Beast Plane Again.

Ethan sat on his bed contemplating the day's activities. His Intelligence stat which was the system's way of measuring his mental related power made him realise just how powerful he was in willpower as compared to others. Trevor made him aware of how broken his feat with the first use of his power was making him aware of his actual strength but that wasn't enough. He had to get stronger faster to have a chance to fight back in the duel otherwise all will be for naught. Plus that duel will determine his way forward. Zark promised to tell him more about paths and how special his path was after the duel.

He was currently at home, in his room waiting for the timer to finish its countdown so that he can go to the Beast Plane. There were still some hours more to go though. His training was halted when he collapsed and had to rest for the rest of the school hours in Trevor's apartment.

As he was lost in his thoughts, a sneaky lady stealthy sneaked into his room. Her skills weren't something expected of a Healer. She was obviously Harley who would find any means to be with Ethan. She knew Ethan was troubled with something so she didn't alert him and sneakily climbed the bed. Ethan felt that something was wrong but he didn't because the only person who would attack him in his room is his lovestruck sister.

Harley sat behind Ethan and started massaging his shoulders. She saw his body visibly relax when she started massaging him. She was still quiet when she saw that he was still lost in his own world.

All of a sudden, Ethan held her hands and pulled her closer to him, making her lie on his back, her head on his right shoulder.

"Sis?" Ethan asked. He wanted to clarify things with his sister. Things of the future, things he didn't want to regret.

"Hmm?" Harley answered absentmindedly. She was taking in Ethan's manly scent which caused her infatuation to skyrocket.

"Do you really like... love me?"

"Yes! Why are you asking?"

"Why me? There must be countless guys out there stronger, wealthier etc. than me. So why me?"

"Do I really need to answer that?"

"Mm." Hearing that, Harley moved to sit in front of Ethan. She sat cross-legged in front of him like he was sitting. Her blonde-blue hair wasn't tied up as always but released, which fell all the way to her buttocks. Her blue pajamas complimented her hair perfectly. Her gold eyes which mesmerised anyone who saw it bored deep into Ethan's greens, her face with a rare serious expression as she held his face in her hands.

"I don't need to explain anything to you. If I say I love you, I mean it. I love you. Those other guys are just side characters, they have no place in my eyes. I don't even see them. I only see you, Ethan. And I love you, no matter what!" Harley said with obsessive and loving eyes which chilled Ethan to his bones. He then realised just how mad she was in love with him. She could literally kill for him. Ethan was new to these obsessive feelings but he still figured its implications. He didn't shun them though.

"Mm. I see. Let's take it slow okay? I have a feeling that there will be many more ladies around me. To tell you the truth, I can sense the same kind of feelings from Clara and I'm really confused and in a dilemma right now. How do I explain this?

I also have feelings for you, although not intense as yours, they are there and it's the same for Clara. I like you both but I don't know how to..."

"Shush! No need to explain. I don't care if you love a million women as long as I'm part of them. No, as long as I'm the first. As for Clara, leave her to me. If it comes to that, I will take care of her. Just focus on getting stronger."

"Mm. Thank you for understanding me."

"You are welcome." Harley said as she moved to kiss Ethan on the lips. A short kiss but it conveyed all the love she had for him and Ethan felt it purely. She then laid her head on his laps making him instinctively stroke her hair. Her hair was very smooth and silky and Ethan felt relaxed by just stroking it. Harley also felt at peace. At peace that Ethan had accepted her feelings for him. He was just holding back because he was emotionally selfish as he wanted two beautiful ladies for himself but now that everything had been clarified, she won't hold back and neither will he.


*Hidden Quest Completed!

Path To Greatness(Accept Harley's Feelings For You.)

Reward: Cultivation Technique(Random)


Ethan's eyes widened at this. A hidden quest? So anything could be a hidden quest? He accessed his storage space to check out the cultivation technique and was shocked at what he saw. He visibly trembled which caused Harley to look up at him.

"Sis? What's the rank of your cultivation technique?"

"Mid-level. Why?"

"Haha! Nothing much. I will get you an Advanced level one very soon."

"Don't play with m..."

"Shush! I mean it and I promise you. All you have to do is to have faith in me. Okay?"


With that, they stayed silent basking in each other's presence. The reason for Ethan question though was, the cultivation technique he received was for Healers but was an Advanced Rank technique. He could have given it to her but he wasn't ready to explain where he got it and how it appeared out of thin air. He didn't have a storage ring to even serve as evidence. All he could do was play a game of working hard to reward her with it. There was also another thing related to it.

They stayed in their position till it was close to midnight, chatting. Harley excused herself to leave Ethan to rest. She was already happy enough for his acceptance. The best she could do was leave him to rest his tired body. Little did she know that the most busiest part of Ethan's day was just starting.

The timer struck zero and the portal appeared to transport Ethan to the Beast Plane.
