He was instead thinking of how he had two beautiful ladies madly in love with him. At least he could confirm one.

Trevor waited for Ethan to come to himself before asking him matter with him which caused him to be as shocked as Ethan. His friend was really loved! Goddammit!