Leveling Up Amidst Telekinesis Training 1.

Ethan found himself back in the Beast Plane under the Thermalions. This time he didn't fret and directly used his Aura Shield to cover himself. The beasts seeing this turned aggressive and directly came out of their spots. They recognized that brat very well. He even injured one their kids. One of them pounced at him, branches outstretched and fruits glowing brightly. Imagine a tree punching at you; it was literally falling on him. Ethan rolled to the side to dodge the attack. The others didn't stay put though and also attacked. This was a strongest takes all battle and the all in this situation my friends, is our boy, Ethan Smith Junior.



Quest Initiated!

*Defeat 5 Thermalions.

Reward: None.

Penalty: Extended Time In Beast Plane.


"The fuck! Why do I feel like you are trying to kill me!" Ethan screamed as he dodge attacks from all around, getting a few scratches along the way.



*Aura Control, Hammer Arts And Weapons Locked. Use Only Martial Arts, Telekinesis And Spirit Beast.


Ethan's face instantly turned pale at this. He couldn't use his Beast here as it was too dangerous and it could die. He just started training Telekinesis and his martial arts were... well... he didn't even know if he had any. As he was still dodging attacks, like the veteran peeper it was, the system gave him a new quest.


*Create Martial Arts!

Use Pointers From The System To Create Your Own Martial Arts.

Time Limit: 1 Week.

Reward: None.

Penalty: Unknown.

Mission Initiated!

*Develop And Upgrade Martial Arts To Advanced.

Time Limit: 3 Years.

Reward: Unknown.

Penalty: Unknown.


Now Ethan felt like crying but he couldn't do anything about it. He felt his Aura Shield gradually fading so he made a sprint for it. He kicked a small Thermalion out of his way to break the encirclement and dashed away. He managed to put some distance between him and his pursuers.

Most of the beasts were Bronze Rank with a few at Silver, most likely the bigger ones who were 30 feet tall.

There was no time limit for this quest but the punishment was something he couldn't afford. Even though staying here for a few more day meant getting stronger, it will still put a strain on him, not when he could barely get any sleep here. Besides, his Telekinesis was still half-dormant making it almost useless against these beasts. Why?

In this world, people cultivated with a lot of resources which were very expensive, some being priceless but there was one which was free for all and also natural, and that was Affinity Energy also known as mänə(pronounced as mana).

But a newly awakened couldn't feel it as they needed a catalyst to feel it. Ethan was expecting such a thing. After the week ends, he would get a medicinal herb to help open his dantian and pores to make him feel mänə and use it which will in turn make his Telekinesis usable. Most commonly, Telekinesis users would still have their affinity in a half-dormant state because of the luck of willpower but Ethan was exempt from this as he already willpower enough to activate his Telekinesis. All he needed now was to feel and use mänə and staying in this place for 5 days would make him so stressed out. He was literally spending three days fighting and surviving in an unknown world. Even though it was three hours back at home, it will still take a toll on him and he had to go to school. He had to complete the quest or spending 5 hours in this world would make him seriously fatigued and how could he explain why he so tired after sleeping. He just couldn't afford it.

Ethan remembered his last fight in the Beast Plane, the moves Zark thought him and all. He skidded to a halt. He then turned around swiftly and dashed towards the beasts. He jumped high up and grabbed a branch of the beast closer to him. He then pulled down with all his might while using Face of Terror to keep the others at bay for a few seconds. The 7 foot tall tree bent under the force but didn't break. Once his foot touched the ground, he threw the tree with all his might at a group of Thermalions close by. The thrown beast broke into two under the force of the attack, dying instantly. Ethan then rushed into the fallen trees, grabbed a large branch of the dead Thermalion and hit another in the side causing splinters to fly around. He then swiftly dodged another pouncing beast and hit another one away. Jumping up, he raised the strangely hard branch over his head and plunged it into a Thermalion, killing it in one strike.

He was now feeling the thrill of battle but also greatly fatigued. The active effect of the Thermalions' power was around, draining him of energy gradually. He had to finish this fast or he will risk dying.

Using the same branch which was still intact after the previous hit and plunge, he attacked the Thermalions.


Ethan weakly limped through the forest using a dark green tree branch which was almost as tall as him for support. He eventually found a cave to hide in: the cave he used previously. After setting down, he looked at the branch strangely. After he completed the quest, Zark told him to keep the branch with him as he escaped. Escaping wasn't easy though and he had to kill a few Thermalions and other beasts along the way with the branch. He used it as a blunt weapon to smash the beasts till they were dead. Strangely enough, the branch changed color from its initial brownish color to a dark green one. This phenomenon was too strange for him but Zark assured him it was fine.


Quest Completed!

*Defeat 5 Thermalions.


Rare Herb Identified!

*Thersatil: a rare herb which helps newly awakened to directly open their dantian and pores to feel mänə and use them.


Does Host Wish To Consume It?



"Hell yeah!" Ethan literally screamed. He got a rare herb which will directly open his pores and dantian. Unlike the normal ones where you will have to absorb the energy in a medicinal bath for days, he could directly consume it and boom, he's officially a legit mage.

After choosing Yes, the branch which was 6 feet tall and 4 inches wide was magically chopped into smaller pieces and served on a plate for him. Ethan's mouth twitched at this.

'It could do with some meat. It will help you recover faster.' Zark said.

Ethan got to work fast and prepared the Sabertooth Jack rabbit he killed on his way. He grilled it and had a feast.

He had levelled up some more and from Zark, reaching level 10 should be the peak of the Bronze Rank plus something more but he wouldn't tell him.


Leon sat in a meditative pose with his eyes closed, his face scrunched up in concentration. Blue snowflakes hovered around him while a huge ice crystal hovered right above his head. His skin slowly turned from fair to white; as white as snow. Ice spread everywhere in the room and a four sided snowflake rune appeared on his forehead, glowing brightly.

He was in the midst of breaking through but that wasn't all. His path was also being determined, in fact awakening, along with his break through to the Advanced Rank.

He was inwardly excited as he imagined the look of astonishment on the faces of the students in Anbord Mage Academy especially that peasant, Ethan. The frog who was trying to swallow the swan, his Swan. He couldn't wait to break his bones and cripple him, making him regret ever crossing him. He knew his reasons for the duel were stupid and unreasonable but so what? As long as the principal has acknowledged it, that's all. He will make the best of it. Besides, the duel will surely be one-sided. What could a newly awakened possibly do, especially someone with Telekinesis? He still had a month to build up willpower even if he starts cultivating mana. Plus he didn't have any Martial Arts, cultivation techniques or the resources to grow stronger in a short period of time.

If only he knew the person he was thinking about was having a feast which could cause battles and fights between the four families.


"Achoo!" Ethan suddenly sneezed. He was alright though.

'Hmm? Is someone thinking about me?'

'Meh. That's good.'