Leveling Up Amidst Telekinesis Training 2.


Name: Ethan Smith Junior

Race: Mixed Human

Rank: Novice (Nearly Peak)

Strength: 26.0

Speed: 24.0

Stamina: 25.0

Perception: 15.0

Intelligence: 36

Affinity Energy: 50

Level: 8 [02/80]

Stat Points: 10

Current Form: [Mixed Human]


Ethan stared at his stats in pure surprise. He had really grown stronger in a short time. Moreover, the thersatil and the meat of the Sabretooth Jack rabbit really helped him recover faster. He was starting to feel mänə and he was not feeling fatigued or tired anymore. As a matter of fact, he was feeling energized coupled with his level ups, he felt he could go for another round. And he would have gone if it wasn't for Zark stopping him.

He had to cultivate mänə plus he had a Spirit Beast to cultivate also. He hadn't used his Beast nor its skills in his fights but as a mage and a cultivator, a Spirit Beast was a part of him, not forgetting how powerfully bonded he was with his Spirit Beast through the Beast Awakening.

He hadn't forgotten about his Spirit Beast; he just hadn't gotten the opportunity to use it. The good part though was his Spirit Beast grew alongside him. It will have the same level and similar or same stats as him. It will only lack experience in battles.


Name: None

Race: Psyche-Eyed Serpent

Rank: Bronze (Nearly Peak)

Strength: 16.0

Speed: 14.0

Stamina: 10.0

Perception: 10.0

Intelligence: 09

Affinity Energy: 50


Ethan summoned his serpent and checked its stats. The stats were almost half of his without it working for it and it was pretty good. Not only that, but it had also grown a few inches longer and wider. It was now about 30 inches long and 7 inches wide. Its black eyes looked shinier than before and the eye rune on its forehead glowed brighter than before. Its horns had also grown a few centimeters taller. It/she still didn't have a name and Ethan gave it one rightfully.

"Angitia... your name is Angitia."



Name Recorded!

Spirit Beast Name: Angitia.


Angitia, the newly named serpent hissed happily. It was clearly satisfied with its name.

It then happily coiled around Ethan's neck. It was now bigger than before which should have posed some problems, but she just shrank to a smaller size to coil around his neck and closed its eyes.

Ethan felt the connection with his Beast increase and become more potent. He could feel its intentions and knew it was cultivating or say establishing a "cultivation network" with its master or partner, something unheard-of. Ethan knew mages could cultivate alongside their beasts but with their beasts was something new to him. It should probably be a special trait of Beast Awakeners.

He gladly accepted the invite, and the network was established. A blue eye rune, the same as the serpent's own appeared on his forehead. It glowed brightly, simultaneously with the Angitia's eye rune.

Currently, he could feel mänə without trouble. All he needed was to absorb and manipulate and cultivate with it. With this, he needed a cultivation technique, but it seemed that it was unnecessary. He had a free technique, something which he thought was comparable to high level cultivation techniques. He thought, 'what is better than cultivating with your Spirit Beast?' And he was right about that because with this, he could successfully grow alongside his Beast, share skills and most especially, achieve an almost perfect synchronization.

Master and Beast had their eyes closed in meditation as they cultivated. The runes on their foreheads glowed a bright blue. A blue aura like light flowed into the cave and twirled around them. Small streams of this light seeped into them through their noses, mouths, and pores.

The light, which was obviously mänə, opened up his pores and cleansed it of dirt. It flowed through his blood and the greater part of it all gathered in his dantian forming a small ball. The ball was colorless with a bright blue glow around it which grew brighter and stronger by the second. Just like that, Ethan had officially started cultivation with an innate cultivation technique.




Hidden Quest Completed!

*Cultivate With Spirit Beast.

Reward: Half Completion Of Quest, Create Martial Arts.

Penalty: Seal Dantian And Pores For 1 Year.


"Fuck! Is it really worth it?!"

[Host Is Advised Not To Question System's Decisions]

"But isn't this too outrageous?"

'It's for your own good, kid. Don't question the doings of the system.' Zark rebuked Ethan before he spoke again. Even he the system's spokesman was wary of the system.

Ethan felt an increase in strength and was sure his stats had also increased by a few points. He also felt he could use Telekinesis much easier.

'That's right. Your willpower has increased by a good number. Your cultivation technique from my observation centers on something you and your Beast have in common, in this context, Telekinesis and willpower, more on willpower. It uses mänə to automatically train the mind to accumulate willpower which in turn creates telekinetic energy for you to use Telekinesis. Don't get this wrong, unlike other affinities, Telekinesis greatly depends on willpower. Willpower is the core of Telekinesis. All cultivation techniques on Telekinesis is to build willpower. The stronger your willpower, the more powerful your Telekinesis. You don't need to create skills to use Telekinesis. With willpower comes greater understanding, imagination and many more. Many things make up willpower and with willpower you have Telekinesis.'

'Isn't this overpowered? All I need is to literally think and have good imagination and boom, Telekinesis!'

'You can think of it as that, but it is much more than that. You will understand as you grow stronger but yes, it is really overpowered.'

'Damn! I'm really lucky to have this affinity but...'

'Don't think about this. Focus on growing stronger. You have all the resources at your disposal. You can even stay here for a few years and... forget it. You won't even understand.

A little advice though, focus, grow stronger, be a partner to Angitia not a master, do what you think will benefit you and most importantly, be yourself. And make use of your time in this world. A little secret, the mänə here much denser than the outside world. You will understand when you go back. Use the rest of your days to gain experience, train your Telekinesis and know more about your Spirit Beast. You have less time to grow strong to face the other kid. He should have had a breakthrough by now and also gained his path which would make him way stronger than you. You have to grow strong.' Zark told Ethan in a grave voice.

Ethan's face twitched at the tone of Zark's voice. It was like he was going to die.

He got up and stretched. He had been cultivating for half a day or so. Since he finished his feast and summoned Angitia, he had been cultivating, and he felt a few cramps and strains here and there.

Once he got out, the system gave him a quest, to survive until his stay in the Beast Plane was over and obviously, his Aura Control and Hammer collection was locked so he had to rely on martial arts, Angitia and Telekinesis.

Angitia hissed determinedly as Ethan strolled the forest, looking for prey.