Time's Up. A Battle That Will Start His Legacy 2.

"Welcome to Anbord Mage Academy, ladies and gentlemen, students from all year groups! Today is a big day. A day where we experience a once in a while duel between a reigning Tyrant and a mere student. Today's duel is between the high ranking Tyrant of Ice, Leon Richards and the newly awakened Telekinesis user, Ethan Smith Junior. There's also an event in relation to this where Ethan Smith will read an apology letter to Clara for kissing her. Anticipate! The duel will start in 30 minutes time. Now let's welcome the great principal of this noble institution, Principal Carmen!" The commentator, a fat boy with silky black hair and chocolate skin, announced with vigor.

A tall woman in an all black dress with a black veil covering her face, stepped up the podium while blatantly releasing a bit of her aura which instantly caused everyone to shut up.

"Good day to everyone present here. You are welcome once again to this duel which will start in a few minutes. Ethan will also read an apology in front of the whole academy to Clara and to make everything interesting, if Ethan wins or puts up a good fight, he will be given a Tyrant title. Let's all learn from this duel and I wish the duelists, good luck. Give us a good show." Miss Carmen in her veil said her speech and walked to her seat, the high seat. She was smiling mischievously behind the veil as she recalled what she had done. Ethan will read the apology before the duel and he will be in a for huge surprise. Even though the surprise will not be in his favor, it was still necessary.


Ethan sat on his chair quietly, trying to keep himself from shaking. The duel wasn't being watched by just the academy but others. Even though it wasn't all of Anbord, just thinking of other people apart from students of Anbord watching it was too unnerving for him. With his current power and skills, he should have been a little braver but the damn system once again sentenced him to death. His Aura Control skills and half of his martial arts, Darvohin were sealed not forgetting his sealed path. He also couldn't use his weapon nor its arts leaving him with Telekinesis and a half-sealed martial art while his opponent had martial arts, a level higher than his and most likely a path. Now his chances of winning were downward low with no salvation or redemption. Very soon, time was up for him to go and apologize for an accident. Even if he felt everything wasn't right, he had no choice but to go with the flow.


"Can't wait to beat up that peasant. I will crush him once and for all and show him his place. A frog can never eat a swan. He's more than dead. Hahahahahahaha!!!"


"Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome Ethan Smith Junior who will read his apology before the duel commences."

Ethan walked towards the podium amidst ridiculing and disdainful gazes, even the commentator didn't spare him. He wore casual clothes which earned him mocking and pitying gazes from the audience.

"He thinks he can beat Leon. Tch!"

"Let him be arrogant for a bit. It will all come crushing down."

"Even though he's got looks, he's too stupid."

"What a pity!"

People mocked him blatantly causing the principal to step in.

"Good day students and authorities of Anbord Mage Academy. I am here to account for my unwarranted actions against Miss Clara Verna. This is my apology to her:

In realms where words oft falter, I seek to mend,

With verses spun, a bridge to mend.

Apologies whispered in echoes of rhyme,

A solace sought, in this fleeting time.

For words unspoken, hearts astray,

I offer this ode, a humble display.

In twilight's grace, let's reconcile,

With gentle whispers, let love compile.

Within these lines, a subtle plea,

A bridge of hope, for you and me.

So take my hand, in quiet resolve,

And let our story, anew, evolve.

I am really sorry and I hope you forgive me even if I should lose this duel. Please forgive me." Ethan turned around after saying this and walked towards the stage at the center. They were currently in an arena, the size of a stadium.

There was utter silence after he read his apology which surprised him a bit but he didn't think much about it. But the same couldn't be said for the students.

"Did he just propose through an apology?"

"He really got guts to do that."

"Hah... I judged him wrong. He's a man."

Leon was seething with anger after Ethan read the apology. He really got the guts to propose to her in front of the whole academy! Leon instantly swore to disable him as he angrily rushed to the stage.


Two guys stood on a black huge stage facing each other. One had a calm face with a slightly shaking body while the other was red with anger. They were Ethan and Leon, the latter.

"These are the rules. Fight till one passes out. You can use everything at your disposal apart from weapons and dangerous accessories which can kill. You are not supposed to kill your opponent.

May the strongest win!" The commentator, Algrid said in a solemn voice.

Leon sneered at this as he touched a button at the back of his neck. Instantly, blue streaks of light covered him forming an armor like suit with gold glowing designs in it. A transparent blue glass appeared over his head like a helmet. That was obviously his energy suit. The reason for his sneering being that Ethan didn't have one.

Ethan also copied his movements, confusing him and the audience. Even Miss Carmen and his friends were confused. Soon, a red light covered him forming a reddish black suit with gold and silver glowing designs in it. A black glass also covered his head like a helmet. The arena turned still at this. That was an energy suit! An energy suit which wouldn't lose to Leon's, most likely.

"You! Where did you get it?!" Leon asked in shock and anger.

"Why should I tell you, simp?"

"I bet you mom spent her inheritance to buy it for you." Leon mocked.

"Are we fighting with fists or words? Are you on your period?" Ethan retorted.


"If you are on your period, we can stop this. I have better things to do, you know."

"Humph! You will beg me later to spare your pitiful life. Just wait."

"Are you sure you are okay?"


Before Leon could retort, Algrid commenced the duel. Both fighters got into a fighting stance while accessing each other for openings to make the first attack.

The audience were once again silenced by this display of experience. For Leon, it was understandable as he had been an awakened for a long time but Ethan? No! Hell no! Those experienced in battles could see that Ethan was nearly devoid of openings, not as perfect as Leon but his flaws were so little that it was hard to notice. Plus, his stance was really strange. He stood there with a hunched back and legs spread a bit apart like was getting ready to pounce, it was almost beast like. The accessing went on for quite sometime before the duo vanished from their positions and reappeared at the center with a resounding boom, initiating their first clash.