Leveling Up Amidst Telekinesis Training 3.

A red furred cat floated in the sky screaming in pain. A blue light covered it and it seemed to be the cause of its pain. Its body bulged like it was being squeezed and then it exploded into bits of meat.



*Dread-Fire Cat Defeated!

Reward: +2 Stat Points.


"Huff! Huff! I'm squeezed up..."


Man, and beast lay sprawled on the ground gasping for air. They were obviously Ethan and Angitia who'd been training amidst battles for two days with little rest. They were too tired to even raise their limbs as they lay in the open. The blue light was a physical projection of their affinity, Telekinesis. The beast they just killed was a Silver Rank beast which was a level stronger and more powerful than them. They had a very fierce battle with it which ended in its death, and they squeezed of all their strength. Ethan had no weapon to fight with, in fact his Weapons' Constitution had also been sealed. Within these two days, he had fought and killed a good number of beasts, feasted on some and used specific body parts of them as cultivation materials. He figured out that willpower came from many things and the main one was experience. Experience produced willpower faster, but his Telekinesis was still too weak to crush a beast or raise larger things with ease. A good example is his battle with the Dread-Fire Cat. He had to work hand in hand with Angitia to use Telekinesis together and that also took a great toll on both of them, so they used it as a last resort. At most, they could raise small to mini-sized objects like pens, stones, chairs, tables, etc. on their own. 

The timer was nearly up for them to leave this hell of a place, so they used it to rest. Ethan's clothes were in tatters. He looked like a madman with his torn clothes and disheveled hair and dirty face. 

Soon enough, their train to Earth appeared and teleported them to his room. The portal literally spat them out. Ethan sloppily got up and discarded his clothes and climbed into the tub with Angitia. He felt too tired to even clean himself, but the soothing feeling of cold water calmed his nerves and tensed muscles and relieved him of fatigue faster.

'Sigh! I didn't know you were that stupid. I underestimated you.' Zark said in a mocking tone. Angitia looked up at Ethan whose face was now twitching like it had been cursed with twitching in confusion.


'Just check your storage. Sigh!'

Ethan, feeling insulted for no reason did as he was told and looked through his storage. There he spotted something which made his face glow red with shame and embarrassment. There, sitting right there was the energy suit. He had been worrying about protection of his body as he accumulated injuries every now and then. If it wasn't for the system and the countless resources around in the Beast Plane, he would've been a living zombie of scars and tattoos by now. His body managed to recover after applying some herbs, healing his injuries but his clothes did not recover. They just got shredded over and over again meanwhile he had the best protection at his disposal. He had a custom made energy suit which could also serve as armor for him. Even there were other perks to it but he couldn't access them now. He had gold but didn't know its worth. No wonder Zark mocked him; he had been really stupid.

Not long after, he fell asleep, right in the bathtub. He was exhausted physically and mentally to even get out of it.


Ethan sat in a meditative pose in the training room with his eyes closed, a red snake coiled round his neck. Items ranging from pens to chairs could be seen floating around them covered in a bright blue energy. Of course, they were training Telekinesis. Ethan was controlling half while Angitia was also controlling half. Their stats had equalized and they had the same strength, no one leaving the other behind.



Name: Ethan Smith Junior

Race: Mixed Human

Rank: Novice (Nearly Peak)

Strength: 28.2

Speed: 27.5

Stamina: 25.5

Perception: 21.0

Willpower: 50

Affinity Energy: 60/60

Level: 8 [78/80]

Stat Points: 15

Current Form: [Mixed Human]




Name: Angitia

Race: Psyche-Eyed Serpent

Rank: Bronze (Nearly Peak)

Strength: 28.2

Speed: 27.5

Stamina: 25.5

Perception: 21.0

Willpower: 50

Affinity Energy: 60/60



Intelligence stat had changed to willpower to cover everything in relation to his affinity. The affinity energy was also the amount of mänə they had absorbed. It was bit different to normal awakened as your constitution determined the amount of mänə you could keep in. There were cases where master and Beast had different constitutions and it was the case everywhere but with Beast Awakened, you literally shared everything with your partner so one could not become powerful than the other. If that happened, the speed of one's growth will automatically halt until the other caught up, a reason for Ethan's level still being 8. The system was also at play here but the dire part was the sense of equality.

After some minutes, Ethan run out of mänə causing the items to fall to the ground, the same with Angitia. Angitia uncoiled itself and slumped on the floor along with Ethan who was sweating buckets by now. They were really exhausted but there was progress. They managed to hold for nearly an hour.

While lying down, Ethan checked his system out of boredom. Accessing the missions and quests bar, he couldn't help but click his tongue.

He really had a lot to do.



*Fight A Tyrant.

Time Limit: 1 month.

 Penalty: Backslash Of Your Mage Rank At The Time.

 Reward: Gift Box (Random)

Progress: 0%

*Create Martial Arts!

Use Pointers From The System To Create Your Own Martial Arts.

Time Limit: 1 Week.

Reward: None.

Penalty: Unknown.

Progress: 50%

*Develop And Upgrade Martial Arts To Advanced.

Time Limit: 3 Years.

Reward: Unknown.

Penalty: Unknown

Progress: 0%


His martial arts creation quest had moved to missions with a progress of 50%, most likely due to the reward of the quest he completed recently.

After resting for 20 minutes, he went for a lunch break to recover faster. He met Trevor at the cafeteria and they had a meal together. After that, he received a call from Miss Carmen asking him of his progress which he obviously lied. Zark told him to keep his progress a secret until he was sure there won't be problems before he revealed it. Not even to his best buddy or even his mom, it was that important.

Afterwards, he went back to training, taking short breaks in between. At night, he continued in the Beast Plane.