Training Willpower. Secret Of Telekinesis.

Ethan sat in a meditative style on a runic circle with a blue book floating in front of him. Trevor was in another room training his martial arts and Smoke manipulation. He had yet to get a cultivation technique for his Smoke affinity.

With the help of the system, Ethan recorded everything in the book in his memory. His Intelligence stat also played an active role in this. The info was grouped into 5, like the normal volumes for Telekinesis guidebooks. Right now, he was practicing the first volume. He managed to get the idea fast and understand it but implementing it was very difficult. He had been in this position for 3 hours now and he just managed to lift the book with his willpower. He was already sweating buckets with his head aching like crazy. He was almost on the verge of collapse but he held on.

Telekinesis was all about Willpower. That was the secret. Among all the Psychic variants, Telekinesis was the most difficult to train. Psychic itself was dependent on willpower making it the only requirement and core aspect of all Psychic related affinities but as compared to the others, Telekinesis was very difficult to train. Why?

With the value of Ethan's Intelligence stat, training Telepathy or Teleportation should be fairly easy as his willpower far surpassed most of his peers but for Telekinesis, he was still lacking. In all history, a Telekinesis user was only able to use his or her affinity after a month or two after training willpower diligently. Ethan raising a book after just comprehending a guidebook was already shocking. You can say, he is a genius. He's really talented.


Ethan finally reached his limits and collapsed with a pounding head. His clothes were soaked thoroughly. At that moment, Trevor entered the room.


It had been 3 hours but Ethan hadn't left his room. Trevor decided to check up on him and entered just in time to see Ethan collapse while sweating profusely. He was literally dehydrating. He also noticed the floating book which fell along with buddy causing him to be shocked internally but he ignored it and went to check up on his buddy who was knocked out cold. He fed a pill to him and carried him outside.


Ethan woke up with an aching head. He tried getting up but couldn't. That's when he noticed the unfamiliar room he was in and his buddy Trevor who was holding him down.

"Welcome back. I advice you don't try to get up otherwise I will knock you out." Trevor said while making a chopping movement. He knew how stubborn Ethan could be.

"I won't. Where are we?"

"We are in my apartment. I will be staying here once we graduate to 2nd year. I can't always be taking flights to school and back, you know."

"W... what?! Your apartment?!"

"Hey hey relax. It's no big deal. It's closer to the academy. Besides, you can come and stay here. I will be staying here by myself after all. My siblings are busy with their stuff."

"Really?... I will think about it."

"Think all you want. I know you will come over. Besides, we have a month to decide."


"By the way what the fuck happened! I saw you out cold when I entered your room."

"Hehe... I was training my affinity. I managed to raise a book but it seems I can only hold it for less than 5 minutes before reaching my limit." Ethan said, scratching his head awkwardly.

"Are you fucking insane! Wait... you can already raise a book with your willpower?"

"Yes... is something wrong with that?"

"Monster! You don't really know what you've done do you?"

"What have I done?"

"Sigh. Just rest. I will get you some food."

"Can't you tell..."

"Shut the fuck up and rest! Monster!" Trevor was feeling sober right now. He felt that he couldn't understand what common sense was again and the person involved didn't even know what he had done. He was now questioning reality. What if Ethan hadn't awakened? For him to even raise a book should talk about how high his willpower is. When he entered the room at the time, he had his suspicions but now that it had been confirmed, he was questioning how possible that was. If it were him, could he have achieved the same feat? Ethan was truly a monster.


Back in the room, Ethan closed his eyes a little to relax his strangely tired body. It was like he had run 3 marathons with no breaks. He was so tired and weak that he fell asleep the moment he closed his eyes. He didn't notice the blue eye rune which appeared on his forehead.


A blue haired guy streaked through the forest looking for prey to kill. He held a huge buster sword with blue engravings on it. Its hilt was blue with white designs on it. In the middle of the blade was a blue snowflake pulsing with power. The person was none other than Leon who was using a simulated forest to train. He was just a step away from breaking through to the Advanced Rank.

Very soon, he saw three Bronze Rank Lavahounds. They attacked immediately they saw him. The leader who had a flaming mane stomped the ground sending a stream of Lava towards Leon. He quickly dodged and used his ice to block it from spreading. He then twisted his body to the left to dodge a sneak attack from one of the hounds. Jumping from his position, he managed to dodge a flaming claw at his face. The teamwork of the beasts was very good. With their teamwork, they would've already killed any other person but Leon was calm as he accessed the situation. He was clearly at a disadvantage here. The affinity of the beasts was an arch nemesis of his. Fire and Water or in this case, variants of Fire and Water, Lava and Ice which would cancel each other out. Not to mention, there was one mutant among them which could use the Shadow affinity. He had to take care of his disadvantages and also watch out for sneak attacks.

Leon distanced himself from the beasts and grinned slightly. He felt how close he was to breaking through and this battle would determine everything. Plus, he felt another power growing in him which sent chills across his body momentarily. Probably his path and he couldn't wait for it.

With that thought, he conjured a huge snowflake over him and jumped back into the battle.