Time's Up. A Battle That Will Start His Legacy 1.

It had been a month since Ethan awakened. A lot of things had happened through this short period. He trained his Telekinesis, accumulated willpower, achieved enlightenment in his innate cultivation technique further boosting his progress in cultivation and created his martial arts, Darvohin, a martial arts technique covering all martial art basics, parkour and many more; a suitable element for his Weapons' Constitution body. That was the kind of martial arts he created with its core being a blend of all martial art basics to form a core basics which should aid him in learning other martial arts with or without weapons and go hand in hand with his constitution.

His battle was the next day where he would also have to read an apology letter to Clara for accidentally kissing her.

It was currently morning and Ethan was going in about his workouts. There had been some additions but it was all good if he got stronger. He was currently running up and down a small hill with a large rock, the size of a bus tire weighing 100kg as he checked his progress bar.


Daily Quests:

1. Run 100km [Done]

2. Do a 100 Push Ups [Done]

3. Do a 100 Sit Ups [Done]

4. Do a 100 Squats [Done]

5. Run Up And Down A Slope 10 Times While Carrying An Item Weighing 100kg. [5/10]

6. Stay Focused! [0%]


After 20 minutes, he was done and he checked his stats.


Name: Ethan Smith Junior

Race: Mixed Human

Rank: Novice (Peak)

Strength: 38.0

Speed: 35.0

Stamina: 35.0

Perception: 30.0

Willpower: 79

Affinity Energy: 90

Level: 9 [89/90]

Stat Points: 20

Current Form: [Mixed Human]


He was now at the peak of the Novice Rank which was really fast considering how the best in his class was at the mid level and they were none other than Trevor, Clara, Emily and some three other rich kids. They were really talented as compared to him but what. They had wealth and resources while he had a system which wouldn't run out of ways to kill him with the excuse of building willpower and making him the strongest. They had all these at their disposal and he had a stingy system but he was now at the peak. Prior to his duel, people have started mocking him because of his low level. They base their observations on how small Angitia is and how Ethan always appear exhausted like he had fought packs of beasts which he truly had in the Beast Plane, with one such battle nearly costing his life. If they really knew the true form of Angitia, they would've shut the fuck up but he had to keep a low profile and shock them at the last moment which was tomorrow. He wasn't he could win as his chance of winning according to the system was 10% to 100%, very low.

He had his last exam today, a practical one, where they would fight a pack of beasts in a simulation. They weren't supposed to kill all the beasts, just show their prowess for the AI to access them. Ethan picked himself up from the ground with Angitia at her usual place and sprinted home to prepare for school.


Ethan lay down in the pod and closed his eyes only to find himself in a vast green meadow with a small river on its left and a forest on its right. He was in the simulated world waiting for the countdown to start. After a few seconds, the countdown started announcing the start of the examination. They were supposed to survive an attack against a 100 beast pack with a Silver Rank leader for an hour. Not long after, he heard screeches from above. Looking up, he saw huge birds circling above him with a bigger one in the middle. They had black feathers with brown beaks. Their talons were bronze colored with the huge one having silver talons.

Ethan recognized them in an instant. Galeclaw Sparrows, Wind affinity beasts with very aggressive personalities. They were a pain in the ass to deal with. Looking around, he spotted a few small rocks around. He then made a gesture with his hand to raise them up and and shot them, covered in a blue light at the beasts. His attack worked, killing three at once.

"Hmm? They are too weak as compared to the ones in the Beast Plane. They are too easy to kill and with my reputation, it would cause suspicions. Let's just finish with a pass. There's no harm in that."

Ethan summoned Angitia and forwarded his plans to her. Ethan's attack had riled up the beasts and they attacked him with wind infused attacks of various kinds. He dodged some, got hurt by some, killed 5 more and went into hiding in the forest for a bit. The only existences in the world were him, Angitia and the Galeclaw Sparrows.

With that strategy, the exam ended with him killing 15 beasts at the cost of all his power or so they thought. He passed with a pass and was given a permit to go and prepare for his duel which he gladly accepted.


"Look. Isn't it Weakly Ethan?"

"Oh hi there Tyrant of Simps. How was your day?"

"You! You dare act arrogant in front of me? Kneel down and lick my boots and maybe I will go easy on you..."

"Meh. Your boots are not worth my tongue. You will even have to pay to see my tongue. Besides, I'm not a SIMP."


"What! Angry already? Picking on someone because of a girl and finding a stupid excuse to back it makes you feel good? You are just a low level coward, a tyrannical Simp."


"I don't have time for chit-chats. Good luck tomorrow and good riddance. Give me a good fight..."

Ethan scoffed as he walked away, leaving a dumbfounded Leon and the audiences staring at him.

He had better things to do and couldn't waste time on useless arguments with a spoilt brat. He went to the cafeteria to eat and went home with Trevor. He planned to breakthrough his mänə accumulation to 100 and probably get an 80-85 measure for willpower before the following day.

He had to prepare for the battle that would determine everything according to the system.

With that, Ethan got to work, cultivating. He was really preparing for a battle not just a duel.

A battle that will start his legacy.